My opinion is, do un to others as they have done to you. Eye for an Eye. And if the soldiers are a having fun with it, its just because they have had to witness and be a part of things so vile the world people with Never hear about! Justice!
Hmm. I dont know what to think. It was so horrible
Supra said:
Hmm. I dont know what to think. It was so horrible
I hear ya Supe,but have you heard any of the tales coming home from our troops? Its indescribable! Changed my mind's thinking quite a bit!
ctmwm said:
I hear ya Supe,but have you heard any of the tales coming home from our troops? Its indescribable! Changed my mind's thinking quite a bit!

I have not, please tell me some of the stories.
Somebody would have to make one hell of an argument to convince me that any mistreatment of POW's is acceptable, especially by Americans. How can we lead the world when we behave in this fashion? The anger this will fuel in the East is extreme. Those soldiers did more to help the terrorists than they'll ever know, as each picture of Iraqi prisoner abuse will draw untold numbers of young arabs to terrorist recruiters. Human rights ough to be respected and maintained in all situations, war included. By torturing POWs we are in violation of the Geneva Convention, International Law dictated by such precident, UN regulations under which we are signed participants, and our own internal policy. This 'eye for an eye' cycle of violence and rationalization is the same flavor of thinking and propaganda that the terrorists employ. A lack of respect for human life and dignity is presented in those photos, and anybody that disputes this would do well to read the accounts now being disclosed that involve beatings, dog attacks, and threats of electrical torture, including the attachments of open wires to a prisoner's genitals. Thoroughly disgusting.
POWs are ALWAYS tortured. It's been like that forever. We need info from prisoners and they aren't exactly willing to betray their country. So we have to torture it out of them. It has always been this way, and probably always will be this way.
I am surprised to hear this, are you advocating this behavior? What occurred was not only unlawful, but inhumane and ostensibly useless. They weren't deliberately totrutred in an organized manner to extract information, although that would have been thoroughly illegal and disgusting as well, they were simply harrassed, beaten, humiliated, and otherwise degraded for no particular reason. Treating captured combatants in a humane fashion after they have been removed from the battlefield and are no longer a threat to our own soldiers is a great show of rationality and humanity in otherwise terrible situation, and conducting ourselves in this fashion would demonstrate that the US and liberal democracies are truly the most advanced nations. Agreeing on humane prisoner treatment under the Genvea Convention was a huge accomplishment for international human rights, and as I recall many people are constantly using Sadam's brutal treatment of prisoners as a good reason to invade his country in the wake of finding no WMDs. Please accept my apologies if I find it perfectly ridiculous that you might somehow justify torturing people as a necessary action for the strongest military force in all of history. Human lives are human lives, Iraqi or American. As a Christian, Cyclops, I would hope that you would assign more importance to this fundamental truth. The horror of war does not somehow justify unecessary and unwarranted cruelty. Even President Bush, much as I loathe him, has gone on record as being outraged by the behavior.

Learn some empathy gentlemen. For every grieving American mother, there are ten Iraqi women who have lost their sons. It's easy to sit over here in the states and say 'fuck 'em' they're against us and killing our boys. But our boys are there because we invaded, and that is not the fault any one Iraqi soldier, or the many civillians we have accidentally killed. War is awful, even more so when it is not an absolutly necessary measure in order to prevent an even greater tragedy (WWII as a prime example). Just try to remember that people lose and suffer on both sides. Iraqis may seem ungrateful, hostile, ignorant, but remeber that had you not been blessed enough to be born and live where you do, you may very well have been one of them. Do not be so arrogant as to think that an American life is more valuable than any other, indeed that attitude is one of the reasons so many countries don't particularly care for us right now. In this world we are all products of circumstance to a great degree, but we are united by our common human experience, including suffering. Keep that in mind before you casually dismiss things like the torture of POWs as a fact of life.
I think....its about FUCKING TIME!!

I dont wanna hear the fuzzy heart b.s. ..."we're supposed to set the example...geneva convention...bla blaaa" ....we're about the only damn country that ever pays attention to that stuff. Maybe if we did this sort of stuff more often, other countries would have more respect for us...and, or FEAR for the American troops when we resort to battling with them. Nothing wrong with being feared.

It's like the thing that happened several months ago over there with one of our officers. Think the guy was either Army or Marine ...pretty high ranking, near retirement. Our guys captured some Iraqis that knew something about an assassination plot to take out some military/officers on OUR side. Tried interrogations and being "political" with these fucks. Nothing worked until this officer pulled his service pistol out and fired off a shot near the guys head. Dude supposedly spilled his guts after that and told them everything he knew about the plot. Saved several lives on OUR side. Now that officer is facing charges because of the way he acted.......LIKE A DAMN HERO!! That type of shit makes me sick.
No offense intended to anyone, but frankly U.S military isn't even supposed to be in Iraq, considering that they have done everything they were supposed to(without really asking anyone). They removed Saddam and didn't find any "weapons of mass destruction"(like there were any...). The U.S is about the the only damn country that puts their nose into other countrie's business and that's what the U.N was made for.Stillwantmore, the only thing you would be achieving is making them HATE you not FEAR you. They have nothing to lose and death for them means "salvation" and respect. While a U.S mercenary has everything to lose and nothing to look forward to.
I'm with Swank on this, two wrongs don't make a right.

