I know this is dredging up an old thread but I was scrolling through and thought I'd ADD my two cents (get it !). I'm the predominantly inattentive type of ADHD with occasional hyperactive boughts. I hate that Adderall mellows you out but it gives me incredible focus. Additionally, I have worried that this would hinder my gains. When I began the drug, it did for roughly a month before my body became used to the dosage and my erections came back to normal. Each time I upped a dose, it took a month for my body to acclimate to it. Once I did, it came back to normal. I noticed that recently, while using generic Zoloft in addition to Adderall my erections have been pretty weak and inconsistent. It sucks because I've been pretty diligent with Penis Enlargement despite my in ability to post updates

In short, if you are worried about it affecting your erections, it will but not substantially. You can always take Viagra or L-Arginine or and Amino Acid complex to get some Nitrogen pumping in your system. I'd keep Viagra out til the last resort. That's what I'm thinking about soon...
As for mitigating ADD/ADHD symptoms, one other particular thing that helps strengthen your brain and mind is meditation. Mindfulness meditation has been shown in numerous studies to help increased grey and white matter ( dendrites and neurons for all you science geeks out there) with some of the more well published studies on Mindfulness meditation are coming from Harvard. Combining these techniques I learned from Howard Zinn's book, one of the researchers at Harvard who pioneered this research, I've also learned the "pipe breathing" technique from the
Eiriu Eolas mediation series. This all may be a bit new age for you all but this practice, 15-20 minutes before I go to bed helps me to relax and focus on myself, my thoughts and resolve other distractions and negative emotions that I encountered throughout the day.
Check those things out and let me know how it works. It's hard to set aside some time but once you do and get into the habit of it, you'll notice benefits from it in less than 3 weeks. 2 months later you're anxiety will less and your recall will boost if you're consistent with the exercises and application.