
Feb 16, 2016
I'm smoking tobacco and weed for 10 years daily. As long as I can remember, my penis when flaccid is really small, like 3-5 cm. But it wasn't only small, it felt sort of dead.. wrinkled. When touching you could basically feel there's no skin and it was just a dead little weener sort of.. hard to explain. Anyone who ever did mdma or speed knows what I mean, my penis was basically like this 80% of the time, hot or cold. In erection it was 12-13cm.

I quit smoking tobacco for a week now (not my first time) and notice, within 24-48 hours of quiitting that my flaccid penis size is 5-10 cm, when very cold 5cm but not wrinkled or anything and it still looks decent. Most of the times it looks thick and it's around 10cm. The first times I quit I thought it was a coincidence but I'm 100% sure now it's not (3rd time I quit, I still use weed daily but vaporize now instead of combust)

There is also a big vein on my penis now (when flaccid you can see it really well) from the start, around 5cm big. Looks pretty cool to be honest.

I should add that together with quitting smoking I also eat much better and move better now (the past 10 years I've lived extremely unhealthy, not moving at all and barely eating) so that might be a good reason too. Erect my penis is also 15-16 cm now instead of 12-13.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has the same experience with smoking and penis size, I know about blood flow and everything but this difference is really extreme. I'm sitting naked around the house now just so happy because a 3cm flaccid wrinkled penis was really sad. I could not get serious with a girl until I got an erection (lucky I get an erection really easy) because it looked so pathetic. Was afraid to wear any sort of pants that could show (or not show ?:( ) my 3cm penis. Now I feel like running around naked outside.

Also my sperm when smoking was always a bit yellow and clumpy, now it's bright white and much better structure too. I can't believe everybody who smokes has these kind of side effects..
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I've been wondering about this very same thing, I have a lot of what the OP describes and wonder if I can attribute it to tobacco. I kicked weed long ago but still smoke tobacco and have noticed my cock doesn't have much sensitivity, and my erections are like 60-70%. PE hasn't worked for me at all so I'm about ready to give up on it, but if I can get my EQ back by quitting smoking, it has to be worth it.
Smoke weed, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day through most of my PE. As of the last 6 months been vaping and cut smoking cigarettes down to about 4. I still smoke weed daily. If these things did have an effect on my gaining I would be blown away to see the gains I would have made if I did not smoke :) Basically, I don't think smoking hurts gains in any way but it is not a good habit.
This totally reminds me of this video:

It makes me laugh everytime :)
"Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?"
DLD: "Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?" *takes a loooooong pull on the cigarette* "I don't think so."

Hilarious! The vibe alone cracks me up every single time.
Munto;687575 said:
This totally reminds me of this video:

It makes me laugh everytime :)
"Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?"
DLD: "Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?" *takes a loooooong pull on the cigarette* "I don't think so."

Hilarious! The vibe alone cracks me up every single time.

Yeah, I imagine the behind the scene was like:
"Hey DLD the next question is on smoking and it'S affect on PE."
DLD: "Hold on a second. *lights a cigarette* Okay, GO!"

Priceless :)
munto;687669 said:
yeah, i imagine the behind the scene was like:
"hey dld the next question is on smoking and it's affect on pe."
dld: "hold on a second. *lights a cigarette* okay, go!"

priceless :)

doublelongdaddy;687448 said:
Smoke weed, smoked a pack of cigarettes a day through most of my PE. As of the last 6 months been vaping and cut smoking cigarettes down to about 4. I still smoke weed daily. If these things did have an effect on my gaining I would be blown away to see the gains I would have made if I did not smoke :) Basically, I don't think smoking hurts gains in any way but it is not a good habit.

