I have a Bib hardcore, I tried to hang many years ago with the Bib w/ padding, but found it difficult uncircumcised - I got an adult circumcision many years ago. I have been mainly using the water pump the past couple of years. I have been hanging BTC for 2 months, the first month went well and I had gained - actually the first month I would mix up the sets straight down, BTC each time. The 2nd month, I started going to the gym, I don't know if a stronger core means more pull from inside the body and less capable of handling heavier weight??

Anyways, at some point in month 2, I hit 35lbs. Did it well for a bit, but ever since I took a 2-day break, I have been unable to handle it. Not only that, but each time I hang, especially within the same day, I cannot handle lower and lower weight - I am all the way down to 22.5lbs after dropping it 2.5lbs each time I felt I couldn't handle the load. I also cannot do more than 2 sets per day anymore. Every time I hang, I go as tight as I physically can tighten the hanger, then during the session, I will lift up the weights/hanger and tighten further as it starts to provide more space to tighten (otherwise I feel pain from slippage). But it still feels like a pain on the glans from slippage of the entire hanger/wrap. Otherwise it's a burning of the skin (as I've moved it closer to the base to try to avoid pain in the glans). I checked my measurements after this month and everything has stalled because of the lower sets and lower weights. Also, every 1 day or 2 day break I take, when I get back to it, I cannot handle as much weight as before.

When I first started out, I could attach close to the glans, no problem. Now I can't do it at all. I move it closer to the base, but it's like I can't handle it, then have to move further down closer to the base each time. The entire set, I'm just waiting for the clock to hit 0, having to pull up the hanger to relieve myself from the pressure in the head for just a second, or swapping weights to lower and lower amounts because I can't do a certain amount any longer. Wrap-wise, I use a layer of theraband, then [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace bandage[/words] on top.
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What weight did you start out at? You said you were using 35 pounds your second month? If that is true you were using way too much weight too soon. Start light and work your way up slowly. Slow it down or you can hurt yourself!
If pain suddenly appears at a weight you have comfortably hung at before the reason is usually in the way you are wrapping. Be sure to wrap evenly and without wrinkles, any uneven spots can act as a point of pain once weight is applied. Once I mastered wrapping I was able to handle very heavy weight.
Ok I've switched to a t-shirt underwrap with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Ace[/words], then the Theraband on top (don't know if the Theraband is necessary Edit: it isn't). The cloth is much smoother, less hurtful to the skin. I also now use vaseline for skin pinching as well. Think the big thing is that my head remains deflated now - I was pushing blood out before as done in the video, but I didn't even know until reading some more that it's supposed to remain soft. Also, I situate the penis closer to the top tightening bolt. It's more comfortable now - I think the biggest thing is that I was using too thick a wrap (it was mostly all [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ACE[/words]) and maybe the theraband on the skin wasn't a good way to do it. I do, however, get an odd tingling sensation in the skin the second I take the hanger off (relieve the sandwich)...is this normal? I've never felt that before.
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Use caution adding weight so fast. I made that mistake a few years ago and could only get a 50% erection for a couple of months. I was really worried that I had done permanent damage to my penis. Thankfully with the help of a sex aid pill and light jelqing I finally achieved full erections again. There is no need to rush when adding weight.
bukkake;582533 said:
Ok I've switched to a t-shirt underwrap with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]Ace[/words], then the Theraband on top (don't know if the Theraband is necessary Edit: it isn't). The cloth is much smoother, less hurtful to the skin. I also now use vaseline for skin pinching as well. Think the big thing is that my head remains deflated now - I was pushing blood out before as done in the video, but I didn't even know until reading some more that it's supposed to remain soft. Also, I situate the penis closer to the top tightening bolt. It's more comfortable now - I think the biggest thing is that I was using too thick a wrap (it was mostly all [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ACE[/words]) and maybe the theraband on the skin wasn't a good way to do it. I do, however, get an odd tingling sensation in the skin the second I take the hanger off (relieve the sandwich)...is this normal? I've never felt that before.

Very normal with a thicker wrap and the thicker wrap will now relieve most of the pain you were feeling.
Odd thing. I spread my sessions out over the day, 3 sessions per day - usually 2-3 hours between. My first set is where I hang the most weight. The 2nd, I cannot handle as much. Normally, the 3rd is similar to the 2nd...maybe lower. Lately, I've been ejaculating between the 2nd and 3rd set, and when I do the 3rd set, it is as if everything is reset: I can hang as much weight or more than the 1st session.

Now, I wonder if this is negative (that ejaculating erased all progress in the first 2 sets and it is acting as if I only did 1 set for the day) or positive (now I can hang the heaviest again and if i did this a few times each day, I could get all 3 sets at heavier weights, which would be beneficial for growth).
DLD, I sent you a PM about frenulum pinching/pain. I just waited a week+ and hung again for the 1st time thinking it was fine and the pain in the frenulum area is back immediately again. I can't hang for much after 1 set and there's a constant urge to want to pee even if it's just a little urine. There's no blood in the urine or anywhere else. When I hang with the Bib, it's inevitable that all the pressure will fall on the bottom of the penis, thereby pinching down the frenulum area.
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bukkake;594598 said:
DLD, I sent you a PM about frenulum pinching/pain. I just waited a week+ and hung again for the 1st time thinking it was fine and the pain in the frenulum area is back immediately again. I can't hang for much after 1 set and there's a constant urge to want to pee even if it's just a little urine. There's no blood in the urine or anywhere else. When I hang with the Bib, it's inevitable that all the pressure will fall on the bottom of the penis, thereby pinching down the frenulum area.

Have you tried attaching as a lower point, avoiding the frenulum? Also, frenulum stretching can be done to relieve some of this pain and pressure. If all else fails you could switch into manual, fulcrum and assisted stretches to accomplish length gains.
bukkake;594822 said:
Lower point as in closer to the head or further down the shaft? What is frenulum stretching?

Further down the shaft, away from the point you attach now so it clears the frenulum. Frenulum stretching would be simply using your thumb and forefinger to stretch the skin at the frenulum. Be gentle and consistent, skin does stretch quickly so do frequent experimentation with hanging to see if you have stretched enough.