Ok let's have a bit of a discussion here, Do you think the chances are higher of a girl to encounter a 4 inch dick or an 8 inch dick.. People say that 8 inch natrually isn't very common but I think girls have more chance to encounter the 8 inch

what do you guys think
The statistical distributions obtained from studies are all slightly skewed to the left. Consequently, your assumption is correct.
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If the real average is 5.5, then I'd say 4 inches is just as common as 7. So I'd think if you flipped the coin 100 times, you'd get more 4 inchers than 8 inchers.
The question skews itself by the way it's formed.

There just might be more 4 inchers than (real) 8 inchers in existence, worldwide.

But there's at least two other factors...

The 8 inchers are going to tend to have sex with way more girls, ... so they'll have a statistical over-representation in the sample,


There are probably tons of guys 6.5 or so that have convinced some female that it was an 8.

So while there are maybe/probably more people with a 4 than an 8 (imo) , -- the girl will nonetheless be more likely to run into an 8 ... or what the guy has asserted as being an 8.

One thing's for d*mn sure, .... there aren't any 5 inch guys out there going, "Nah Baby ... that's totally a 4!"

Asanon said:
The question skews itself by the way it's formed.

There just might be more 4 inchers than (real) 8 inchers in existence, worldwide.

But there's at least two other factors...

The 8 inchers are going to tend to have sex with way more girls, ... so they'll have a statistical over-representation in the sample,


There are probably tons of guys 6.5 or so that have convinced some female that it was an 8.

So while there are maybe/probably more people with a 4 than an 8 (imo) , -- the girl will nonetheless be more likely to run into an 8 ... or what the guy has asserted as being an 8.

One thing's for d*mn sure, .... there aren't any 5 inch guys out there going, "Nah Baby ... that's totally a 4!"


Why would an 8" guy sleep with more girls? I'm sure there are many tiny men out there who have slept with more women than I can even think about!

Honestly I don't get the logic that somehow 8" guys are going get more pussy. There is no way that can even come close to being a scientific or sociological explanation.
10inch - it goes under the assumption that a guy with 8 inches would feel happy with his size and more confident. we all know girls love confidence!! but also if a guy is small and knows it e.g. bad past experience etc then he may well be hesitant before putting his trust into another person again...
yeah that is true, at parties obvously the 8 inch guy will have no problem sleeping with any slut there. while the 4 inch guy will have serious doubts and might fear humiliation so he would resist the urge to do anything

I still think a 4 inch dick is rare though. You don't see very many..
EVO said:
10inch - it goes under the assumption that a guy with 8 inches would feel happy with his size and more confident. we all know girls love confidence!! but also if a guy is small and knows it e.g. bad past experience etc then he may well be hesitant before putting his trust into another person again...

Humans are insecure about many things, penis size is just one. There are so many other variables to consider that this assumption holds little weight. What if the guy is fat, stupid, poor, can't dance, doesn't have the time, is gay, etc? So many other variables mean that the effect of "confidence" from isolating the penis trait is going to hold very little weight to the overall equation.
MissionPossible said:
yeah that is true, at parties obvously the 8 inch guy will have no problem sleeping with any slut there. while the 4 inch guy will have serious doubts and might fear humiliation so he would resist the urge to do anything

I still think a 4 inch dick is rare though. You don't see very many..

Well there is Gashking who has had tremendous success gone from 4 EL to 7 EL

I think 4 is more common then we may believe, because like it has been said, what guy is actually going to have the guts to admit that he is quite small when he can say he is 5 inches without too much work (and less embarassment).

I don't think 'big guys' get more action then 'average guys' (on average) because as said most girls are not as focused on the penis size of a guy, rather the confidence, and attractiveness he has.
I think you should just Penis Enlargement your way towards what you think is the perfect size, and then not even think about what a girl may have encountered. One of the secrets towards good relationships with a large number of women is that both of you agree to NEVER discuss your past: when the two of you are together, it's only about the two of you.
spinner2 said:
I think you should just Penis Enlargement your way towards what you think is the perfect size, and then not even think about what a girl may have encountered. One of the secrets towards good relationships with a large number of women is that both of you agree to NEVER discuss your past: when the two of you are together, it's only about the two of you.

