I have seen this stuff and have various portion of it from Usenet, again free and its nothing special thats around already but will do the trick.

If you want something more intense I suggest you buy one of Vince Gironda's old manuels from NSP nutrition for around $15 such as his 5x5, 12x12 routines which made grown men cry. Has a 6 week bulk course aswell and no bullshit approach I love when it comes to this stuff.
Lol your really into this vince guy huh? I will check his stuff out my friend.
Anyone else still doing P90x. ALl post some before and after pics.
yeah i did the same thing a few months ago boobyman...got the whole thing..nutrition guide and all..i'm working out in the gym right now..better for me during the summer months but i was thinking that maybe doing the three month program during the winter..but i'm not trying to cut weight either becoming more defined is a plus but i don't want to drop lbs...well good luck and keep us posted.
Yeah I go to the gym as well and have bulked up pretty good. Im looking to create a lot more definition, and maybe that six pack as well this will help me do that definetly. Yeah im going take some pics and probally wont post them till im done with the whole 90+ days just in case i get lazy and decide to just keep hitting the gym. I will definetly still be going to the gym for leg day. As I do not have enough weight to challenge my lower body which is one of the most important parts considering lifting big is wat Release your bodys natural growth horomone.
RIght on lets do it together see who can look better at the end. A friendly competition?
I have done 2 workouts so far they are good work outs. I will say its more for toning that bulking but I am alright with that. I have decided to only stick with the weight plans 5 days a week and cycle through the cardio programs during the weekends.
Calisthenic workouts are great. If you're looking to build usable strength they're the way to go. I always found weight lifting boring, tedious and too repetitive, for me anyway. Cals are easier to change up and modify and train your body to use many different muscle groups together as opposed to isolating small muscle groups lifting weights. Plus if you want to bulk up as well as tone up you can always add some weight to your bod for more intensity. Believe me, I went to school in a small rural town and the farm kids who got their strength from farm work were always WAY stronger than the town kids who were in the weight room every day. I'm guessing that's why the midwest seems to have a disproportionate amount of All-American and National wrestling champs in their colleges.
But I digress. Do whatever works for you. Weights or cals, if you stick with either you'll see results. Just don't overdo either and listen to your body. Also, most natural fitness pros and bodybuilders say that it's 70% diet and 30% the workout. Some food for thought (no pun intended).
I have the DVDs and some of the workouts are really good, I got them just to change up my workout. The nutrition program is pretty strict and they want you to buy thier products of course.
Ive been doing the program for about a week and a half now and becoming definetly more lean. I dont do their cardio programs but my own and as far as their diet plan they expect you to eat like a bird.
i have the whole system and use it every week. Bro this shit tears you apart! I cant even move after 1 workout. The whole muscle confusion thing is a great concept. Great program man
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