Jun 3, 2003
Over the last 3 years I have been working on the Alpha+Blade project. This project coincides with when a very important relationship ended in my life. May 4th, 2004 is when Jennifer left me because of so many issues in her, my and our lives. When earlier, in 2005-06, I was going to release Alpha+Blade I thought I was ready but was wrong. I had so much more to learn before I could make the website, book and film public.

The Alpha+Blade series of media sources are based solely on the things I learned during the last 3 years and how they apply to my past and future. On May 4th, 2004 my girl left me. She is the love of my life and losing her was one of largest travesties I have endured. Her departure not only destroyed me on a romantic level but it infected every other part of my life. Most of my time, at that point, was spent on MOS and I let every other part of myself wane and wither. The things Jennifer, my son Armando and every other person who loved me, that made up Michael Salvini as the happy, magical person I was became distorted and disreguarded. Every aspect of those qualities became hidious and I was quite blind to their dimisee. I could not see what had happened to me, I was convinced the rest of the world was wrong and they were against me. I truly could not see the errors of my way and because of this I was left alone to myself, losing everything that was ever important to me.

The story progresses from there, as many may already know, and I essentially deliberately, created my life back into existence. I was left in a apartment that I had ripped every wall from. The place Jennifer and I lived was reduced to a 2 floor warehouse. No bathroom, kitchen, rooms, closets, nothing...four walls just staring at a nigga:) I credit that line to the Ghetto Boyz but it is soooo true. It was me, myself and I in the middle of a framed out room.

I could not bare the thoughts of staying in the apartment (which later becomes the Alpha+Blade Studios) so I jumped on a plane to Southern, Florida. This is where my business partner and best friend, Jaz, resides. I spent the next 4 months living with Jaz for 3 months and approximately 4 weeks on my own. I only brought my clothes, books and some notebooks and pens. On the flight I made a list of the things I needed to change in my world. The list was longer than my cock:) Anyway, over this time I educated myself on many subject and essentially started a system of self education that led me to creating the book and it's other outlets. When I returned to my home in Massachusetts (the one with no walls) well, the house now was worse...there were no longer utilities.

I could not stay there so I moved in with my Ex-Wife and Son. I spent about 6 months there until I was asked to leave, due mainly to my extreme depression and obsession with making some huge changes. During my stay Armand and I worked a lot on the Alpha+Blade project. We filled note books with the changes I was making and how I was doing it. He was able to help me focus and study the many books I wanted to know. We did series of experiments and worked tirelessly on the book and solving the laundry list of problems in my life.

When I left his home I had close to 10 college notebooks filled. I am not sure why I chose to write it down instead of typing it on my computer. I guess the freedom of the pen and paper made a greater companion than the heaviness of a impersonal computer. This also allowed me to quickly scribble drawings and equations on ideas that came to mind. When in Florida, the biggest problem was the massive collection of note and school books that were accumulating with great speed and weight. I spent a couple weeks living in the wilderness when in Florida. Since I was living outdoors the books became cumbersome. I also needed to worry about them becoming weathered, as I was outside during Hurricane Katrina. Funny enough, after Katrina hit many of the great, palm trees were uprooted leaving massive caves of shelter under tham. I spent about 2 weeks living in one tree by a lake:):):) As much as it seems like it would have sucked, it did not. I learned a lot there:)

Anyway upon moving back into my Massachusetts empty warehouse I went into a deep depression. I did not work for a few months and basically paced the bare, bleached white, floors only occasionally stopping long enough to scribble a picture, words or some other thing on the floor. It was a few months before I decided to start work again but when I did....I REALLY DID!

I started to campaign fund raisers for the apartment to become Alpha+Blade Studios and raised enough money to complete it (plus feed me and my family.) I thank you people who supported this project as if it were not for you non of this would have manifested itself. A very special thanks to the major contributors who helped raise more than $40,000 at a time that I had no income. That money served a great purpose and it was a large part of fertilizer of the great seed that has grown into the Alpha+Blade systems.