That's the best advice you can give someone in a relationship, really.
To answer this question, one must only do one very simple thing: consult already performed studies and the histograms produced by their statistical evaluations. For example, with the Kinsey study, the histogram produced by the data is skewed to the left (this is a statistical term meaning that the tail end of the histogram extends more to the left while more values are bunched up on the right side of the normal distribution). What does this mean? It means that, on the human distribution of penis size, larger values are commoner than smaller values. It means that, an 8 inch size is more likely to be found, let say, if you just started pulling the pants down on erect men, than a 4 inch size. This is true absolutly insofar as the performed studies are valid.
The chances of seeing a 4 incher are WAY higher

cause most guys "big" guys still may only have a 4 incher limp lol :P and the girl might see that sucker limp ;)
jqsderrida said:
To answer this question, one must only do one very simple thing: consult already performed studies and the histograms produced by their statistical evaluations. For example, with the Kinsey study, the histogram produced by the data is skewed to the left (this is a statistical term meaning that the tail end of the histogram extends more to the left while more values are bunched up on the right side of the normal distribution). What does this mean? It means that, on the human distribution of penis size, larger values are commoner than smaller values. It means that, an 8 inch size is more likely to be found, let say, if you just started pulling the pants down on erect men, than a 4 inch size. This is true absolutly insofar as the performed studies are valid.

You are correct. However, the Kinsey, and other self-based studies, have been called into question based on their merit.
Yeah, I don't generally consider the Kinsey data to be very representative or accurate, although I think some statisticians have gone back and attempted to correct the data, but even that would involve some speculation. This has been discussed at length before, so I'll just put my conclusion out there.

Think of it like this - a true 8" NBP dick is probably somewhere in the realm of 1/100 guys - maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less, but remember, this is a size that not even a lot of adult entertainment stars have.

Now, the average woman sleeps with something around 7-8 guys in her lifetime - not as many as we all thought eh? Of course there are many that sleep with dozens and dozens and many more that only ever sleep with one man, this is just the average that I've seen reported.

8 guys is a pretty low percentage chance that she'll run into the 8" specimens of the world. Also, factor in that the 1/100 statistic basically covers all guys, e.g. many of them aren't going to be potential partners for a given woman. For instance, a 35 year old upper middle class white woman probably is going to be interested in dating men of a similar type, as would a 19 year old asian immigrant, or a 45 year old hispanic woman with a doctoral degree, etc. When you consider the selection factors for the women, plus the average number of lifetime partners, and the actual rarity of penises in the 8" range, the odds aren't too great that any woman will encounter a penis of that size.

The same goes for the 4" I suppose - I haven't seen these data clusters to suggest that men trend toward the larger size of the spectrum, although that would make sense in terms of evolutionary theory as humans have developed abnormally large penises compared to other primates, but it's hard to say whether that's an ongoing morphic change at this stage.

So far as the argument about hung guys just getting around more, there may be a little truth to that, but not enough to actually skew the odds. Plus, this basically assumes that any guy with a big dick is a confident and promiscuous individual that naturally sleeps with tons of women - this is obviously not the case in all situations. I believe that I've read that a very high number of partners for a man is around 30 - say that hypothetically all guys with an 8" penis sleep with this many women. The number of total men doing this and the total number of women they fuck still aren't really that high so as to skew the odds significantly. Remember, there just aren't that many of these guys out there. I know the internet is deceptive, but even on a site like this there are very few clear cases of 8" dicks to point at.

The other argument I hear against this is anecodtal, as in "well my girl would never lie, and she swears that her last boyfriend was 9" easily." That's all well and good, but it seems every guy on the internet knows some girl that swears she slept with a statisitical freak (9" is in the neighborhood 0f probably 1/10,000 or more, similar to a height of 6'10", which I think is even rarer). Given that I believe many women never encounter too many penises out of the average range, the odds are that anything above average is probably taken to be huge or just remembered incorrectly, or frankly, the women are full of shit. Many people enjoy preying on the insecurities of others or have other psychological hang-ups, and this may cause them to BS about their sexual escapades. Women are just as insecure and full of shit as men, and I think this accounts for many of the personal experience explanations that men report from female friends and girlfriends.

