
Aug 29, 2007
For the next 3 months, the only thing i will be doing is before i go to bed, i will take approx. a 1 hr shower. The whole shower will be me inside the Bathmate...... so pretty much a 1 hr pump session before bed. I'll probably be in the Bathmate for 45 min.

i hope this gets me thickness and about an inch in length :)
Cool... :p
What are your starting stats? Will you do 6min sets? Do you own Bathmate X-40 or X-40

Cannot wait for the results.. good luck
roughly 7.5nbp x 5.25 shooting for 9 x 6. i have both Bathmates, but i wish there was an in between sized one.
I run out of hot water after 20mins. I would be freezing before an hour. Keep us posted how the long sessions go.
Make sure to warm up before your long sessions in the Bathmate. I got Penis Enlargement injurys twice from long sessions without warming up
you can do 45 min sets, I do them every day. But 45 min at high pressure will be very hard.
Be careful that you don't screw up your skin with 1h hot shower.
You can also sit in a chair while in the Bathmate and pump on 5 min. intervals.
I realized that an hour straight is dumb because of the fluid build up and I have been doing roughly 10 min in and 5 of ssj...... Great expansion....when im not in the shower I just throw on my extender and/or use the LM for like 20 min....

9x6 will happen
How is your routine holding on? Any noticable diffrences (your are almost 1 month into the routine)
Sitting at about 8 nbp and my girth has gone up to just under 5.5 :) I got the tugger and i'm doing 2-3 hours a day in that as well as maybe a 20 min session in the Bathmate.

I hope to hit 9 nbp by the end of august.
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