I have been keeping a log of my Penis Enlargement related efforts for the last 38 days as part of my no adult entertainment reboot. In this time I have watched adult entertainment twice only in the past week because I seem to be getting a little libido back
I could have gone cold turkey with anything penis related and let things sort itself out but thought since I have some form of ED I should force blood into my wilson anyways, and so far Im glad I have done so. I have gone 8 days without ED meds and seem to be getting some morning wood and can do my girth workouts without adult entertainment or meds. So I'm pretty happy about this as it's a step in the right direction.
I have been taking sublutamine, cayenne pepper, garlic and apple cider vinegar recently which seem to be working quite a bit. In terms of growth I can't really say I have gained much girth but can definitely feel some growth in the base.. The CS used to just float by itself before and now the CC is more evident and thicker on both sides, not much but it's a start. It's probably 0.1 gain at the base.
So here's my routine, and yes I know it's all over the place. Please feel free to help out with my routine and supplementation.
nbpel: 7.5 bpel: 8
beg 4.9 meg 5
day 1
damiana cap, ant cap, swedish flower cap, ginko 7000 cap
protein, maca, oats
pump 3x 10 min 3-5hg
leech oil
bike 20 min
edge 20 min w/c/ring
green tea cap, ginseng 1/2 cap, cayenne cap, ginger cap, 2x garlic cap, 2x ginko 2500
leech oil
day 2
leech oil
ginger cap, 2x garlic cap, cayenne cap, super antioxident cap, green tea cap, ginseng 1/2 cap, 2x ginko 2500 cap,
run 1km, 45 push ups, 20 sit ups
protein, oats, maca 3g,
5.7g aakg
Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Cnidium Monnieri, Butea Superba
edge 15min, 3x40 sec uli, 2x 30sec [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words], 2x horse squeeze
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 20 min + kegels
leech oil
day 3
protein, oats, 3-4g maca, cacao
super antiox cap, 2x garlic cap, cayenne cap, ginger cap, ginko 7500, ginseng 1/2 cap, green tea cap
cialis 20mg, arginine 5g
2x fish oil
edge 10min, 40 erect jelq, 2x10 min clamp, 1x 40 sec compression accordian, 150 flacid stretch jelqs
damiana, ant, swedish flower
50 push ups, 15 min resistance bands, 40 squats
protein, maca, oats, cacao
tea, cayenne, green tea, ginger, garlic, honey
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 2x 6 min w/kegels, 50 flacid jelqs
day 4
ginger cap, 1/2 ginseng, super antiox, cayenne, green tea cap, 2x garlic pill
protein, maca, oats, cacao, banana
edge 50min no ejac no adult entertainment
swedish flower, damiana, ant
100 reverse kegels
day 5
green tea, super antiox, ginger, 2x garlic
maca, protein, oats, cacao, banana, honey
choline 550mg
edge 1hr no ejac no adult entertainment
100 reverse
40 squats, 15min resistance bands
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 10 min hot water kegels, 10 min cold water
1/3 ginseng cap, super antiox, damiana, swedish flower, ant
day 6
green tea, super antiox, ginger, 2x garlic,
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana, honey
edge 50 min with ejac no adult entertainment
600mg choline
damiana, swedish flower, ant, 1/2 ginseng
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana, honey
green tea, ginger, 2x garlic, super antiox
day 7
green tea, 2x garlifc, super antioxd, ginger, 1/2 ginseng
warm up 7 min, stretches 5 min, heli shakes
pump 3-5hg 5 min, clamp 7 min, pump 5-7hg 6 min, clamp 10 min, pump 5-7 hg 10min edge 10 min
choline 700mg
l-citruline malate 2.6g