There are other threads on this topic where the percentages are broken down a little more thoroughly, but basically I stand by the notion that any woman actually encountering a really big dick is pretty rare, despite what many believe. If you're in the 6" range, no woman would ever consider that to be small unless she herself is a statisitcal freak and has only slept with larger guys by accident, which is hugely unlikely. And, the more men a woman has slept with, the more she'll have been exposed to the true average and understand it, which most medically disinterested studies report to be under 6".
Actually, ignore the bit about selection factors - I'm not positive that's a valid point. I suppose the distribution would remain the same despite the woman's partner preference, although I'd still say that size abnormality is still rare enough that it hardly matters.
Nevermind, I just found it - its .8 inches. Consequently, if the mean penis size is 5.5 inches, then, using standard rules for Gaussian distributions, 68% of men have a penis size less than 6.3 inches, 95% of men have a penis size of less than 7.1 inches, and, finally, 99% of men have a penis size less than 7.9 inches (this is all BPenis EnlargementL, BTW). Using percentages, it becomes easy to see the probability of a given woman (knowing the number of sexual partners she has had) of having slept with a male with a given penis size. To be completely accurate, plot obtained Kinsey values (for example) on some statistical software such as SPSS. Use z-values to determine EXACTLY the probability of a randomly selected woman (knowing the number of sexual partners she has had) of having slept with a male of a given penis size.
In fact, if you're really zealous about this topic (sorry, I get a bit giddy for mathematics, even if it is statistics, which I abhor... in relation to the rest of the field), if you knew something of computer programming (which I myself do not) you could probably create a really simple program in C or some comparative language wherein you could imput two variables, the number of sexual partners of some girl and the size of the penis in question, and it would kick out the probability of such a girl having in fact encounted a penis size of the specified type during the course of her sexual experiences. Now that is something educational one could play with all day!
jqsderrida said:
In fact, if you're really zealous about this topic (sorry, I get a bit giddy for mathematics, even if it is statistics, which I abhor... in relation to the rest of the field), if you knew something of computer programming (which I myself do not) you could probably create a really simple program in C or some comparative language wherein you could imput two variables, the number of sexual partners of some girl and the size of the penis in question, and it would kick out the probability of such a girl having in fact encounted a penis size of the specified type during the course of her sexual experiences. Now that is something educational one could play with all day!
Or you could just read the probability off a chart and solve for the probability of it directly. If P is the probability of being size X or greater, and n is the number of (randomly chosen) partners a girl has had, then the probability of a girl with n partners seeing one one of size X is (1- (1-P)^n). Given a mean and SD you could solve for P directly in terms of X.
Alright fellas - some code wonk needs to get on this - or somebody just bite the bullet and chart it out as was suggested.

I politely recuse myself from any responsibility in this matter as I've proved my inteptitude on this forum by not even being able to properly convert metric measurements.
spinner2 said:
Or you could just read the probability off a chart and solve for the probability of it directly. If P is the probability of being size X or greater, and n is the number of (randomly chosen) partners a girl has had, then the probability of a girl with n partners seeing one one of size X is (1- (1-P)^n). Given a mean and SD you could solve for P directly in terms of X.
I know, thus my previous posts. However, this suggestion was mainly a joke, as it were.
Plus, the simple formula (1-(1-p)^n) where p is an obtained z-value is valid only on normal, Gaussian distributions, and, as we have been discussing, the distribution of penis size is skewed, not perfectly Gaussian. To adjust for this, a statistical program such as SPSS or even a general mathematics program such as Mathematica would have to be utilized to determine, as I have said previously, EXACTLY, what probability P would be that a girl as encountered a penis size of X inches during the course of her active sexual life given that she has experienced n partners.
I do have a copy of Mathematica on my home laptop. Perhaps I can play around with it (using tutorials etc) and try to create a program which will allow an exact determination of the probability that a girl as slept with a man with a certain, specified penis size, upon the entry of the two previously named variables. However, I think that you would probably also have to have Mathematica to run the program.
Wow, .. page 2 .... :)

There are so many other variables to consider that this assumption holds little weight. What if the guy is fat, stupid, poor, can't dance, doesn't have the time, is gay, etc?

