This is posted here as there are many who fall into the trap of self-diagnosing. It's not uncommon for the level of anxiety involved to be strong enough to interfere with the sexual response. This extreme anxiety alone can cause ED. If you feel you truly have a serious injury, please don't waste time attempting to self-diagnose.
It's VERY important to remember a few things before you consider starting any male enhancement program.
If you're suffering from serious depression or anxiety, it would be in your best interests to take care of this issue first! Male enhancement exercises are NOT a substitute for good mental hygiene. Beginning any male enhancement training under a severely stressed mindset often adds to the problem. Problems obtaining good EQ (Erection Quality- a combined measure of [words=]stamina[/words] and hardness), a desire to rush things, and desperation are a poor starting point!
There is no such thing as a 100% risk free exercise. Anytime you train-whether it's jogging,
weight training, or penis enlargement, the risk of injury is present. You can best minimize your risk of injury by making sure to ease into training carefully and by respecting the movements being performed.
It's HIGHLY recommended you first get a medical check up and seek your physician's approval before you begin this or any other new physical training and/or supplementation regimen! Getting regular medical check ups throughout the course of your training is also recommended and always in your best interests.
Should you decide undertake these exercises you agree do so at your own risk, sole responsibility, and of your own free will with full understanding of the above.
For those of you who have manageable stress/anxiety it would be better for you to focus on [words=]stamina[/words] training first. This applies if your mindset is good but your EQ is poor. Not only is EQ improved and a foundation created with this tactic, but the visualization portion of [words=]stamina[/words] training helps develop a better emotional backdrop for future productive enlargement training.
If your EQ and mindset are good then this would be the optimal state to begin a full routine. Once you're cleared to train, ALWAYS begin using light intensity and volume. For jelqing and stretching type movements begin with less intensity than you'd ordinarily use to masturbate. For kegel type movements use only enough contractile force as needed to accomplish your reps. You should come away from your initial sessions refreshed- not exhausted. As your conditioning and body awareness improves you can add intensity in a prudent manner. This same advice applies if you've trained before but have taken a long break.
The more intense methods are potentially more injurious. They should be used only after reaching advanced levels of conditioning. Even then, you should still always err on the side of caution with the degree of force, pressure, and volume used.
While much of the above recommendations have been mentioned on this forum elsewhere it's hoped this consolidated post proves helpful.
If you've dealt with this type of issue before please feel free to share your experiences.