Hi all,

I am currently prescribed to Adderall and am curious if this is going to affect my Penis Enlargement. Adderall is a drug for people with ADD/ADHD which helps them focus. I take this since i am in college and need this to focus on my school work/tests. This drug has side effects which include poor blood circulation as well as penis shrinkage/ erection difficulties. I am wondering if this is going to affect any possible gains i will have with my Penis Enlargement. I take this about every 2-3 weeks for 3-4days.

Maybe the solution would be a double session on the days i take it? For example, i know i am going to take this medication today..... so i did a [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] session in the AM, and tonight i figured i will do another 1 to prevent the lack of blood flow to my penis.

Any suggestions/comments/ ideas/ advice would be greatly appreciated.

I would not worry too much about the side effects, usually these are very extreme circumstances and in most cases many side effects are mentioned to save their asses from getting sued. Have you had any negative side effects since you have been on the medication?
Yes definitely , every time im on it, it is extremely difficult to get an erection, and i also do experience shrinkage.... Its crazy but its the truth. Thats why im concerned about it, i dont want any progress to be reversed or stopped because of the medication
DUDE, chill out seriously , there maybe many factors into why your gettin ed, it dosent necessarely mean the adderal is cosing it !
for one stress , anxiet , the simple fact that it says it creates ed and then you think 'oh shit what if this happens" ,will make it probly do just that .
when i get anxeity , lack of sleep , stress any of these i get ed hardcore not tomention what doses your taking it at , im guessing your doing serious clock work during those four days so you probly taking quite a bit or not getting much sleep cuz oh the amphetamines in it , what ever !
ritalin ,adderal , pot , ciggarettes , what ever .. and there all still doing it , stop giving your self a reason to give up.
or take some viagra .. infact im sure there got to be ohter people throught [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] history that have been on adderal daily as perscribed , ask and see how thing went for them!
not trying to come across as an ass its just ive been on lots of meds and anytime ive suffered from pe its never been them!
Nah bro....its proven that the amphetamines are proven to restrict blood circulation to your dick. Im going to talk to my dr about prescribing me a vasodilator to increase blood flow to counter the affects of adderall.
afewmoreinches;422380 said:
Nah bro....its proven that the amphetamines are proven to restrict blood circulation to your dick. Im going to talk to my dr about prescribing me a vasodilator to increase blood flow to counter the affects of adderall.

Any constriction that may be caused via the medication can be dealt with easily with a solid jelqing routine, no?
i actually spoke to my doctor today....he recommended anything that contains L-Arginnine. This aids in vasodilation. This will provide a great balance to the adderall...since it will allow for blood to continue to circulate throughout my body....so i picked up ARGININE 5000 from GNC today. Whats good about this is that even when im not on the adderall....i can take the arginine which will aid in blood circulation to the penis.... as charlie sheen says "WINNING!"
Lol "winning" ahhh charlie , he's the greatest!!!
its true that the amphetamines will cause significsnt diffences to blood flow in that general area becaus they pull the blood towards the heart and away from other arteriez.
but i would have figured that the pe would have helped creat a better sense of flow towards that region , guess not!
lol arginine is great but what may be a bt better is l-citruline becaus it aromatizes into n.o. wich dilates the vessels alowing more blood to flow thru,the same as arginine .
But whats diffrent about l-Citruline is that once its past thru you system it changes to n.o ,wich means its already passed the liver and everything allowing you to produce more N.O.(having lost less of the chemicle) so you ge more vasodialation from l-citruline!
but hey maybe you take them both and get twice the vasodialation lol!!!
I was on adderal for a while. I had some erection problems sometimes. Usually right after taking a dose. Then again... I had a bad experience where my doc upped my dosage and I felt like I was on ex. Totally tripping. Unfortunately this was at a job training session. My entire body felt like I was having an orgasm and I had this huge hard on. After that I decided that being unfocused was good. Being on drugs all the time was bad.

Another thing was my doctor started to ask me if I wanted mood enhancers. Doctors love to get people on drugs because they cost so much. I'm not saying your doctor is like this, but mine was.

FYI I am almost 50 and back in college. I seem to do ok. It's f-ing hard, but I do ok. My biggest problem is just getting started, once I start on something it's ok. when I was on adderal I just seemeed to be more focused on procrastination so I could do every thing I wanted to do with more focus. Additionally, research has proven that pereformance drugs may make you more productive, but they limit creativity.
jekyllnhyde360;422611 said:
Lol "winning" ahhh charlie , he's the greatest!!!!

I agree! I love him, even more now than ever!
Like others said, I wouldnt worry about it too much. They list these side effects because one guy out of like 100,000 experienced this side effect, and they have to list it because of this. At the very least, I would think it may counteract any shrinkage, so you don't dip below your current size.
Please look around before starting a thread. This topic would fit better in the "Mental Penis Enlargement" forum. Thanks, your friendly neighborhood moderator Stilly-Dynomite
I had an issue with erections when I started on Adderall a little over a year ago. I would actually Jelq, then use the [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] to get better erections. The erections got better over time once my body acclimated to an increase in dosage, but I still have trouble getting a good erection while not watching adult entertainment. I have trouble still maintaining erections and I think my Penis Enlargement muscle has weakened a tad but I think that's because I haven't been exercising as much as I was a few years back.
wow so many people had issues with adderall i been on it before not currently but when i was i never experienced ed i wouldnt have even known it was a side affect if this post didnt come up
demonx69;425135 said:
wow so many people had issues with adderall i been on it before not currently but when i was i never experienced ed i wouldnt have even known it was a side affect if this post didnt come up

Well don't make it one now that you know...forget this thread ever existed.
Everyone saying it is in his head are wrong. Adderall definitely effects Penis Enlargement because it makes you turtle pretty much all day. Also, when i jelq, i get almost no expansion, no matter how much i try to kegel blood in or try helicopters to get blood in. It is the devil in terms of Penis Enlargement and I would recommend trying to take it only when you really really need it. I took some the past 2 days and my vacuhanger keeps slipping off bc my flaccid girth is so small. Now mind you this is a large vacuhanger, and i usually have about a 5.5" flaccid girth and 6" at the base. So this is definitely the devil. Stay away.
Amphetamines can wreck your EQ! Combined with cigarettes they can really hurt penile health.. I had a shrunken cold mushroom for about 3 years, lol.

I've dropped both this year and my penis is thanking me!
yeah shrinkage is a big problem. I also have erection difficulties since taking it, but I use viagra to counter it. I'm also using the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]size genetics[/words] [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] religiously, no gains so far, but I trust the process.
We have a video that will be live today on this subject specifically. I will post it soon.
I remember taking it to study and my dick shrunk like I was in freezing cold water and wouldn't get all the way hard. If there was anything you could do besides adderall, do that instead. Those drugs are terrible