Well if you throw enough confounding ad hoceries for the disagreeable point to climb, any stance becomes winnable... :)

But for this example, what's to keep everything you just said from being just as applicable to a 4 inch guy? Can only 8 inch guys be fat, stupid, and poor?

With that normed for both guys, -- the guy with the 8 inch is still going to have a radically better set of experiences, success, approval, compliments, and a subsequent exuding of higher confidence.

One of the things that goes along with the rod and the confidence, for just one example, is referral sex. (Where an ex had inadvertently talked you up so much that their 'friends' are waiting in the wings when you break up.)

Women have a whole host of reasons they give, in a clinical (non-sexual) setting for the things they prefer that are more important in a relationship than penis size. But those very same sample groups also state at the 90% level that they are more stimulated by being in the physical presence of, or fantasizing about the pleasure of, a bigger penis and attach the idea to a man's relative masculinity.

Other studies find that people will tend to fudge their answers in surveys, even if anonymous, towards a mean of what they should say or how they shouldn't be. This makes more sense from the disparity between penis size being 'low on the list' while simultaneously 90% of the respondents fantasizing about them and saying they're the basis of higher relative masculinity.

And on the subject of fudging towards non-judgementalism, several of those penis size studies were done in a very weak rigor ... such as having the subjects (with no oversight whatsoever) state what their erect length is by placing a mark on a postcard and mailing the postcard in to the surveyors.

I still think a 4 inch dick is rare though. You don't see very many..

Find some japanese adult entertainment. Without meaning to be in any way culturally generalizing or insulting, what we have -here- (at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]) is primarily a set of people from the largest penis groups, who make them even bigger as a hobby, and are probably exposed to quite a bit of Western adult entertainment. Yeah, -we- don't see a lot of 4 inchers. But now I'm arguing 'against' my view :) , ... that I think a girl is more likely to run into an 8.

I believe that I've read that a very high number of partners for a man is around 30 -

In the past, people would tend to have an average of 10 to 12 across their lifetime. Some none, some 300, etc. From that group though you have different types of personality and confidence from their string of historical successes or failures. Someone put it once: 'boys get lucky, men get laid'. (Meaning -- if someone wanders around life waiting for a girl to - literally - fall into their laps, there's only so many sexual experiences that will tend to provide. If someone is used to 'getting lucky' all the time and their internal game has developed to exist in that reality, they can easily have a partner per week until it gets old or boring or virologically scary.

(No, you don't have to have an 8 to do that ... but as a variable it wouldn't tend to be in any way a negative.)

BTW, now in the age of the Rainbow Parties, etc, people can be having ten, or far more, partners before they even get a drivers license.

the more men a woman has slept with, the more she'll have been exposed to the true average and understand it, which most medically disinterested studies report to be under 6".

That's not the question though, - whether or not woman X understands the statistical averages and appreciates a 6 as being normal.

The question was whether or not a girl is more likely to see an 8 or a 4.

Think of it like this - a true 8" NBP dick is probably somewhere in the realm of 1/100 guys - maybe slightly more, maybe slightly less, but remember, this is a size that not even a lot of adult entertainment stars have.

I agree with this, -- statistically, and that a lot of adult entertainment stars aren't actually that size.

I had a side-rant on the Kinsey study - redacted, this post has to end sometime. It's probably reliable though to think that a study that was manually stimulating pre-teen children to orgasm didn't rely on word-of-honor and postcards for their adult length data.

Kinsey puts 4" at .3% and 8" at 1% (and for further insight ... 8.25" again at .3% same as the 4")

From that alone, it would seem that an 8 inch is over 3 times more encounterable than a 4 inch ... apart from any behavioral confidence/experience or idealization/preferential factors from men and women on the matter.

But Kinsey's sample group (of western bisexual prisoners (?)) ... included what percentage of subjects from groups tending smaller than the mean? Any? It would seem that figure, people tending more towards 4 inches, could have been radically underrepresented.