Just started vaping too, definitely cut down smoking cigs, but vape doesn't give that same satisfaction lol
mahoney1234;688014 said:
Just started vaping too, definitely cut down smoking cigs, but vape doesn't give that same satisfaction lol

I smoked for a year, but thankfully it wasn't too hard for my stop by simply just not being around it.
mahoney1234;688014 said:
Just started vaping too, definitely cut down smoking cigs, but vape doesn't give that same satisfaction lol

Hey, as long as you are cutting back it is a huge accomplishment. I was smoking more than a pack a day and now I smoke maybe 4-5 cigarettes a day. I have said this in the past but it begs to be repeated; a man should never quit something because he believes himself to be powerless, this is a complete and absolute excuse to having self discipline. A man without discipline will inherently fail. Let me use alcohol as another example; I used to drink more than a fifth of vodka everyday. I realized at one point that the alcohol had more power than me so I needed to change this. I decided, decisively that I would not quit I would take control and exercise discipline. Today I can have a glass of wine and enjoy it without going for more. Taste from all things in life but never glutton yourself with powerlessness!
Well marijuana is good for PE when it comes to issues that has to do with blood flow. But I don't know any benefit of smoking cigarettes. However, not smoking at all is the absolute best.
mahoney1234;688014 said:
Just started vaping too, definitely cut down smoking cigs, but vape doesn't give that same satisfaction lol

Even though this is an older thread I thought I'd address this specifically. I started vaping over 4 years ago and began cutting down on smoking. After 6 months I just stopped smoking. If you stick with it long enough you get used to it. There's now 2 types of nicotine - regular and nicotine salts. The regular takes a little longer to get into your blood stream and hangs around a little longer. It's something you're not used to as a smoker and it takes some adjustment. Nicotine salts hit almost instantly just like when you light up a cig and take that first drag. (Nicotine salts is not a salt you snort or something, its the formulation of it and it's in the liquid)

I've read that nicotine itself is extremely similar to caffeine as to what it does to your body and that it's everything else in cigs that are harmful. If you think about it you've got 6-7k chemicals in tobacco that you're inhaling.

Haven't noticed a difference in my flaccid hang since I switched from cigs to vaping.
cladre60;759366 said:
Even though this is an older thread I thought I'd address this specifically. I started vaping over 4 years ago and began cutting down on smoking. After 6 months I just stopped smoking. If you stick with it long enough you get used to it. There's now 2 types of nicotine - regular and nicotine salts. The regular takes a little longer to get into your blood stream and hangs around a little longer. It's something you're not used to as a smoker and it takes some adjustment. Nicotine salts hit almost instantly just like when you light up a cig and take that first drag. (Nicotine salts is not a salt you snort or something, its the formulation of it and it's in the liquid)

I've read that nicotine itself is extremely similar to caffeine as to what it does to your body and that it's everything else in cigs that are harmful. If you think about it you've got 6-7k chemicals in tobacco that you're inhaling.

Haven't noticed a difference in my flaccid hang since I switched from cigs to vaping.

One thing I've been trying to achieve since 2012 is to stop smoking marijuana. I have stopped for a total of 3 times but each of this time only lasted for 3 months but I also noticed something. Whenever I quit smoking, I notice that I'm much more active than normal and I don't feel lazy or postpone things unlike when I smoke. Also, even if I succeed in controlling my appetite for food, I still get some sort of anxiety when I smoke and that's a very negative sign indicating that smoking is not my calling.

There used to be a friend I motivated/encouraged to quit smoking during my last 3 months of quitting last year. I didn't see this friend of mine for a year and just yesterday, I ran into him. I was shocked when he told me he has stopped smoking since May 2017. He said he noticed so much changes in his life. Back then he used to complain that smoking gives him some sort of anxiety like myself.

After our encounter yesterday, I told myself I'm going to do all it takes to quit smoking marijuana. One thing I'm going to lose is the constant erection/big flaccid hang I get daily whenever I smoke. I'm willing to sacrifice this and stick to Kegel. I need to give my spirit what it's required.
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Munto;687575 said:
This totally reminds me of this video:

It makes me laugh everytime :)
"Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?"
DLD: "Does smoking cigarettes affect gains in PE?" *takes a loooooong pull on the cigarette* "I don't think so."

