You are the creator of your own life experience. As the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, nor by virtue of your doing, it is not even by virtue of what you are saying that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thoughts that you are offering.
Children and babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words. You can not speak or offer action without thought vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought vibration without offering words or actions. Every thought that you think has its own vibrational frequency. Each thought that you offer, whether it has come to you out of your memory, whether it is an influence from another, or whether it is a thought that has become the combination of something you have been thinking and something that another has been thinking - every thought that you are pondering in your now is vibrating at a very personal frequency...and by the powerful law of attraction (the essence of which is like unto itself, is drawn), that thought is now attracting another thought that is the exact, vibrational match. And now, those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency that is higher that the thought that came before; and they will now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another and another and another, until eventually the thoughts will be powerful enough to attract a "real life" situation or manifestation.
All people, circumstances, events and situations are attracted to you by the thoughts that you are thinking. Once you understand that you are literally thinking or vibrating things into being, you may discover a new resolve within you to more deliberately direct your own thoughts. What is extremely significant is that you understand that the larger you does, and will eternally, exist and plays a very big part in the experiences that you are living here on planet Earth.
Every thought, word or deed that you offer is played against the backdrop of that broader perspective. Indeed the reason that in any moment of clearly knowing what you do not want, you emphatically then realize what it is that you do want is because that larger part of you is giving its undivided attention to what you want. As you make a conscious effort to guide your thoughts, day by day, more in the direction of what you do want, you will begin to feel better and better because the vibration that is activated by your thought will be a closer match to the vibration of the larger, non-physical part of you.
Your desire to think thoughts that feel good will guide you into alignment with the BROADER Penis EnlargementRSPenis EnlargementCTIVE of your inner being. In fact, it is not possible for you to really feel good in any moment unless the thoughts you are thinking right now are a vibrational match to the thoughts of your inner being. For example, your inner being focuses upon your value. When you identify some flaw in yourself, the negative emotion you feel is about that vibrational discord or resistance. You inner being chooses to focus only upon things about which it can feel love, when you are focusing upon some aspect of someone or something that you dislike, you have focused yourself out of vibrational alignment with your inner being. You inner being focuses only upon your success when you choose to see something you are doing as failure, you are out of alignment with the perspective of your inner being. To see your world through the eyes of source is truly the most spectacular view of life!
So there you sit saying "OK Mike, all I need to do is pretend like I have an 8" penis and it will happen" or "being happy about something I don't have will never give me what I want" but I am here to say, yes, if you are able to see this as being in the now, pretend as if it is here now, and feel the feelings as if you had it now, the desire has no choice but to manifest itself in your reality.
People who become interested in the art of manifestation may have tried techniques on creating but find they still do not have what they want. In every case the reason why the desire does not manifest itself is because you are not on the proper vibrational frequency to make this happen. You may say that you did ask for a larger penis and you did try to imagine it as being true but it did not work. The reason why you do not have this desire is because your doubts and negative emotions still lay at the heart of the desire you ask for.
This art has been practiced since the beginning of time and wether you know how it works or if it works makes no difference, it is working in your world. There are many videos and advertisements about a book called "The Secret" and I think this book has much merit but the problem with the Secret is they do not give instructions on the most important part of manifestation, ALLOWING. The universe is just waiting to give you what it is you desire but if you are not on the vibrational frequency of what it is you desire it can not come to you. The process in simplicity can be summed up in three sentences but understanding these steps is crucial in the manifestation process.
1. Ask for what you want:
This can be seen as ordering something online. Lets say you want a new car. You go online, your order the car, you pay for the car and the dealer says it will take a few days before this will be delivered. Now, after you order the car you do not go back an order it again. You ordered it and you KNOW it is on the way. When you ask for something you desire you only need to ask once and KNOW that it is coming. Be very specific because what you ask for WILL COME.