5 min resistance bands,
10 hammer curl 20kg, 20 tricept dips 20kg, 8 bicept curls 20kg, 20 tricept dips 20kg, 6 bicept curls 20kg, 40x push ups
protein, maca, cacao, banana, oats, honey
damiana, ant, swedish
citruline 2.5g
day 8
warm up 10 min basic stretches helicopter shakes
hanging 2x5 min, 1 x10 min, 1x 5min2.5kg
citruline 3g
edge 40 min no ejac no adult entertainment
protein, maca, cacao, banana, honey
citruline 3g
green tea, 2x garlic, cayenne, b complex, ginger
camomile tea
day 9
oats, maca
citruline 2.5g
day 10
green tea, garlic x2, cayenne, ginger, super antiox, 1/3 ginseng
green tea, honey
citruline 2.6g
green tea, honey
50mg sid cit
200 jelq
8 min clamp, 7min edge 9 min clamp, 7 min edge uli 30sec x 4, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] 111111 30sec, accordian 1, edge 20 min (1hr45min)
500mg choline, 2.6g citruline, 2g aakg
2g aakg water topical
day 11
2.6g citruline
620mg choline, 2x fish oil
warm up + stretch 10 min
hang 2.5kg 2x 10min, edge 10 min, 10 min ck ring
arg topical
swedish, ant, damiana, cayaenne
10mg cial
day 12
leech oil
500mg choline
2.5g citruline
1x fish oil
green tea, honey
aakg 2.6g, vit c 1000mg
green tea
edge 45min no ejec no adult entertainment, 50 erect rotators w/kegels
resistance bands, shoulder, tricepts, bicepts 15 min, 50 push ups, 20 squats
1000mg fish oil, protein shake
vit c 1000mg, damiana, ant
1x vitamin e gel
2.5g aakg, 2.5g citruline
leech oil
day 13
citruline 2.5g
choline 500mg
50mg sid cit
jelq 170
clamp 10 w/ wall [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] x4, edge 5min, 10min w/ssj 11111, edge 5min, uli 30s x 1111111, squeze 111, edge 10 min
leech oil
jelq 200 ,1hr 20m
performance multi
leech oil
day 14
citruline 2.5g
choline 500mg
adc 1130am - 1215
leech oil
green tea 2 cups
levit 20mg 2:40pm
warm up stretch 10min
pump 20min 3-5hg, edge jelq 10 min, pump 3hg 15min, edge jelq 20 min
citruline 2.5g
leech oil
zma 500mg
day 15
leech oil
green tea
citruline 2.5g
choline 700mg
zma 600mg
day 16
citruline 2.7g
choline 700mg
green tea
50mg kamag 2pm
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 5min, jelq edge 5min, [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 5 min, jelq edge 5min, 10x 30sec uli, semi clamp [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] x3, semi clamp edge 10 min, edge 15min
leech oil
aakg 2.5, citruline 2.5
60 wide pushups, 60 squats, 5 min bike
protein, maca
10x hammer 20kg, 20x tricept 20kg, 7x bicept 20kg, 20x tricept, 5xbicept20kg
stretch upwards 5x40 sec
zma 550mg, vit c 1000mg
day 17
edge 20min w/ejac
10mg cial, 2.5g citruline
cayenne, super antiox, garlic
blackmores multi
super antiox, cayenne, damiana, ginseng, garlic
day 18
citruline tsp
chamomile tea honey, oatmeal honey
blackmores multi, super antiox, garlic, cayenne
leech oil massage 10min
firegost rolls
day 19
decent morning and night wood
citruline tsp
chamomile tea honey, oatmeal honey
blackmores multi, super antiox, garlic, cayenne
50mg kamag 315pm
warm up 10 min, stretches 5 min
obendx1, 20% squeezex4, jelq 10 min, 60sec uli x 3, 1x accordian, edge 15min
leech oil massage 5min
day 20
camomile tea
citruline tsp
cail 10mg
blackmores multi, cayenne, garlic, super antiox
edge 45min
day 21
citruline tsp
citruline 2.5g, aakg 2.5g, choline 500mg
day 22
doctor, blood test
day 23
oats, strawb honey
kamag 50mg 1.30pm
15 edge, 4x 1min uli, 35 dry jelq, edge 15, leech oil jelq 100
day 24
oats strbbry, honey, chamomole tea
cham tea
edge 35 min 10 min c/ring w/ejac
cial 20mg
day 25
berocca multi
oats, chamomile
b multi
citruline, arginine, choline bedore bed.