That could put us back to behavioral factors as the tipping nod.

:) Tired of typing. Good thread!

"<945>8345%ÂŁÂŁÂŁ" = ;][][]!!ÂŁ$%ÂŁ$^////l';o589()%%)(43545)<>" WTF is this?!?!!

im guna slip back for the conclusions :)

keep pushing
Women encounter more then 6-8 sexual parters in a lifetime. well i dont know what study this is based on .. or in the old days where u had to get married first to get fucked. but in 2007 if you surveyed girls aged 18-25 on their number of sexual parters thus far.. i bet you the number would be over 8 easily
MissionPossible said:
Women encounter more then 6-8 sexual parters in a lifetime. well i dont know what study this is based on .. or in the old days where u had to get married first to get fucked. but in 2007 if you surveyed girls aged 18-25 on their number of sexual parters thus far.. i bet you the number would be over 8 easily

8 would be in a month!!and in some cases a week or more!Women are very discrete and secretive!
these days at clubs n shit most girls will just go for a fuck afterwards..no joke.. the chance of a guy with a 4 incher being confident to take her back into the bedroom as an 8 inch guy is alot lower %-wise
Guys, that's an average of all women, taken from the US I believe. You're projecting your ideas or experiences with some women across the entire range of women out there.

Of course some are very promiscuous, just as some meet the love of their life in high school and only ever sleep with that one guy. As it stands, I believe the same study that suggested that 30 partners for a man was a very high number and a statisitical minority, about the same number for women was considered to be very active sexually and unusual.

Averages can obscure the true nature of some things, but in this case I don't think it's too far off. Not all women are having sex with just any old guy every time they go out on the town. I went to a college in the US that's pretty famed for its heavy drinking and party culture, and even amongst our hard partying coeds there were very few girls that behaved like that.

And, as I said before, even if a woman has slept with tons of men, this actually increases the likelihood that she knows what average is and isn't expecting some monsterous size. Her chances of encountering larger penises is higher (although still not terribly high), but she will have seen many in the center average range of around 6" or so, which is where the majoirty of men are clustered.

So far as the confidence thing with the 8" dicks, you guys still seem stuck on the idea. I personally don't think this really matters as much as you seem to think. It's not as if the 8" guy can just go flop his member on the bar and women will then scratch and claw at each other over who's going home with him. A guy with 8" could be a pretty ugly dude, have no game, have some personality disorder, not bathe regularly, who knows, but the assumption that every guy with a big dick is some kind of sex machine is always a little baffling to me. Considering the rarity of that size, there's a good chance there's only one or not even any guys that are really big in a club or bar on any given night - so who are all these women going home with besides the average and modestly sized men?

Plus, since we're using anecdotal information here, as I've said in other threads, I know plenty of very modestly endowed guys that slay with ease and some that once were very successful with women that have ended up married to some remarkably sexy and cool women. Likewise, there's a guy on at my club that plays on my league basketball squad that is very well hung, good looking, and rolling in cash as a single man with a high-tech industry job and nothing to spend all the money on. He just happens to be a weird and insecure sort of guy and he constantly complains about his inability to connect with women. You guys also assume that any hung guy is naturally out banging as many women as possible at these clubs and bars - hardly the case.

No offense, but you guys are getting yourselves down with what is basically a pretty mysogonistic belief that all women are size-hungry whores that fuck constantly and with little discretion. That''s not how most of the world operates, but if that's really the case where you're from, I should probably visit.
Here's an interesting little study about the reportage differences amongst men and women regarding total number of sexual partners:


It basically states what we already know - men inflate the numbers, women either don't or downplay their history, but the researchers argue this may be accidental to a degree. Anyway there's some discussion of averages at different percentiles and such in there.

This blog entry sums things up a little more succinctly for those that don't want to read a lot:


"When asked the question, 'how many partners have you had in your lifetime?', two-thirds of women said they knew precisely and reported an average of 6.2. Men on the other hand were twice as likely to say they had no idea and on average guessed 11.9."

