I had a real shitty workout this morning. I was trying to do myMOSstretch routine and I like to wrap before I stretch to minimize skin stretch and better grip and for the life of me I could not get a comfortable wrap. Everything hurt. My skin was sensitive, my glands hurt. I could not get a solid stretch cause ever thing hurt. I am so pissed. I love doing my stretching and it pisses me off I can't find a more comfortable wrapping technique. I use sports prewrap while trying to pull down as much skin as possible while wrapping than use a sports wrap for better grip. I can usually get thru 3 sets but by the end of the third set I'm struggling cause it's gets sore. I've tried other ways and this method is by far the most comfortable but still I wish I could get thru my sets without the pain. It's just skin pain not warning pain but still. Sorry for rambling I'm just pissed. I feel like I cheated myself out of a stretch routine.