2. Feel Good About it NOW:
This step is where many adults become lost. It is easy to understand when we use the car as an example. After you ordered this car you will immediately start feeling good about it. You will plan a spot in the driveway. You will visualize it, where you will go, the people who will see the car and their reactions, the pride you will feel driving it, the color, the interior, the very essence of having it now. This vibrational frequency matches the desire you ordered and since the Law of Attraction is perfect in every way the car comes to you. This scenario may seem a million miles from your desire but the same rules apply in every case...NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. Allowing
Let it go into the universe and trust that your prayers are being answered. Successfully completing steps one and two make this step automatic. This step requires an ultimate trust that what you asked for, what you have felt for is a perfect match to what you are receiving. WHen this process it perfected you will receive everything and anything your mind can create.
People feel as though they need to do work or somehow MAKE it happen. They may hear the words their family gave them like "If you want it, you have to work for it". If you are on this frequency you are on the wrong channel. You do not need to concern yourselves with the how's and why's of this process, you only need to follow the steps above. Sometimes action is required but this will not feel like work, it will be an inspired intuition. I am not saying that you stop doing all the actions of your life but I am asking for you to act a little less and let the universe help you a little more. This may seem strange to many people as they are so used to acting everything into existence but I promise you, once this is mastered action will become less and less and gifts, desires, wants and fantasies will become more and more.
I have made some of the best gains in Penis Enlargement through this process. In the beginning I knew what I wanted and I asked for what I wanted. AFter I did this I then started to feel it as if I had it. I pictured the size, the length the girth. I believed I had it LONG BEFORE IT ARRIVED. My actions were inspired and intuitive. My gains came with ease and by the Law of Attraction other things came my way that were on the exact frequency of my inner self. I created exercise after exercise. I gained swiftly and miraculously. I created the worlds largest Penis Enlargement sites, every possible frequency that matched my frequency came with ease AS I EXPenis EnlargementCTED IT.
The second step of the process, FEELING GOOD ABOUT IT NOW is where many adults get lost. It is easy for a child to reach this state, they do all the time. I remember one experience, when I was a child, where I can explain how step 2 works so easily for a child. It was an early spring day and my friend and I were talking about how it would be so cool to have a car that would take us all over the universe. We had a large cardboard box and we spent hours cutting holes in the box and coloring it and drawing wings on it and rocket launchers and every other fantasy a child could imagine. After we finished we jumped inside on that day we went to Egypt and visited the pyramids, we went to the ocean and explored all the plants and fish that lurked at the bottom of the ocean, we traveled to galaxies that no space ship has ever traveled, we went everywhere and did everything we wanted right from the confines of that special box. After we arrived back in his yard I went home and told my family of the adventures I experienced and I really believed I did this. The feelings I felt were no different than those I would have felt doing it for real...a child can experience reality through their imagination and the mind knows no difference. We were happy as if it truly happened.
This state of mind it the state of mind you NEED to experience to become in frequency with that of which you want. Create it, draw it, paint it, be it and it will be.
Here is a meditation that will help you complete the most important part of the process with ease. I do this for 15 minutes every evening and it feels so good that sometimes and hour will pass and it feels like minutes. Bring your mind into the realm of childhood. Forget your age, your problems, your bills, your relationships, anything that does not feel good, put it out of your mind. I want to give credit to Abraham-Hicks for this meditation and all of the help they have given to so many on the search for manifestation. This meditation practice is set up in stages and it can be a short as 68 seconds or as long as you choose.
When you find a happy thought and you hold that thought purely for as little as 17 seconds. Pure is a big thing here, this means a thought that is not contradicted by an opposite thought. When you find a thought of something wanted and you hold that thought purely by imagining it, pretending it, remembering something like it, when you hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought of the same vibrational frequency, by Law of Attraction joins it. When those 2 thoughts come together there is an explosion of energy. In order to give you an idea of the power of thought, when that first 17 seconds joins with this new thought there is any energy expansion of 2000 action hours. This means if the action required to accomplish your desire takes 100000 action hours, 2000 hours are eliminated from the process. When you cross the next 17 seconds mark the expression of energy is 10 times that it was. 20,000 action hours just by walking over that mark. When you hold it for the next sequence of 17 seconds another 10x is added to this expression. Each time you cross this 17 seconds mark it continues to expand and expand. EVery 17 seconds these thoughts are help with no contradiction this intension becomes more and more powerful. 68 seconds of pure thought has massive action implications. This is being connected to source energy and this is what will make step 2 a snap.