day 26
chamomile tea honey, b multi
cham tea ,oats
edge 10, 1min uli 11111, edge 20min, 100 leech iol jelq, 400 slaps, 120 heli sjhakes
cham tea honey
barocca multi
citruline, argininew, choline b4 bed
day 27
oats honey banana strbrry
b multi
vit c 1000mg, chamomimle tea
barocca multi
protein 4xtbsp, banana honey milk 100ml
cial 20mg
day 28
day off
day 29
oats, banana honey
kamag 50mg 1145
edge 10, pump 15 4-5hg, edge 10, 30 sec uli, pump 15 red line, edge 15, pump 10 min 5hg, edge 10, 100 leech oil jelq, slaps + heli shakes warm dowm
cham tea honwy
b multi, tsp citruline
cham tea honey
20 min jog
protein, honey, banana
2x super antiox, choline 630mg, ant, cayenne
day 30
edge, head squeezes x 3, 2x 30sec uli, 3x bends, jelqs, edge
cipla 20mg
day 31
cayenne, garlic, ant, super antiox, ginseng
english breakfast tea
edge 30min, leech oil jelqs
day 32
sublutamine 250mg
3x garlic, 3x cayenne 2.10pm
acv 4 tbsp w/honey
40 push ups, 40 squats, 10 hammer 20kg, 20 tricept 20kg, 10 bicept curls 20kg, 20 tricept 20kg
protein, banana, honey
(bicarb soda 1/4th tsp)
day 33
sublutamine 250mg
3x cayenne, 3x garlic 1pm
green tea cup
4 tbsp acv honey
15min edge, 45sec uli 111, down base bend 45sec 11, up base bend 11, mid bend up 1, down 111, head squeeze x 10, edge 1hr w/ejac w/adult entertainment
day 34
sublutamine 260mg
3xgarlic, 3xcayenne 1.55pm
4 tbsp acv honey
3xgarlic, 3xcayenne
leech oil
day 35
sublutimine 250mg
3x garlic, 1.5g cayenne 12noon
edge 15, pump 15, edge 10, pump 15, edge 5, uli 30, head squueze x5, 30 sec uli, 5x head squueze, uli 30 sec, head squueze x4, edge 10min, leech iol, slaps, heli shakes
acv 4 tbsp honey
3 garlic, 1.5g cayenne
leech oil
muscle relaxer
day 36
sublut 250mg
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
4tbsp acv honey
edge 30 min, mast 2h w/ejac w/adult entertainment
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 20 min
leexh oil
day 37
sublut 250mg
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
4xtbsp acv honey
push ups, bicepts, tricepts
garlic x3, cayenne x3
day 38
sublut 270mg
3x cayenne, 3xgarlic
cam tea
icariin 200mg 5.25pm
edge 15, uli bends up/down x 5, 3sec head squeezes x 15, edge 10, 50 min total

I could have gone cold turkey with anything penis related and let things sort itself out but thought since I have some form of ED I should force blood into my wilson anyways, and so far Im glad I have done so. I have gone 8 days without ED meds and seem to be getting some morning wood and can do my girth workouts without adult entertainment or meds. So I'm pretty happy about this as it's a step in the right direction.
I have been taking sublutamine, cayenne pepper, garlic and apple cider vinegar recently which seem to be working quite a bit. In terms of growth I can't really say I have gained much girth but can definitely feel some growth in the base.. The CS used to just float by itself before and now the CC is more evident and thicker on both sides, not much but it's a start. It's probably 0.1 gain at the base.
So here's my routine, and yes I know it's all over the place. Please feel free to help out with my routine and supplementation.
nbpel: 7.5 bpel: 8
beg 4.9 meg 5
day 1
damiana cap, ant cap, swedish flower cap, ginko 7000 cap
protein, maca, oats
pump 3x 10 min 3-5hg
leech oil
bike 20 min
edge 20 min w/c/ring
green tea cap, ginseng 1/2 cap, cayenne cap, ginger cap, 2x garlic cap, 2x ginko 2500
leech oil
day 2
leech oil
ginger cap, 2x garlic cap, cayenne cap, super antioxident cap, green tea cap, ginseng 1/2 cap, 2x ginko 2500 cap,
run 1km, 45 push ups, 20 sit ups
protein, oats, maca 3g,
5.7g aakg
Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Cnidium Monnieri, Butea Superba
edge 15min, 3x40 sec uli, 2x 30sec [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words], 2x horse squeeze
