
Jan 14, 2010
I cant go three days longer stretching until it hurts alot to stretch in my ligs! Is there something wrong`?
Stop stretching so hard, my fellow dick puller. I've been through the same thing.
stretch all the way not to much!
too much will defeat the purpose!
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Your ligaments will be sore during the first stages of Penis Enlargement. For me it lasted about a month and the pain was intense during this time. Eventually I got through it. Keep doing what you are doing and you will get through it. There is no need to take a break, maybe go a bit less intense when you are sore.
When I do my stretching, the first set is the 'warm up' set done lightly, then set 2 more pull, then set 3 is maximum I can stand.
Pulled really hard once doing tunica stretches on the bed. Hardest I've ever done and big blob of blood started leaking out. Scariest moment in my life. Glad it doesn't happen anymore.
I always aim for the burn in the ligaments, because than I know I have hit that baby as hard as I could do. Reverse kegelling also relaxes muscles in the region and give better stretch to the suspensory ligament. In summary its not pain but uncomfortable, aim for the burn.
doublelongdaddy;404509 said:
Your ligaments will be sore during the first stages of Penis Enlargement. For me it lasted about a month and the pain was intense during this time. Eventually I got through it. Keep doing what you are doing and you will get through it. There is no need to take a break, maybe go a bit less intense when you are sore.

This kind of what I going through right now. I am doing phase 1 right now. i'm on my second week, 1 rest day (not on purpose though), and I can feel some soreness in the inside of my penis. It's not unbearable or too intense (right now anyway), and my ligs are a little sore as well. So, can I still work through it without taking any rest days, and it won't reverse the effects of getting bigger? I mean, start getting smaller because of that? I'm in a good routine, and I really don't want to miss a lot of workouts.

Also, I'm a member of your pay site (a purchase I'll never regret), and I've been studying the videos (jelqing/stretching), and I've got the correct form of jelqing down pretty well. But my workout session today might have been a little to much. The reason I say this is because I lost count of my jelq reps at 200, got in the "zone", and mostly likely jelqed well over 300 reps. For my next workout, should I do 150 jelqs, or continue to do the 300?

I apologize for the long post. I just need some advice is all. I appreciate any advice I get.
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