While I built the Alpha+Blade Studio I did a majority of my work in Starbucks across the East Coast. This is the reason I entitled the book "THE BALL, Conversations at Starbucks the Alpha+Blade Project" The Ball was a name my Son came up with as he felt when we exchanged ideas and answers we were passing a great ball of energy. Since most of my conversations took place in the local Starbucks Coffee Houses I decided to credit the people. I also needed to include the root of the Alpha+Blade people, you guys and the things you taught me. The title is long but I am all about making things bigger, longer and greater.

Essentially the Alpha+Blade book and film are a set of steps that will show people how to get exactly what they want in life. The methods are a seamless entanglement of every subject from science, math and religion to physics, motivation and philosophy. I wrote the book in the spirit of a tragic comedy but I am sure there will be something for everyone in there. The steps are very basic and proved hardest in finishing this project is to present these methods in the simplest way.... essentially ABC/123.

Some of what I have accomplished are:

Alpha+Blade Studios

An offer to write a thesis for Princeton University based on one of my notebooks on mathematics and physics. (I have an 8th grade education.)

Losing 140 pounds in 4 months, with maximum body mass to muscle.

Completing 4 books on Physics, Mathematics, a Autobiography and a perpetual graphic novel.

Completed two full art galleries and received national exposure.

Made MOS the largest Men's Sexual Health Site in the World.

Acquired 2 original Pablo Picasso's for almost no money with full provence and COA.

Collected 2 of my favorite automobiles (again using no money)

Made thousands of friends and connections.

I received property in Washington DC, South Beach and The Virgin Islands (again using no money, I actually received money when I did it)

1000's of other things but mainly my relationship with Armando, my Son and Jennifer, my fiancé is again, reunited but at a level that is beyond any I could every dream.

Recently I have been very busy assembling a team to create the production of the Alpha+Blade Systems. I have been doing interviews and organizing the last parts of the project. Again, I will have the site and forums up for free and they will feature everything in the film and book. I already know the book and film will be a huge financial success so giving away the information is a joy.

I thank all of you for all of your continuing support and I will update this thread here and in the Alpha+Blade BLOG over the next few dates. I was going to launch the websites on the 4th of July but I may start the BLOG early.

I hope everyone can forgive my absence in MOS but I feel as though everything you could ever know about your sexuality already exists in you as it exists here. Every answer you need exists within this site but I still love answering the questions over and over:)....It makes me feel needed:) I will try to post daily and catch up on all the inquiries I have missed.

I've watched you grow and transform yourself. You let it all hang out. Why not? It's only the fear-filled and the shame-based who don't allow themselves to do this. You are my inspiration, as always, good one.

Your art work is remarkably creative, as are you.

I surely understand how it's about pulling it all together. Our thinking is remarkably similar in this regard.

I understand the anger. I understand the self-destructive impulses. I understand the deep depression. I understand the relief when it is lifted. Most people I have known with your kinds of talents have these swings--it comes with the territory. So as deep as the valleys are, the creative heights can be equally dazzling.

Thank you, brother, for all you have given and will continue to give to us.

Goin' aka Horsehung
subzero468;306361 said:
do ur thing my niggity im happy things came together 4 u live your life

Thanks Sub, I am doing my thing big-time:) So many good things are popping off that it is hard to slow down sometimes. I tried to get some rest in DC to no avail. I think once the book and film are finished I will be able to get some rest and relaxation but even then I am sure I will be on the next project:)

goinfor11x7;306362 said:
I've watched you grow and transform yourself. You let it all hang out. Why not? It's only the fear-filled and the shame-based who don't allow themselves to do this. You are my inspiration, as always, good one.

Your art work is remarkably creative, as are you.

I surely understand how it's about pulling it all together. Our thinking is remarkably similar in this regard.

I understand the anger. I understand the self-destructive impulses. I understand the deep depression. I understand the relief when it is lifted. Most people I have known with your kinds of talents have these swings--it comes with the territory. So as deep as the valleys are, the creative heights can be equally dazzling.