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 20 min + kegels
leech oil
day 3
protein, oats, 3-4g maca, cacao
super antiox cap, 2x garlic cap, cayenne cap, ginger cap, ginko 7500, ginseng 1/2 cap, green tea cap
cialis 20mg, arginine 5g
2x fish oil
edge 10min, 40 erect jelq, 2x10 min clamp, 1x 40 sec compression accordian, 150 flacid stretch jelqs
damiana, ant, swedish flower
50 push ups, 15 min resistance bands, 40 squats
protein, maca, oats, cacao
tea, cayenne, green tea, ginger, garlic, honey
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 2x 6 min w/kegels, 50 flacid jelqs
day 4
ginger cap, 1/2 ginseng, super antiox, cayenne, green tea cap, 2x garlic pill
protein, maca, oats, cacao, banana
edge 50min no ejac no adult entertainment
swedish flower, damiana, ant
100 reverse kegels
day 5
green tea, super antiox, ginger, 2x garlic
maca, protein, oats, cacao, banana, honey
choline 550mg
edge 1hr no ejac no adult entertainment
100 reverse
40 squats, 15min resistance bands
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 10 min hot water kegels, 10 min cold water
1/3 ginseng cap, super antiox, damiana, swedish flower, ant
day 6
green tea, super antiox, ginger, 2x garlic,
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana, honey
edge 50 min with ejac no adult entertainment
600mg choline
damiana, swedish flower, ant, 1/2 ginseng
protein, maca, cacao, oats, banana, honey
green tea, ginger, 2x garlic, super antiox
day 7
green tea, 2x garlifc, super antioxd, ginger, 1/2 ginseng
warm up 7 min, stretches 5 min, heli shakes
pump 3-5hg 5 min, clamp 7 min, pump 5-7hg 6 min, clamp 10 min, pump 5-7 hg 10min edge 10 min
choline 700mg
l-citruline malate 2.6g
5 min resistance bands,
10 hammer curl 20kg, 20 tricept dips 20kg, 8 bicept curls 20kg, 20 tricept dips 20kg, 6 bicept curls 20kg, 40x push ups
protein, maca, cacao, banana, oats, honey
damiana, ant, swedish
citruline 2.5g
day 8
warm up 10 min basic stretches helicopter shakes
hanging 2x5 min, 1 x10 min, 1x 5min2.5kg
citruline 3g
edge 40 min no ejac no adult entertainment
protein, maca, cacao, banana, honey
citruline 3g
green tea, 2x garlic, cayenne, b complex, ginger
camomile tea
day 9
oats, maca
citruline 2.5g
day 10
green tea, garlic x2, cayenne, ginger, super antiox, 1/3 ginseng
green tea, honey
citruline 2.6g
green tea, honey
50mg sid cit
200 jelq
8 min clamp, 7min edge 9 min clamp, 7 min edge uli 30sec x 4, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] 111111 30sec, accordian 1, edge 20 min (1hr45min)
500mg choline, 2.6g citruline, 2g aakg
2g aakg water topical
day 11
2.6g citruline
620mg choline, 2x fish oil
warm up + stretch 10 min
hang 2.5kg 2x 10min, edge 10 min, 10 min ck ring
arg topical
swedish, ant, damiana, cayaenne
10mg cial
day 12
leech oil
500mg choline
2.5g citruline
1x fish oil
green tea, honey
aakg 2.6g, vit c 1000mg
green tea
edge 45min no ejec no adult entertainment, 50 erect rotators w/kegels
resistance bands, shoulder, tricepts, bicepts 15 min, 50 push ups, 20 squats
1000mg fish oil, protein shake
vit c 1000mg, damiana, ant
1x vitamin e gel
2.5g aakg, 2.5g citruline
leech oil
day 13
citruline 2.5g
choline 500mg
50mg sid cit
jelq 170
clamp 10 w/ wall [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] x4, edge 5min, 10min w/ssj 11111, edge 5min, uli 30s x 1111111, squeze 111, edge 10 min
leech oil
jelq 200 ,1hr 20m
performance multi
leech oil
day 14
citruline 2.5g
choline 500mg
adc 1130am - 1215
leech oil
green tea 2 cups
levit 20mg 2:40pm
warm up stretch 10min
pump 20min 3-5hg, edge jelq 10 min, pump 3hg 15min, edge jelq 20 min
citruline 2.5g
leech oil
zma 500mg
day 15
leech oil
green tea
citruline 2.5g
choline 700mg
zma 600mg
day 16
citruline 2.7g
choline 700mg
green tea
50mg kamag 2pm