If you believe that either group is bullshitting around the margins a bit, you get a number fairly close to eight partners. Basically though, the different studies I saw just through googling suggest that not very many women have a partner total that reaches into the double digits. Perhaps you guys have just been exposed to a lot of really slutty women, but I think that sort of behavior is far from the norm.
This article makes the interesting conclusion that prostitution factors heavily into the male/female reportage discrepancy:


Interestingly, it also suggests that men with very high numbers of partners are likely to frequent prostitutes.

And, some of the same data, presented in an easy to digest article format:


Basically, they can't people to be straight with these things, though the bulk of bullshit seems to come from men inflating their partner numbers - no surprise there.
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stridge said:
Guys, that's an average of all women, taken from the US I believe. You're projecting your ideas or experiences with some women across the entire range of women out there.

Of course some are very promiscuous, just as some meet the love of their life in high school and only ever sleep with that one guy. As it stands, I believe the same study that suggested that 30 partners for a man was a very high number and a statisitical minority, about the same number for women was considered to be very active sexually and unusual.

Averages can obscure the true nature of some things, but in this case I don't think it's too far off. Not all women are having sex with just any old guy every time they go out on the town. I went to a college in the US that's pretty famed for its heavy drinking and party culture, and even amongst our hard partying coeds there were very few girls that behaved like that.

And, as I said before, even if a woman has slept with tons of men, this actually increases the likelihood that she knows what average is and isn't expecting some monsterous size. Her chances of encountering larger penises is higher (although still not terribly high), but she will have seen many in the center average range of around 6" or so, which is where the majoirty of men are clustered.

So far as the confidence thing with the 8" dicks, you guys still seem stuck on the idea. I personally don't think this really matters as much as you seem to think. It's not as if the 8" guy can just go flop his member on the bar and women will then scratch and claw at each other over who's going home with him. A guy with 8" could be a pretty ugly dude, have no game, have some personality disorder, not bathe regularly, who knows, but the assumption that every guy with a big dick is some kind of sex machine is always a little baffling to me. Considering the rarity of that size, there's a good chance there's only one or not even any guys that are really big in a club or bar on any given night - so who are all these women going home with besides the average and modestly sized men?

Plus, since we're using anecdotal information here, as I've said in other threads, I know plenty of very modestly endowed guys that slay with ease and some that once were very successful with women that have ended up married to some remarkably sexy and cool women. Likewise, there's a guy on at my club that plays on my league basketball squad that is very well hung, good looking, and rolling in cash as a single man with a high-tech industry job and nothing to spend all the money on. He just happens to be a weird and insecure sort of guy and he constantly complains about his inability to connect with women. You guys also assume that any hung guy is naturally out banging as many women as possible at these clubs and bars - hardly the case.

No offense, but you guys are getting yourselves down with what is basically a pretty mysogonistic belief that all women are size-hungry whores that fuck constantly and with little discretion. That''s not how most of the world operates, but if that's really the case where you're from, I should probably visit.

I can't thank you enough for posting this. I think the reason non-big guys think all the big guys are sleeping with everyone is due to their own insecurities and might be due to some cuckold fantasies in men.

Also, even at UT, #1 party school in the nation, it is quite rare you come across a girl that sleeps with a lot of guys. Most girls are still quite prudish, even at the most rowdy of frat parties. It would surprise you how many virgins there are in college, much more than I thought there would be. Also, never once have I ever seen a size queen. I'm sure they're out there but very rare.
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Well, with all of the effort the contributors to this thread have undoubtedly put forth, this should become a definitive thread on the topic.
10inchadvantage said:
If the real average is 5.5, then I'd say 4 inches is just as common as 7. So I'd think if you flipped the coin 100 times, you'd get more 4 inchers than 8 inchers.

Yes, but I think the standard deviation leans on the side of the 8" cock, from the data I've seen. There are a whole lot of men that are around 5.5" but it is more common to be substantially bigger than substantially smaller.
penguinsfan said:
Yes, but I think the standard deviation leans on the side of the 8" cock, from the data I've seen. There are a whole lot of men that are around 5.5" but it is more common to be substantially bigger than substantially smaller.