Children and babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words. You can not speak or offer action without thought vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought vibration without offering words or actions. Every thought that you think has its own vibrational frequency. Each thought that you offer, whether it has come to you out of your memory, whether it is an influence from another, or whether it is a thought that has become the combination of something you have been thinking and something that another has been thinking - every thought that you are pondering in your now is vibrating at a very personal frequency...and by the powerful law of attraction (the essence of which is like unto itself, is drawn), that thought is now attracting another thought that is the exact, vibrational match. And now, those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency that is higher that the thought that came before; and they will now, by the Law of Attraction, attract another and another and another, until eventually the thoughts will be powerful enough to attract a "real life" situation or manifestation.
All people, circumstances, events and situations are attracted to you by the thoughts that you are thinking. Once you understand that you are literally thinking or vibrating things into being, you may discover a new resolve within you to more deliberately direct your own thoughts. What is extremely significant is that you understand that the larger you does, and will eternally, exist and plays a very big part in the experiences that you are living here on planet Earth.
Every thought, word or deed that you offer is played against the backdrop of that broader perspective. Indeed the reason that in any moment of clearly knowing what you do not want, you emphatically then realize what it is that you do want is because that larger part of you is giving its undivided attention to what you want. As you make a conscious effort to guide your thoughts, day by day, more in the direction of what you do want, you will begin to feel better and better because the vibration that is activated by your thought will be a closer match to the vibration of the larger, non-physical part of you.
Your desire to think thoughts that feel good will guide you into alignment with the BROADER Penis EnlargementRSPenis EnlargementCTIVE of your inner being. In fact, it is not possible for you to really feel good in any moment unless the thoughts you are thinking right now are a vibrational match to the thoughts of your inner being. For example, your inner being focuses upon your value. When you identify some flaw in yourself, the negative emotion you feel is about that vibrational discord or resistance. You inner being chooses to focus only upon things about which it can feel love, when you are focusing upon some aspect of someone or something that you dislike, you have focused yourself out of vibrational alignment with your inner being. You inner being focuses only upon your success when you choose to see something you are doing as failure, you are out of alignment with the perspective of your inner being. To see your world through the eyes of source is truly the most spectacular view of life!
So there you sit saying "OK Mike, all I need to do is pretend like I have an 8" penis and it will happen" or "being happy about something I don't have will never give me what I want" but I am here to say, yes, if you are able to see this as being in the now, pretend as if it is here now, and feel the feelings as if you had it now, the desire has no choice but to manifest itself in your reality.
People who become interested in the art of manifestation may have tried techniques on creating but find they still do not have what they want. In every case the reason why the desire does not manifest itself is because you are not on the proper vibrational frequency to make this happen. You may say that you did ask for a larger penis and you did try to imagine it as being true but it did not work. The reason why you do not have this desire is because your doubts and negative emotions still lay at the heart of the desire you ask for.
This art has been practiced since the beginning of time and wether you know how it works or if it works makes no difference, it is working in your world. There are many videos and advertisements about a book called "The Secret" and I think this book has much merit but the problem with the Secret is they do not give instructions on the most important part of manifestation, ALLOWING. The universe is just waiting to give you what it is you desire but if you are not on the vibrational frequency of what it is you desire it can not come to you. The process in simplicity can be summed up in three sentences but understanding these steps is crucial in the manifestation process.
1. Ask for what you want:
This can be seen as ordering something online. Lets say you want a new car. You go online, your order the car, you pay for the car and the dealer says it will take a few days before this will be delivered. Now, after you order the car you do not go back an order it again. You ordered it and you KNOW it is on the way. When you ask for something you desire you only need to ask once and KNOW that it is coming. Be very specific because what you ask for WILL COME.
2. Feel Good About it NOW:
This step is where many adults become lost. It is easy to understand when we use the car as an example. After you ordered this car you will immediately start feeling good about it. You will plan a spot in the driveway. You will visualize it, where you will go, the people who will see the car and their reactions, the pride you will feel driving it, the color, the interior, the very essence of having it now. This vibrational frequency matches the desire you ordered and since the Law of Attraction is perfect in every way the car comes to you. This scenario may seem a million miles from your desire but the same rules apply in every case...NO EXCEPTIONS.
