
Sep 6, 2008
I hate it now adays i look at Penis Enlargement as a chore and not something I enjoy. Anybody else had this problem? I'd love to overcome it and for it to become something I love doing and not like that I have to do it, I mean i know i have to but I dont want to look at it as a chore. Any advice?
Bound2Gain;343518 said:
I hate it now adays i look at Penis Enlargement as a chore and not something I enjoy. Anybody else had this problem? I'd love to overcome it and for it to become something I love doing and not like that I have to do it, I mean i know i have to but I dont want to look at it as a chore. Any advice?

Maybe it has to do with whether or not you truly believe Penis Enlargement works. Knowing and believing that each workout takes you one step closer to your goals, it would be reasonable to think you'd be motivated by the aspect of doing it.
If you try to think in terms of the "now," it may be of some help. Here is what I mean by this. All we really have is this moment, if you think about it. The past and the future are fictions of our imagination. You have to get yourself into a mind frame in which there is no past, there is no future, there are no goals, there is just the joy of the moment.

I don't think this applies particularly to P.E., but to all things. You know when you reach a goal, there is usually a voice in our heads which says, "Is that all there is?" Ask any who has reached his goal. He wants more, a thicker, longer dick, another inch, etc. There is a part of us which is never satisfied with our size however big our dicks get.

There is a certain emptiness, and then we make new goals. We need goals, for sure. But the thing that has sustained me through the last five years of P.E. is the joy of yanking my dick. I approach all things in this manner. I only have the moment and so I enjoy it the fullest.

Do you have one activity (other than P.E.) that you enjoy so fully, that it makes you forget about everything but that activity, including time, for sure. Sex, for example? :) Listening to music? Reading a good book. For me it's swimming. Try to apply that mind set to your P.E. sessions. Don't count reps. Forget about how much time your are devoting to your session or any one P.E. exercise. It's o.k. to imagine yourself making a longer, thicker dick, but the point is to "hypnotize" yourself into focusing on the moment. Otherwise, it becomes boring and you will lose interest, like any activity.

Hope this is helpful.

"It's not the going but the getting there that's gotta be good."
Right now you're in what is called the "DIP" this is the place where it gets really hard just before you're successful. What you need to do is take a short break BUT NOT GIVE UP. Take a week or so off and you should come back with greater enthusiasm. Also it helps to look back over everything you have accomplished so far doing this will give you even more motivation
u know what, i'm on the same boat as you. i was looking at pe as a chore, and 7 months of doing it i felt so ashamed of my self. i keep saying it a waste of time etc. etc. i felt like i didn't gain anything while coming on here and seeing people gain .5-1" full inch in 3 months or less makes me feel like shit completely knowing i work at it for 7 months and only gained .2" back, but hey it something right especially since i was 5.8" after my third month!
It seems that there are some guys that get involved in Penis Enlargement that are not satisfied with their gains or don't make any at all. Why does that happen? It's not that Penis Enlargement exercises don't work (they do), nor is it that these particular men are somehow immune to the effects of Penis Enlargement exercises (Davis' Law applies to everyone). Most of the time it's due to a lack of motivation that's tied to a lack of belief in the Penis Enlargement process or themselves.

What about all of those men that make great gains? Is there something that makes them special? It's possible that body composition and health are responsible to some degree, but a bigger factor is that these gentlemen put in the time to learn about Penis Enlargement and stuck to their routines. Even when they came across plateaus they assessed what the problem was, fixed it, and went on to get the job done. These men believed that they could gain, so they did all of the things necessary for them to succeed. If they didn't they would have made tons of excuses and eventually given up.

What's the key to achieving your Penis Enlargement goals? More important than genetics, time availability, or intelligence is the ability to set a goal and to stick to it. This concept applies to anything of importance that you hope to accomplish.

Set your goal and dedicate yourself to sticking to it! Visualize your goals: Picture yourself with the penis of your dreams hanging between your legs. Don't worry about the details right now- Penis Enlargement routines and help exists if you need it. Once you have an idea of what you want to accomplish in mind, things will start to fall into place for you.

No one can promise you the size that you want instantly, but a few weeks of Penis Enlargement (done right) will give you noticeable improvements in stamina and hardness, with real measureable size gains usually just around the corner.

Stick with it, and you just may get the penis of your dreams. Believe in yourself and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish!
Smartweedz;355273 said:
u know what, i'm on the same boat as you. i was looking at pe as a chore, and 7 months of doing it i felt so ashamed of my self. i keep saying it a waste of time etc. etc. i felt like i didn't gain anything while coming on here and seeing people gain .5-1" full inch in 3 months or less makes me feel like shit completely knowing i work at it for 7 months and only gained .2" back, but hey it something right especially since i was 5.8" after my third month!

Allowing yourself to think that Penis Enlargement is a chore will manifest itself in your gains- allowing being the key word. You have to consciously will away those negative feelings.

Remember, Penis Enlargement is a learning process. Some men get it right really soon while others need more time to figure out what makes them grow. Keep at it, keep learning, keep a positive attitude, and you'll get it :)
Thank you Big Al for the encouragement! I'm actually taking action, talking to people who were successful and taking advice and tips from them. I know Penis Enlargement works, and I know that if I think of it as a chore then I'm not going to want to work as hard as thinking about it as a tool for self-improvement. One thing I know for sure is that I'm not giving up and I'm going to gain! I will gain! The gains I want may take years to obtain, but I know I will have them sooner or later!
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