
Mar 11, 2007
I wanna take a rest from the weights and do a workout thatll keep me fit and get a little bigger without weights......any ideas.
I got sick of weights and I hate all the BS in the gym. I go there to work out and all I see is attitudes and talking, BS, but not much working out. I use to go and in 20 minutes I looked like I just came out of the jungle in Nam.

That's how I work out. Brutal, high intensity, 20 min to a 1/2 hour.

Being it's cold in Massachusetts now, it's all indoors. I do 200 pushups when I get home and tibetan 5 rites. If you think your in shape, try the rites.

So my plan is the rites, 200 pushups, stretching, 500 jump ropes.

In the summer, I'll go back to teh track. I do hill sprints, 5 rites outside, jump rope and sometimes run a lap, walk a lap.

I belive that hi-intensity is the key for short periods. Use your imagination. there's lots of stuff you can do without weights. Try pushing on the foundation of your house for 5 minutes.

See, I hate working out, it's just too boring. But I know that exercize is not like a diet. It's permanent. I make it a part of my life, spend 20 min to a 1/2 hour a day and when I'm done, I'm just on the bing of coughing up blood. LMAO

They're out of business now, but Health for Life (Legendary Abs guys) put out a book called, if I remember right, The Weightless Workout. It was all body-weight exercises that'd make you swear to God the you were freakin' DYIN' !
If you ever find a copy, get it...it'll kick yer ass as much as it'll pump it up.
Hydromaxm... Does anybody have a beginner ROUTINE? I'm not asking for the exercises. I'm just looking for a routine to follow for the first couple weeks since every time I have trouble finding a good one to fit into
tibetan 5 rites. Google it. Do them religiously. for a lazy fuck like me their perfect. I can't stand working out, I get bored in 5 seconds
Take a look at crossfit. There are some weights involved but if you check the forum you can find alternate excercises that dont use wieghts for most wods (workout of the day). Challenging, fast, and a differant workout everyday.
Can someone just post a link to the 5 Rites. All I get is 6 pages of bullshit.
check out a guy named Matt Furvey is what i think his name is. He put a manual together of just about every bodyweight exercise that is great for both strength and flexibility
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