Thank you, brother, for all you have given and will continue to give to us.

Goin' aka Horsehung

We have discussed these things in great detail and we have always been on the same page. I spend every day with my Son and half the kids from his school:) (well feels like half) but I am surrounded with children every day. On the weekends I like to have them come stay with me at the ALPHA+BLADE STUDIO. The studio inspires many facets of education as it is filled with a great library, a inspiring art studio, a music recording studio a wonderful theatre and a place to conduct experiments and do projects. It is kind of like being at Xavier's School For Gifted children. We discuss many subjects and every weekend we explore something new and in the spirit of curiosity we have a lot of fun.

Last night we watched Wall-E and Eve, the new Disney film. The film is loosely based on the first few books of Genesis so when we made it home to the Studio we discussed everyones view on the film. I highly recommend seeing it, Pixar does an incredible job with the animation and the messages are very well delivered to any age.

WHile sitting around the theatre area, watching Deja Vu, starring Denzel Washington and Paula Patton, one of my sons friends asked to read the Bible. We discussed the story of Adam and Eve and what the Bible was trying to say. His question was more about knowledge and why it was the very thing that dispelled the couple from the garden. He also asked if ALPHA+BLADE was like eating from the tree of knowledge because of how easy it is for us to transform ourselves or gain what ever we desire through creative, deliberate creation. This question was one I struggled with when I was starting ALPHA+BLADE, it seemed as though I could pretend anything into existence and quite frankly, the knowledge scared me. I wondered why other people did not use this knowledge and I started to think maybe I shouldn't. Just like most of the modern world, I perverted the message to the point of self-denial and an acceptance of a miserable, unaware existence.

So he asked me what did the message mean to me. I view Adam and Eve with the highest regard and it is a very important lesson in the ALPHA+BLADE program. When the Garden of Eden was first created and Adam and Eve were given domain over the entire place they were told that they had already known everything, they did not need to learn more because they already knew. The tree of Life was available to them and the tree would give them eternal life but God also put the tree of Good and EVil (the Tree of Knowledge) in the Garden too. This tree symbolized God's mind and refraining from eating from it was a way of Adam and Eve to show a commitment to the trust they had in God and his words that they needed nothing more than the perfect knowledge they already possessed.

Like most humans today, Adam and Eve became ignorant through their own education and essentially forgot that they already knew everything they needed to know, well at least everything they needed to know to live in eternal bliss. In the forgetting of this self-realization of perfection they chose to eat the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE. Their hope was to find out what God was hiding from them, what knowledge God had that they did not. They fell victim to the serpent, the snake representing evil, and his promises that there was more beyond their knowledge failing to see that God was only protecting them from the bad of the world. When they tried to peek into the mind of God their world collapsed into a place surrounded by human error...the magic dispersed.

If you understand Quantum Mechanics you will understand the miracle of the electron. An electron is an elementary particle, a very tiny or quantum sized particle. It is independent and it is essentially one. It is kind of like a marble, a single bit of energy...kind of like a human. A single electron, can become 2 electrons and go from being a particle to becoming a wave. "How" it is done is the mystery of Quantum Physics and when a scientist tries to "peek" the electron realizes it is being watched and goes back to acting like a particle.

The magnitude and association of the book of Adam and EVe and Quantum Mechanics is identical on a metaphorical level (in my opinion on every level) . Just like Eve and Adam trying to peek on the mind of God and the scientist peeking on the electron result in a collapse of the magic and a reality is established. Prior to viewing either God's mind, or the electron for this matter, all possibilities are in super position, meaning anything is possible. We decide the outcome and that is a magic we have always possessed...we only forgot. Trying to find out "how" it is done is where we fail...this is trying to eat from a tree of knowledge we already posses. Quite the paradox.

I like to see my past, negative experience (crime, ,hate, violence, shit like that) as the very basis for my ability to effectively speak on how to change these things. I could not have become the positive person I am if I did not have my negative experience to contrast it. How the hell can a psychiatrist tell me I am Bi-Polar if he is not himself? He can't. I can't have the appreciation for my positive change unless I once lived it's opposite. Who can know red without knowing blue? Everything I have gained is in sharp contrast to what I did not have. The way I got it is through the magic of the universe and my realization of myself and the power that resides in me.


