
Nov 30, 2011
I can't seem to understand if the hardcore routine is for me or the SRT routine is. I need help. What is a good routine to start with? I have a Bathmate and I would like to incorperate it into my routine.... Right now I am doing a routine that has manual stretching and then 5 minutes of Bathmate followed by jelqing. Please help!
Consolidate them together and have both. If just starting out, then still the same rules or cautions apply. Be careful and watch for any signs of discomfort. You can do whatever techniques you like but caution is the better part of valour. Many routines are out there to try out, you just need to find what works for you. Give it 6 mths and if nothing, move on. Good luck.
Start slow. This isn't a sprint it's a marathon. Stamina is better than speed. Speed without stamina is pointless. Slow and steady is better than Fast and burnt out. Stick with it. Push yourself to the limits within reason. The Bathmate newbie routine should get you started on the right path.
Dude! That entire post could be your signature! What a perfect mindset, and truer than perhaps you know too. :D

Especially this: "This isn't a sprint it's a marathon. Stamina is better than speed. Speed without stamina is pointless. Slow and steady is better than Fast and burnt out."
irspow;473799 said:
Dude! That entire post could be your signature! What a perfect mindset, and truer than perhaps you know too. :D

Especially this: "This isn't a sprint it's a marathon. Stamina is better than speed. Speed without stamina is pointless. Slow and steady is better than Fast and burnt out."

Yes man. How do you create a signature? Enlighten me. Cause you seem so very good at doing so.
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