Hilarious! The vibe alone cracks me up every single time.
huge-girth;759368 said:
One thing I've been trying to achieve since 2012 is to stop smoking marijuana. I have stopped for a total of 3 times but each of this time only lasted for 3 months but I also noticed something. Whenever I quit smoking, I notice that I'm much more active than normal and I don't feel lazy or postpone things unlike when I smoke. Also, even if I succeed in controlling my appetite for food, I still get some sort of anxiety when I smoke and that's a very negative sign indicating that smoking is not my calling.

There used to be a friend I motivated/encouraged to quit smoking during my last 3 months of quitting last year. I didn't see this friend of mine for a year and just yesterday, I ran into him. I was shocked when he told me he has stopped smoking since May 2017. He said he noticed so much changes in his life. Back then he used to complain that smoking gives him some sort of anxiety like myself.

After our encounter yesterday, I told myself I'm going to do all it takes to quit smoking marijuana. One thing I'm going to lose is the constant erection/big flaccid hang I get daily whenever I smoke. I'm willing to sacrifice this and stick to Kegel. I need to give my spirit what it's required.

I smoke cigarettes and I also get anxiety from some of the cigarettes. Actually I get reminded of the work I have to do and that produces anxiety. Laziness is also a part of smoking cigarettes. If I am at work or studying I would make more breaks in order to smoke a cigarette. But eventually these breaks might be helpful. Difficult to measure. Depends on how much energy you have left after work.

When I am horny I like to smoke a cigarette too. I feel a connection between arousal and smoking. In the past I wanted to stop smoking because it felt unhealthy. Nowadays I think that I love the possibility of letting off steam. I am quite sure that nothing can replace this. I have stopped smoking for about 20 times in my life and it lasts between 4 days and 3 months.

Stressful times bring be back or in general powerful emotions like strong sexual desires and so on.

I am very active in terms of working out muscle apparatus, cardio area and flexibility. Sports and smoking seems to be a contradiction but apparently I would have thrown it out of my life if it couldn't coexist.

Last month I got a e-cigarette and it worked fine until I tried another e-liquid. That stuff was very awful and I had to wait some time in order to buy different stuff. However the taste of the bad liquid is still in the device. But if I had the e-cigarette I smoked only one cigarette per day.
huge-girth;759368 said:
One thing I've been trying to achieve since 2012 is to stop smoking marijuana. I have stopped for a total of 3 times but each of this time only lasted for 3 months but I also noticed something. Whenever I quit smoking, I notice that I'm much more active than normal and I don't feel lazy or postpone things unlike when I smoke. Also, even if I succeed in controlling my appetite for food, I still get some sort of anxiety when I smoke and that's a very negative sign indicating that smoking is not my calling.

There used to be a friend I motivated/encouraged to quit smoking during my last 3 months of quitting last year. I didn't see this friend of mine for a year and just yesterday, I ran into him. I was shocked when he told me he has stopped smoking since May 2017. He said he noticed so much changes in his life. Back then he used to complain that smoking gives him some sort of anxiety like myself.

After our encounter yesterday, I told myself I'm going to do all it takes to quit smoking marijuana. One thing I'm going to lose is the constant erection/big flaccid hang I get daily whenever I smoke. I'm willing to sacrifice this and stick to Kegel. I need to give my spirit what it's required.

Then you've got someone like me who wants to start smoking again and has a hard time doing it. Yeah it makes me lazy but I went through that 20yrs ago and the solution was to do it after all my stuff for the day was done or only smoke if I could accomplish those things high. Plus I Have a hard time dealing with people who get retarded when they smoke. I like to have fun but not act like a total retard.

There's pros and cons to smoking. If the bad outweighs the good for you then time to adjust your smoking or quit. Totally your call, no one can make that decision for you.
Chaoskampf;759412 said:
I smoke cigarettes and I also get anxiety from some of the cigarettes. Actually I get reminded of the work I have to do and that produces anxiety. Laziness is also a part of smoking cigarettes. If I am at work or studying I would make more breaks in order to smoke a cigarette. But eventually these breaks might be helpful. Difficult to measure. Depends on how much energy you have left after work.