PS: This gallery is based purely on the Garden of Eden>>>CLICK HERE. My newest gallery on the Reunification of Adam and Eve and their need to have children, which I will get up today on video (if you are local it is on display in Starbucks in Northampton, MA) until the end of June.)

Thanks again for the support
xtremegamer;306437 said:
Shit I really need something like this at my current point in life.

The point is you never needed it as you have always had it. I am not trying o give you something new, or something that I created....I am only trying to help you remember that you knew it all along, you only forgot.
xtremegamer;306437 said:
Shit I really need something like this at my current point in life.
doublelongdaddy;306473 said:
The point is you never needed it as you have always had it. I am not trying o give you something new, or something that I created....I am only trying to help you remember that you knew it all along, you only forgot.
xtremegamer--the Source has always been readily available to you. Somewhere along the line we have separated ourselves and awareness from it. DLD is going to help you get reconnected to it... once you make the reconnection it's going to be awesome.
DLD you have a very powerful mindset the way that you can turn your life around has really given me motivation as I am trying to change something in my life at this current time. I like the way that you have done it as well I am going to follow this and I can not wait for the alpha blade to be released.
Threak-X;306497 said:
xtremegamer--the Source has always been readily available to you. Somewhere along the line we have separated ourselves and awareness from it. DLD is going to help you get reconnected to it... once you make the reconnection it's going to be awesome.

That separation can be seen in larger ways and when we become aware of these detacHydromaxents we become aware of our own life-force. When you consider science and religion, with a un-bias, rational mind, it is plain to see that both branches of knowledge are saying the exact thing but the distance between the 2 is so broad and clouded with mis-education that the simplicity of it's original meaning is lost. The law of conservation of energy states that: the total amount of energy in any isolated system remains constant but cannot be recreated, although it may change forms, e.g. friction turns kinetic energy into thermal energy. In thermodynamics, the first law of thermodynamics is a statement of the conservation of energy for thermodynamic systems, and is the more encompassing version of the conservation of energy. In short, the law of conservation of energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. If you ask a theologian who or what God is you will be likely to get an answer very similar to the law of conservation of energy. In short God can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. God has always been and always will be, the same thing Science is saying.

These divisions are also prevalent in the separation of countries, language, color, relationships, gender, essentially any system that has a positive and negative magnetic force will show a division (great or small) I realized a great separation in myself some years ago and the separation was one of self-realization. I always knew everything I needed to know in order to get anything I wanted but somewhere along the way I forgot. A good story I use to show this example is a cute one. It is appropriate too as much of what I am teaching in my new book is based on age regression and reeducation in the spirit of a child. Read on:)

There was a young couple who had a 4 year old son. The young boys name was Will. The couple got pregnant and Will became scared and jealous that things would change if the new baby came along. His worry was evident to the couple as he was very vocal. They knew in time he would become used to the idea but it did sadden them. After some months they gave birth to beautiful girl named Eva. Since Eva had her own room the couple worried about her sleeping so they purchased baby monitors so they could hear what was happening in her room while she slept. One evening, while they were watching tv, they heard footsteps crossing. They were listening to Will as he crept into Eva's room. Their first instinct was to run upstairs to make sure no bad came about but they did not, they sat and listened. As they heard him creep up to the crib they could tell Will was lowering the crib gate. Soon they heard a whisper. Will said "pssss, Eva, wake up. I want to ask you something." The couple turned up their monitor to hear better then they heard Will ask Eva a question, "Eva, please tell me about God, I'm starting to forget."

The story is meant to invoke a realization that Will was still aware of his power of being a child, a power that allowed him to do so much magic. A magic of imagination that allowed the child to have and do all he wanted. You see Will was forgetting this knowledge because of the ill-education of the world around him and he knew that Eva still knew as Eva was so much closer to God's knowledge because she had yet to forget.