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 5min, jelq edge 5min, [words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 5 min, jelq edge 5min, 10x 30sec uli, semi clamp [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-forum/12539-slow-squash-jelq-nothing-give-me-better-expansion.html]ssj[/words] x3, semi clamp edge 10 min, edge 15min
leech oil
aakg 2.5, citruline 2.5
60 wide pushups, 60 squats, 5 min bike
protein, maca
10x hammer 20kg, 20x tricept 20kg, 7x bicept 20kg, 20x tricept, 5xbicept20kg
stretch upwards 5x40 sec
zma 550mg, vit c 1000mg
day 17
edge 20min w/ejac
10mg cial, 2.5g citruline
cayenne, super antiox, garlic
blackmores multi
super antiox, cayenne, damiana, ginseng, garlic
day 18
citruline tsp
chamomile tea honey, oatmeal honey
blackmores multi, super antiox, garlic, cayenne
leech oil massage 10min
firegost rolls
day 19
decent morning and night wood
citruline tsp
chamomile tea honey, oatmeal honey
blackmores multi, super antiox, garlic, cayenne
50mg kamag 315pm
warm up 10 min, stretches 5 min
obendx1, 20% squeezex4, jelq 10 min, 60sec uli x 3, 1x accordian, edge 15min
leech oil massage 5min
day 20
camomile tea
citruline tsp
cail 10mg
blackmores multi, cayenne, garlic, super antiox
edge 45min
day 21
citruline tsp
citruline 2.5g, aakg 2.5g, choline 500mg
day 22
doctor, blood test
day 23
oats, strawb honey
kamag 50mg 1.30pm
15 edge, 4x 1min uli, 35 dry jelq, edge 15, leech oil jelq 100
day 24
oats strbbry, honey, chamomole tea
cham tea
edge 35 min 10 min c/ring w/ejac
cial 20mg
day 25
berocca multi
oats, chamomile
b multi
citruline, arginine, choline bedore bed.
day 26
chamomile tea honey, b multi
cham tea ,oats
edge 10, 1min uli 11111, edge 20min, 100 leech iol jelq, 400 slaps, 120 heli sjhakes
cham tea honey
barocca multi
citruline, argininew, choline b4 bed
day 27
oats honey banana strbrry
b multi
vit c 1000mg, chamomimle tea
barocca multi
protein 4xtbsp, banana honey milk 100ml
cial 20mg
day 28
day off
day 29
oats, banana honey
kamag 50mg 1145
edge 10, pump 15 4-5hg, edge 10, 30 sec uli, pump 15 red line, edge 15, pump 10 min 5hg, edge 10, 100 leech oil jelq, slaps + heli shakes warm dowm
cham tea honwy
b multi, tsp citruline
cham tea honey
20 min jog
protein, honey, banana
2x super antiox, choline 630mg, ant, cayenne
day 30
edge, head squeezes x 3, 2x 30sec uli, 3x bends, jelqs, edge
cipla 20mg
day 31
cayenne, garlic, ant, super antiox, ginseng
english breakfast tea
edge 30min, leech oil jelqs
day 32
sublutamine 250mg
3x garlic, 3x cayenne 2.10pm
acv 4 tbsp w/honey
40 push ups, 40 squats, 10 hammer 20kg, 20 tricept 20kg, 10 bicept curls 20kg, 20 tricept 20kg
protein, banana, honey
(bicarb soda 1/4th tsp)
day 33
sublutamine 250mg
3x cayenne, 3x garlic 1pm
green tea cup
4 tbsp acv honey
15min edge, 45sec uli 111, down base bend 45sec 11, up base bend 11, mid bend up 1, down 111, head squeeze x 10, edge 1hr w/ejac w/adult entertainment
day 34
sublutamine 260mg
3xgarlic, 3xcayenne 1.55pm
4 tbsp acv honey
3xgarlic, 3xcayenne
leech oil
day 35
sublutimine 250mg
3x garlic, 1.5g cayenne 12noon
edge 15, pump 15, edge 10, pump 15, edge 5, uli 30, head squueze x5, 30 sec uli, 5x head squueze, uli 30 sec, head squueze x4, edge 10min, leech iol, slaps, heli shakes
acv 4 tbsp honey
3 garlic, 1.5g cayenne
leech oil
muscle relaxer
day 36
sublut 250mg
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
4tbsp acv honey
edge 30 min, mast 2h w/ejac w/adult entertainment
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Bathmate[/words] 20 min
leexh oil
day 37
sublut 250mg
3xgarlic, 1.5g cayenne
4xtbsp acv honey
push ups, bicepts, tricepts
garlic x3, cayenne x3
day 38
sublut 270mg
3x cayenne, 3xgarlic
cam tea
icariin 200mg 5.25pm
edge 15, uli bends up/down x 5, 3sec head squeezes x 15, edge 10, 50 min total