3. Allowing
Let it go into the universe and trust that your prayers are being answered. Successfully completing steps one and two make this step automatic. This step requires an ultimate trust that what you asked for, what you have felt for is a perfect match to what you are receiving. WHen this process it perfected you will receive everything and anything your mind can create.
People feel as though they need to do work or somehow MAKE it happen. They may hear the words their family gave them like "If you want it, you have to work for it". If you are on this frequency you are on the wrong channel. You do not need to concern yourselves with the how's and why's of this process, you only need to follow the steps above. Sometimes action is required but this will not feel like work, it will be an inspired intuition. I am not saying that you stop doing all the actions of your life but I am asking for you to act a little less and let the universe help you a little more. This may seem strange to many people as they are so used to acting everything into existence but I promise you, once this is mastered action will become less and less and gifts, desires, wants and fantasies will become more and more.
I have made some of the best gains in Penis Enlargement through this process. In the beginning I knew what I wanted and I asked for what I wanted. AFter I did this I then started to feel it as if I had it. I pictured the size, the length the girth. I believed I had it LONG BEFORE IT ARRIVED. My actions were inspired and intuitive. My gains came with ease and by the Law of Attraction other things came my way that were on the exact frequency of my inner self. I created exercise after exercise. I gained swiftly and miraculously. I created the worlds largest Penis Enlargement sites, every possible frequency that matched my frequency came with ease AS I EXPenis EnlargementCTED IT.
The second step of the process, FEELING GOOD ABOUT IT NOW is where many adults get lost. It is easy for a child to reach this state, they do all the time. I remember one experience, when I was a child, where I can explain how step 2 works so easily for a child. It was an early spring day and my friend and I were talking about how it would be so cool to have a car that would take us all over the universe. We had a large cardboard box and we spent hours cutting holes in the box and coloring it and drawing wings on it and rocket launchers and every other fantasy a child could imagine. After we finished we jumped inside on that day we went to Egypt and visited the pyramids, we went to the ocean and explored all the plants and fish that lurked at the bottom of the ocean, we traveled to galaxies that no space ship has ever traveled, we went everywhere and did everything we wanted right from the confines of that special box. After we arrived back in his yard I went home and told my family of the adventures I experienced and I really believed I did this. The feelings I felt were no different than those I would have felt doing it for real...a child can experience reality through their imagination and the mind knows no difference. We were happy as if it truly happened.
This state of mind it the state of mind you NEED to experience to become in frequency with that of which you want. Create it, draw it, paint it, be it and it will be.
Here is a meditation that will help you complete the most important part of the process with ease. I do this for 15 minutes every evening and it feels so good that sometimes and hour will pass and it feels like minutes. Bring your mind into the realm of childhood. Forget your age, your problems, your bills, your relationships, anything that does not feel good, put it out of your mind. I want to give credit to Abraham-Hicks for this meditation and all of the help they have given to so many on the search for manifestation. This meditation practice is set up in stages and it can be a short as 68 seconds or as long as you choose.
When you find a happy thought and you hold that thought purely for as little as 17 seconds. Pure is a big thing here, this means a thought that is not contradicted by an opposite thought. When you find a thought of something wanted and you hold that thought purely by imagining it, pretending it, remembering something like it, when you hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought of the same vibrational frequency, by Law of Attraction joins it. When those 2 thoughts come together there is an explosion of energy. In order to give you an idea of the power of thought, when that first 17 seconds joins with this new thought there is any energy expansion of 2000 action hours. This means if the action required to accomplish your desire takes 100000 action hours, 2000 hours are eliminated from the process. When you cross the next 17 seconds mark the expression of energy is 10 times that it was. 20,000 action hours just by walking over that mark. When you hold it for the next sequence of 17 seconds another 10x is added to this expression. Each time you cross this 17 seconds mark it continues to expand and expand. EVery 17 seconds these thoughts are help with no contradiction this intension becomes more and more powerful. 68 seconds of pure thought has massive action implications. This is being connected to source energy and this is what will make step 2 a snap.