Looking for some real testimonies on the effects of cialis/viagra. Please give before and after noticeable effects.
Was the effect sustainable every time you took the product?
Was the erection harder/longer in your opinion while the product was working?
How long were you able to easily get and maintain an erection verses before product started working?
Was it easier to maintain a completly hard erection for an extended period of time? How long?
Did you notice a difference in sensitivity of penis or lack thereof while having sex?
Did the product affect how long you were able to prevent your ejaculation?
I'm considering purchasing one of the products due to trouble with maintaining a "full up" erection.
Not Skeptical anymore
Feb 05 BPenis EnlargementL 6 Girth 4.5
Oct 05 BPenis EnlargementL 7.75 Girth 5.75
Was the effect sustainable every time you took the product?
Was the erection harder/longer in your opinion while the product was working?
How long were you able to easily get and maintain an erection verses before product started working?
Was it easier to maintain a completly hard erection for an extended period of time? How long?
Did you notice a difference in sensitivity of penis or lack thereof while having sex?
Did the product affect how long you were able to prevent your ejaculation?
I'm considering purchasing one of the products due to trouble with maintaining a "full up" erection.
Not Skeptical anymore
Feb 05 BPenis EnlargementL 6 Girth 4.5
Oct 05 BPenis EnlargementL 7.75 Girth 5.75