R0b0, hey dude, ...
Some of my posts go Huge and I try to keep them more brief by being direct, that can make me sound like I'm being a dick. I'm not. -- I've been too big for girlfriends and if pain becomes involved it's (however reluctantly and regretfully) an eventual deal breaker.
For any subject you can have ideologues or pragmatists, this is the latter. Think about this a few times later on if you don't get it this time ...
My girlfriend and I have a son and are massively committed to each other. We will be together for a veeeeery long time, so I guess she will grow with me
Your chick isn't doing "V.E." --- She's not 'growing with you'. There
is such a thing as V.E. ... and it involves a rather protracted and painful use of "dilators" (dildoes) of increasing size and volume to force an expansion of the vaginal pocket. This expanded size also tends to not be permanent, so the use of the dilators can be a lifelong hassle.
What's going on presently isn't a mutual ego-stroking gain in size, the way you're experiencing it. -- From her perspective it's far more likely to be: you getting too big for her, .. and her trying to limit your more-dangerous angles with aversion body positions so it's more difficult for you to hurt her, while trying to act nice about it. For now.
I'm already just about too big for my girlfriend at around 7.4''/5.6''. She's 5'1'' tall, petite.
Vatsyayana's 1,800 yr old Kama Sutra book describes three different sizes of men and women and suggests they don't date too much outside of their type, and never two sizes outside of their type, in order to have a lasting relationship. The sizes are described as Elephant (large), Deer (medium), and Rabbit (small). At 5.1 and petite .. she's a Rabbit. While at 7.4/5.6 you're already larger for volume displaced than most male adult entertainment stars. [adult entertainment, like Pro Wraslin', exaggerates about the size its stars .. but adult entertainment goes to the additional stunts of using trick camera lenses and tricky not-a-real-grip hand positions to increase the illusion. Most adult entertainment dudes are like 7.5/5.0, even the famous ones. Smaller than you are already.]
The person's Mind ultimately runs the sex drive ... not just with hormones but with conscious and subconscious thinking, "experiential reflex" .. things learned from past encounters.
For most people a Hug is pleasant and sets off all manner of oxytocin and some dopamine as an attachment (liking) experience and a pleasure reward.
For most people burning yourself on a hot stove is an unpleasurable negative experience and the subconscious mind notes it in the automatic experiential reflex for avoiding in the future.
It's actually called the pain avoidance reflex, or more deeply wired even a pain avoidance Instinct, .. meaning that active thinking isn't involved ... the mind programs it in as an activity for avoidance as self-protection. The avoidance impetus then occurs automatically and the tendency, the automatic behaviour, is to
stay away from the hot stove, .. etc.
And so .. for any thing that someone knows is going to occur, you have Anticipation ... of pleasure .. or of apathy (neutral) .. or of pain. One is attractive and sought-after, one is neutral, .. but the other (for most people) is avoided. Big difference in those two.
Up to a point, a larger penis is an attractive attribute and the girl can anticipate that an encounter with it will be more pleasurable than with a normal penis. That can even get their motor running before you even get started, and do most of the work
for you. But beyond that point you increasingly run the risk of them storing experiential memory as having been uncomfortable, and then kindof painful, and eventually something that exceeds their subconscious ability to remain attracted to it and their conscious ability to be socially reserved about staying paired to it.
Psychologists hold that the opposite of Love isn't Hate (that those both being high-passion emotions they can actually be held by the psyche at the
same time and are indeed interchangeable.) No the real opposite of Love isn't Hate .. it's Fear.. and swapping one for the other is
extremely corrosive.
If your chick begins to have anticipatory fear of having sex with you .. because of an increasingly inevitable anticipation of resulting pain ... she's going to grow more and more distant from you, at least physically, and eventually (in the metaphor of the 'Relationship Bank Account') ask you to do your banking somewhere else.
Some guys do not gain penis size very easily. For them constant dedication is the only real way to blast through their plateaus and ever see real size. Other people, and it sounds like you're one of them too, gain pretty easily at-will and can do so whenever they decide to.
You're in a position to really mess up.
We will be together for a veeeeery long time
If you get too big for her .. and sex with you is a negative painful experience .. Don't bet on it.
If you can gain size pretty much any time you feel like it, fine. You can always still do that
later .. if you ever break up with her for other reasons.
Right now you're with someone that..
I'm already just about too big for
.. but you want to keep staying with for a very long time.