When I am horny I like to smoke a cigarette too. I feel a connection between arousal and smoking. In the past I wanted to stop smoking because it felt unhealthy. Nowadays I think that I love the possibility of letting off steam. I am quite sure that nothing can replace this. I have stopped smoking for about 20 times in my life and it lasts between 4 days and 3 months.

Stressful times bring be back or in general powerful emotions like strong sexual desires and so on.

I am very active in terms of working out muscle apparatus, cardio area and flexibility. Sports and smoking seems to be a contradiction but apparently I would have thrown it out of my life if it couldn't coexist.

Last month I got a e-cigarette and it worked fine until I tried another e-liquid. That stuff was very awful and I had to wait some time in order to buy different stuff. However the taste of the bad liquid is still in the device. But if I had the e-cigarette I smoked only one cigarette per day.

If you stick with vaping you can quit smoking totally and keep the nicotine habit. Then if you desire wean down to nothing. Just 2 weeks after I quit cigs I could smell and taste like never before. I had to get myself ready to run a 5k. I hadn't ran or exercised in years and my lungs were fine.
Chaoskampf;759412 said:
I smoke cigarettes and I also get anxiety from some of the cigarettes. Actually I get reminded of the work I have to do and that produces anxiety. Laziness is also a part of smoking cigarettes. If I am at work or studying I would make more breaks in order to smoke a cigarette. But eventually these breaks might be helpful. Difficult to measure. Depends on how much energy you have left after work.

When I am horny I like to smoke a cigarette too. I feel a connection between arousal and smoking. In the past I wanted to stop smoking because it felt unhealthy. Nowadays I think that I love the possibility of letting off steam. I am quite sure that nothing can replace this. I have stopped smoking for about 20 times in my life and it lasts between 4 days and 3 months.

Stressful times bring be back or in general powerful emotions like strong sexual desires and so on.

I am very active in terms of working out muscle apparatus, cardio area and flexibility. Sports and smoking seems to be a contradiction but apparently I would have thrown it out of my life if it couldn't coexist.

Last month I got a e-cigarette and it worked fine until I tried another e-liquid. That stuff was very awful and I had to wait some time in order to buy different stuff. However the taste of the bad liquid is still in the device. But if I had the e-cigarette I smoked only one cigarette per day.

I don't smoke cigarette, I only smoke marijuana and I can confidently tell you that it makes me postpone my PE sessions a lot. There are times when I use my LengthMaster for only 40 mins instead of 1 hour and it's all because of marijuana. But if I'm not smoking, I become extremely active/productive and I never miss my session.

Now I'm back to my daily 1 hour LengthMaster session, all thanks to quitting smoking. I hope God can help me to stay consistent and committed throughout this year. I want to do a comparison of my life when I smoked and when I didn't smoke. I want at least 6 months to go by without smoking and see if I'm much more progressive when not smoking as compared to when smoking. We will see what happens.
cladre60;759518 said:
Then you've got someone like me who wants to start smoking again and has a hard time doing it. Yeah it makes me lazy but I went through that 20yrs ago and the solution was to do it after all my stuff for the day was done or only smoke if I could accomplish those things high. Plus I Have a hard time dealing with people who get retarded when they smoke. I like to have fun but not act like a total retard.

There's pros and cons to smoking. If the bad outweighs the good for you then time to adjust your smoking or quit. Totally your call, no one can make that decision for you.

For me, the bad outweighs the good. I have stopped smoking for 3 months a few times and each of those 3 months I was very progressive in every aspect of my life. I know if I stop from now till Christmas I'm going to achieve too many things in my life because the spiritual side of me doesn't want marijuana in my life. I believe if I can quit for up to 6 months, the urge to smoke would go away permanently.
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