The Alpha+Blade system will teach you how to remember all the things you have forgot. Once you can remember and apply the magic that has been with you for all time you will see and do things you never dreamed possible.

Think about being a child for a minute. I can remember when I was young getting a large cardboard box. Some friends and I cut holes in the box and colored to box with crayons and markers. We created a bright green jeep from the cardboard box. We all got inside and we drove all over the world. We saw the great pyramids, we drove through the Caspian Sea, we explored the planets and stars, we explored so many places and we brought back so many souvenirs. Rocks from Mars, stardust from Alpha-Centuri, sand from Egypt and water from the great sea. Within hours we had created this incredible journey to the ends of the universe and we never left that cardboard box....GET THE POINT?:)

I promise you that the Alpha-Blade System will show you how to take a cardboard box and make anything you want.

little fella;306577 said:
DLD you have a very powerful mindset the way that you can turn your life around has really given me motivation as I am trying to change something in my life at this current time. I like the way that you have done it as well I am going to follow this and I can not wait for the alpha blade to be released.

July 4th, as promised, I will have the BLOG site up and running. Thanks for your support.

I have launched a new blog, as promised, to help you guys follow what is going on with Alpha Blade and I will update it daily. So you know, the book is complete and ready to be sent to the publishers. I finished the final work today and all graphics for the book have been completed. This evening I will be finishing all graphic titles and any other details necessary for publishing. The temporary address for now is : http://alphablade-theball.blogspot.com/ . Please visit when you can and I will publish, answer and update daily.

Thanks for your support
The time has come :D
Thanks DLD and Congrats on everything, hope it all continues to go well
Hey DLD!! You are truely inspirational in your quests for self-improvement and sel-relization. After reading the ALPHA BLADE and THE BALL blog, I am starting to wonder if this program entails a practice that I came across when I purchased an Arabic Penis Enlargement guide in 1993. It had exercises for penis enlargement, breathing, increasing thrusting power, meditation, and mind focusing. I'm going to try to find it because I saved it on a disk, but is ALPHA BLADE anything like this?

Man--alot happens when you are gone for a week. I go on a family vacation and you bust all this out?!?!?!

Good on you man. I'll be home this week so you and I need to try and set up a time to talk--send me a PM of when you are available and we can try and hook up.

koooky;306896 said:

Man--alot happens when you are gone for a week. I go on a family vacation and you bust all this out?!?!?!

Good on you man. I'll be home this week so you and I need to try and set up a time to talk--send me a PM of when you are available and we can try and hook up.


So much is happening at once it is crazy. I have just finished the complete copyrights on my 3 books (only one of them will interest most:)) But I have tackled so much Kooky since our last talk. My book on Quantum Mechanics (unbelievably) is over 1600 pages and the editing alone was (and still is) a nightmare. The Alpha Blade Book, The Ball, being the book that will be available as a film and Audio Book, is very close to being ready to get published. and my final book on mathematics is still in the works. I have accomplished a lot since we spoke last and I know you will be proud of what I have done. Keep checking the sites for updates and please call me some evening after 8:00 ET.

Peace and Love
I will be starting the first, public interviews of a people who will be using the Alpha Blade methods to change something important in their lives. Much of what the Alpha Blade system offers is based on a very old method of change and manifestation called magnetism. This use of magnetic manifestation has been used in some of the more popular programs available like "The Secret". Basically the "know" methods are very good and, much like what I did for Penis Enlargement, I have done for deliberate manifestation or creation.

The Secret, and other programs like it, explain how the law of magnetism, or creation, offers the knowledge of how to create - intentionally and effortlessly - a joyful life. This is the secret to everything - the secret to unlimited happiness, love, health and prosperity.

When I fist came upon these methods, again, much like Penis Enlargement, I became fascinated and obsessed with if it worked and if it did, what I could contribute. With anything along the lines of meta-physical science I explored and studied the known systems through philosophy, physics and mathematics with intension of finding axioms, or complete truths, in the known methods. Through my exploration of magnetism on a human level I created the Alpha Blade program which takes all of the current information and added all of my own contributions making self manifestation not only easier to understand but faster than anything currently available.