Interesting. I wonder why this is? Evolutionary?
An old friend of mine has a huge freakish cock (no, I never asked how big). He's one of the most insecure people I've ever met-- and a clingy pushover in relationships.
Bruticus said:
An old friend of mine has a huge freakish cock (no, I never asked how big). He's one of the most insecure people I've ever met-- and a clingy pushover in relationships.

wow having a huge dick must really suck.....

I think his point is just that having a big dick isn't some golden ticket to tons of women and confidence. The sooner a guy figures that out, the happier he's going to be.
stridge said:
I think his point is just that having a big dick isn't some golden ticket to tons of women and confidence. The sooner a guy figures that out, the happier he's going to be.

Was it that obvious? :s
stridge said:
I think his point is just that having a big dick isn't some golden ticket to tons of women and confidence. The sooner a guy figures that out, the happier he's going to be.

Suprisingly.. if you are decent looking.. and you're packing i dont see why you cant have any chick you want in the bedroom.. confidence would be through the roof

Would a guy with a 10 inch cock be so upset about his size, that he would swap it for a 5 incher?

I dont think so..
You're just assuming that though. There are plenty of guys with average or even smaller penises that have all the confidence in the world and get laid like gnagbusters. Likewise, I'm sure there are plenty of hung guys that are too shy to even talk to women or are simply assholes and always get shot down.

Nobody's saying anybody would be upset with a great size, what they are saying is that dick size isn't some golden key to happiness and confidence with women. Believe it or not, not even all women are even looking for a really big size - most are more than happy with average and many don't care at all. Don't forget that only a minority of women even orgasm with vaginal intercourse. It's a male fantasy that every woman is looking for a huge dick.
Don't forget that only a minority of women even orgasm with vaginal intercourse.

... from a normal dick.

There's a thread around from something more than a year ago about the relative time to (vaginal) orgasm from different sized members. From average sizes it was like 23 minutes. With stuff in the 8" range it was more in the neighborhood of 6 minutes.

There's some 'motion to the ocean' arguments to be had there, but don't be insane to think that at an equivalent level of skillfulness the average could hang (no pun) with the large. Women who have had both will also be aware of that difference. (in fill-itude, in pleasure, in reduced time to orgasm). Here's another tip, someone who's average will hear "No, size doesn't matter" or "Your penis is just fine." While large people hear stuff more like "OMG your cock Rocks!"

Is it more important than personality or whatever random feature-set the woman imprinted upon as a child? Usually No.

Is it "unimportant"? ... Don't be crazy. It's the thing that they don't have that tends to define sexual Maleness. (!)

im gonna speak from my own experience. out of all the locker room guys that are larger all of them get more.. its just a fact. why would u be shy to talk to a girl if u got a 10 inch dick. thing is they arent.. most guys that are over 8'' natrually are cocky as hell and overconfident. not shy..

and if you can t pleasure a woman with ur dick then ofcourse she will be pissed off.. if you cant get her to orgasm .. will she be like

Oh he was great ill call him again.. or will she try find a bigger dick
Asanon said:
... from a normal dick.

There's a thread around from something more than a year ago about the relative time to (vaginal) orgasm from different sized members. From average sizes it was like 23 minutes. With stuff in the 8" range it was more in the neighborhood of 6 minutes.

There's some 'motion to the ocean' arguments to be had there, but don't be insane to think that at an equivalent level of skillfulness the average could hang (no pun) with the large. Women who have had both will also be aware of that difference. (in fill-itude, in pleasure, in reduced time to orgasm). Here's another tip, someone who's average will hear "No, size doesn't matter" or "Your penis is just fine." While large people hear stuff more like "OMG your cock Rocks!"

Is it more important than personality or whatever random feature-set the woman imprinted upon as a child? Usually No.

Is it "unimportant"? ... Don't be crazy. It's the thing that they don't have that tends to define sexual Maleness. (!)


I think this is a pretty relevant idea. I think a girl who can't orgasm with an average-sized penis will probably have a better chance with a bigger penis up to a certain point. I know for a fact when I'm not fucking my girlfriend all the way she doesn't orgasm like she normally does from full penetration. She also doubts she'd be able to orgasm like she does with me with any average guy.