Plus, has anyone heard how Saddam is singing like a canary, no torture required, he's giving up info to the allied forces to catch his top guys basically for an occassional big mac meal. However I'm not surprised to hear he has less conviction on his beliefs than those he has brainwashed and opressed.
The UK soldiers have done worse LOL its been allover the papers here.
I think its GREAT, TORTURE the fuckers .... EYE for a fuckin EYE, they were gunna kill UZ so we fuckin make there life a dogs one, theres so many goody goodies about, thats how this got leaked to us, the Brit troops involved could face charges now.
At the end of the day, those Iraqi soldiers WOULD have done WORSE to us mate, I heard the storys from the last wars with Iraq and OUR POW's .... they went PAST evil.
Let um rot I say, I'd force feed them there own shit and boot the fuckin teeth they carry down there smelly camel stinking mouths, the smelly arsewipes.
Also as Still says WE are the ONLY ones who do ANYTHING, unlike the coward French who sit on there ASSS amongst others, ''Let the Yanks and brits do it all''
Plus, TORTURE to POW's lol been going on for YEARS and YEARS before Christ came outta marys fanny .... the Brits were tortured terrible by the japanese in WW2, it was terrible what they did ... made us build bridges with NO FOOD or waterm them men were SKELETONS and many died .... no one batted an eyelid .... why cos there BRITISH, same with the US.
US and UK troops and peeps, if there tortured or shot hardly anyone cares, yet if they do anything ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSE.
At the end of the day those POW's in Iraq are EVIL bastards from Saddams regine, they would NEVER care less for us, so I say do wotcha want with um.
Like I said, I'd kick there fuckin teeth in .... ASAP infact I would LOVE DOING IT.
I've never agreed with 'us' being over in Iraq in the first place, but war is war. It's never going to be "fair" on either side of the battle. Whether anyone agrees with the reasoning behind the conflict...thats not important. During a war or any big conflict where violence is involved between two groups, you are going to have people being hurt, killed, tortured, etc. It's only up to whoever is in charge on either side as to who gets tortured (or who hears about it ;)) and who does not.

This sort of stuff has never been pretty. People have always been tortured to some extent on either side. It's only more common with todays widespread media and the ability to nearly instantly broadcast "news" worldwide...that we hear more about stuff like this.
War maybe war, but the fact is that the US can easily stop this war and all the killing by taking it's troops back were they belong.So all the complaints about your soldiers being killed and tortured lack logic.Anyway there are the psychological methods of torture, which are not banned by the Geneve Convention. For example tieing the subject in a dark silent room and having water drip on his forhead drop by drop(this is the most popular "legal" torture in the Israeli army). Sleep deprvation is also allowed. There are a lot of methods acctually.
why are you arsed??? your based in the Old Soviet Block so this has and wont effect you.
Well gentlemen, all that I can say in response is that our president and our congress, as well as all the top military leadership don't see it your way. The people that are actually in positions of authority and power in matters of war don't see torture as justified or necessary, and thank god as far as I'm concerned. Freely advocating cruelty like that just shows what this type of gung-ho mentality does to us as a nation. As somebody else kindly restated, that does not make the enemy fear us, that is preposterous. It makes them hate us more, and in the end will cost more lives as untold numbers of angy, poor, uneducated young arabs see pictures of people that look just like them being tortured by US soldiers who are posing for the camera with mile wide grins and two thumbs up. My own father had a long military career, served in WWII and Korea, then went on to the state department and evetually became a diplomat. As a young man he taught me that the greatest tragedy of war is that it robs us of our respect for human diginity, and that the onyl way to be a true success in such matters is do everything you can to preserve your humanity and reflect this in your conduct.

By advocating torture just because they would have 'done the same to us,' i hardly see how we have a superior mentality to any terrorist. Why are terrorists evil? They don't respect human life and use violence and fear to achieve their goals. Hmmm, now what is torturing another human being, who is held captive and has no way to defend themselves? Once you're off the battle field and you don't have a rifle in your hand, the rules change lads, it's as simple as that. And Stillwantmore, you seem to be a very nice and reasonable person, but the Geneva-blah-blah as you call it, is an achievement of massive importance in the world that dictates much of what we base international law upon. Nobody should pick up a gun before they've thoroughly read history. The torture is an uncalled for show of animal cruelty and ignorance, and does absolutly no good in the world. Stick up for the men that fight bravely for their country on the battlefield, not the ones that idle away their time abusing defenseless human beings for fun.
Zurik said:
War maybe war, but the fact is that the US can easily stop this war and all the killing by taking it's troops back were they belong.So all the complaints about your soldiers being killed and tortured lack logic.Anyway there are the psychological methods of torture, which are not banned by the Geneve Convention. For example tieing the subject in a dark silent room and having water drip on his forhead drop by drop(this is the most popular "legal" torture in the Israeli army). Sleep deprvation is also allowed. There are a lot of methods acctually.

YOU chill out.
Leave the US and UK to do what the WORLD is SCARED to do....FIGHT TERRORISM.
Dont keep runnin our methods down.
Now what exactly did Iraq have anything to do with terrorism? I really want to hear this one...
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