A good way to view what I have done thus far is to examine my track record in Penis Enlargement and I think anyone who takes an objective look will see similarities that will bring so much more validity to something much of the world sees as a pseudo-science, magnetism in the human form. When I came into Penis Enlargement it was already created. Many people have sited me for trying to steal and brand Penis Enlargement as my own but I have never claimed this. I do site myself as someone who took Penis Enlargement and made it easier, faster and more effective than anything prior to my involvement. I feel as though I have contributed much validity to Penis Enlargement and I will do the same for deliberate, self-creation.

Whether you realize it or not, you are creating your universe with eery thought you have. We all do and we can choose what we create for ourselves with precise accuracy if we are aware of the proper thought processes. Most people create a reality that is plagued with negativity and self-depravation when they could easily create a reality filled with complete happiness. The methods are not so difficult to comprehend and master, even with todays current model but I have taken these processes to levels never seen before.

I have obviously created some very good things in my life and many has seen this but I will not be using myself as the only one to believe, nor will I expect anyone to take my word as a truth without seeing it happen in other peoples lives. I will not be showing you people who have a good life now and claim they used my methods to create it. I will not be creating smoke screens and elusive claims to fool you into believing my methods. I will prove to you, beyond any doubts, that the Alpha Blade methods will work for you. I plan on starting 10 case studies that will feature men and women who want to make changes in their lives and I will conduct interviews on film taking them from their current status the place they want to be. These will not be easy cases either. These interviews will be on live pod-casts I will conduct 2 times a week. You will meet these folks, you will be able to call in and ask questions and be fully involved with the Alpha Blade process, seeing it in LIVE action.

The biggest problem with any of the current models of magnetism, manifestation, self-creation, deliberate creation, electromagnetism, etc. lack one very important factor, no one has proven their reality. The only way to see if something truly works is by seeing it in action. Much like I was willing to be be publicly measured by GQ magazine I am willing to publicly let you see that my methods of magnetism work, not only for me but for the people I will be featuring in the Alpha Blade film. You will see people go from point A to point B as if they jumped through a wormhole in time and there will be no doubts that the Alpha Blade system will work for you.

Stay Tuned
Your art work, accomplishments and ALPHA+BLADE the BALL are such an inspiration, thanks for sharing everything.
Threak-X;307197 said:
Your art work, accomplishments and ALPHA+BLADE the BALL are such an inspiration, thanks for sharing everything.


Just to give an update. It was close to a year and a half ago that I was approached by an attorney from Princeton University, and a few of his associates, who wanted to suBathmateit my work in physics and math to the university when I reneged on the deal and decided I needed to expand my work before suBathmateission. When I made the decision that I was not ready it angered a few important people and I truly thought that the opportunity was lost. Although this work has very little to do with my work in the Alpha Blade project it is a result of the Alpha Blade thought processes that made it possible. Anyway, I always felt my work would speak for itself but I was not sure how it would manifest itself. Oddly enough today I finished the work on my thesis and after I left the printing company who is doing all of the clerical work preparing the copies and dealing with copyright details I ran into one of the people I was talking with a year and a half ago. She approached me with a big smile as if she somehow knew I was finally ready for suBathmateission. It was such a wonderful thing and the timing was magical. She is meeting with me on Friday evening for dinner and will be looking over my final work. She will also be setting up meetings with Lynn Margulis, the late Carl Sagan's wife, at the University of Massachusetts in the beginning of next week to have her and some other folks in the math and physics department to view my work before it is suBathmateitted to Princeton. It all seems so magical and it is only through the Alpha Blade Techniques that this event could have possibly occurred. To add to the weirdness of it all I was very good friends with Dorian Sagan when I was growing up and I never met his father nor Lynn....go figure:) Who knows, maybe I will be making a trip to Sweden soon:):):)
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