Discovering this website and the world of Penis Enlargement has really been a benefit to me. Learning the truth about penis size, what is and isn't big, what women care more about when it comes to penis size, has really given me a confidence boost. Before I came here and started doing Penis Enlargement I would never thought that my penis was anything more than "average", but apparently my girth is massive according to this site and others like it. That knowledge has been what I felt was a very needed confidence boost and I'm glad to have a supportive community here and else where.
The other benefit has come from the actual Penis Enlargementing itself. I haven't gained any true length yet. In other words my BPenis EnlargementL is the same now that it was a month and a half ago, but thanks to the exercises my penis feels and looks fitter. My EQ is much better. I'm beginning to see my true errection size that my pelvic muscles couldn't support until now. My improved EQ hasn't done much for my length, but my girth is just getting massive. My MSEG hovers between 6.3 and 6.45, while my base girth hovers between 6.65 and 6.85.
All in all this has been an amazing experience so far and I can't wait to see awaits me in the future.
The other benefit has come from the actual Penis Enlargementing itself. I haven't gained any true length yet. In other words my BPenis EnlargementL is the same now that it was a month and a half ago, but thanks to the exercises my penis feels and looks fitter. My EQ is much better. I'm beginning to see my true errection size that my pelvic muscles couldn't support until now. My improved EQ hasn't done much for my length, but my girth is just getting massive. My MSEG hovers between 6.3 and 6.45, while my base girth hovers between 6.65 and 6.85.
All in all this has been an amazing experience so far and I can't wait to see awaits me in the future.