:) lol
Asanon;662379 said:
The respondents to the study, on special one-night stand occasions, stretch their minds .. and their vaginas ... all the way up to my Starting Size. ?:( Just further proves what a castrating lying piece of trash the GF who caused me to find PE .. was.
I learnt a decade ago, women's say-so is NEVER a solid basis for a decision.
I was also driven to PE by a woman. In my case I was small, so it was something I needed to get done.
owmaballs;664559 said:
I learnt a decade ago, women's say-so is NEVER a solid basis for a decision.
I was also driven to PE by a woman. In my case I was small, so it was something I needed to get done.

The biggest secret of the women. Is that they have absolutely no idea what they want! In reality they are waiting for a confident man to tell them.

Notice how women adapt to the type of guy she meets?

I have literally seen girls go from hippies to right wing extremist.
^No matter how pretty or smart they are, they really just want a guy to take care of them.
Aimingforthetop;664563 said:
The biggest secret of the women. Is that they have absolutely no idea what they want! In reality they are waiting for a confident man to tell them.

Notice how women adapt to the type of guy she meets?
I have literally seen girls go from hippies to right wing extremist.
Agreed. And observed too.

I'm not a woman, so I have no uncertainties about what I want and value in a woman. I am left with no questions as to what drives them.

As has been mentioned by Asanon they will be drawn by any male displaying their 'type' prefrences, their inbuilt idea of what represents a 'real' man. The reason they are drawn to that archetype is that they 'seduce' themselves into the idea that such a guy will give them the most compelling experience of their womanhood.

Universally all women want cock and resources; and will take any valid offering of these. Of course on their terms.

They will respond to males displaying the greatest form of these traits:
confident - means you're certain in all ways
responsible - means you look to no one else and seek no external confirmation of your direction
charming - means you are disarming in giving your focus to her and those you charm
dominant - means you are immovable no matter what flare-up of feminity she fires at you

templnite; said:
^No matter how pretty or smart they are, they really just want a guy to take care of them.
You may find those that do seek exactly that. Even if they admit to you they do and even if you could achieve a perfect job of it, don't expect them to be grateful or respectful of your efforts.
That is not a fault restricted to 'damsels in distress' or all damsels, but is a general flaw all humans. Except for the rare exceptions.
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She is an easy lover shell take your heart but you wont feel it ,shes like no other n im just trying to make you see!!lol
Just be your best as an all rounder, great lover, having great care and love, just doing the simple things they want unless that female isn't the love type.
^You're probably very romantic right? I'm not that much, but I do know how to charm them a little. What type of thing do you usually tell your girlfriend to make her happy?
templnite;662451 said:
@asanon idk wtf you wrote XD
@ Op how do you like this study?
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tVXB5BQ4JHk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

man i missed this. good stuff.

but the woman over analyses it in my opinion: "women don't care so much about size as 80% of them don't orgasm from penetration"

women get so many other feelings through sex than just an orgasm.

and what 99% of women want to feel during a one night stand. is male dominance. being desired. and actually a squint of pain (no guys don't over do this one please!)

but men tend to go out and climb a mountain. and come back and share the experience.
women tend to climb the dick of the guy who climbed the mountain and come back and share the experience.

by nature women are designed to get the best DNA for her offspring.

thats why success is the best aphrodisiac. if you're good at something. the money doesn't matter.
she wants to breed with you as your genetics are of interest.

so for guys one night stands is ego boosting and acknowledge in our sexual prowess.
for women it's actually adventure.
she wants to tell crazy stories about what happened with that guy she went home with.

and by understanding this concept your chances on 1NS increases aswell.

just facilitate this. and don't judge them (im gonna repeat that! NEVER JUDGE A WOMEN!) let them be free and you will see a. well lets just say that all girls are fucking kinky when you let them be. it all boils down to the question. if you want to participate in the womens most kinky moments. or you want to be one of the guys who sit with their arms crossed claiming:" noo my sweet betty is not like that! she wouldn't do stuff like that! NEVER!"

great video mate.
templnite;664607 said:
^You're probably very romantic right? I'm not that much, but I do know how to charm them a little. What type of thing do you usually tell your girlfriend to make her happy?

Romantic in what way? I don't give gifts or romantic letters or gestures much honestly. I'm just a very caring and loving person in general, not just to her but to every positive entity out there. I constantly tell my girlfriend how beautiful, gorgeous, and sexy she is. I tell this to her every single day and it just comes up because it's true. I also tell her how much I love her and that I miss her and what I want to do with her. Simple things. I don't do much gestures though because I'm busy or lack money to provide stuff but I am planning on giving a little note to her. Notes, poems, little crafts, small things like these go a long way.
kyomoto;664782 said:
Romantic in what way? I don't give gifts or romantic letters or gestures much honestly. I'm just a very caring and loving person in general, not just to her but to every positive entity out there. I constantly tell my girlfriend how beautiful, gorgeous, and sexy she is. I tell this to her every single day and it just comes up because it's true. I also tell her how much I love her and that I miss her and what I want to do with her. Simple things. I don't do much gestures though because I'm busy or lack money to provide stuff but I am planning on giving a little note to her. Notes, poems, little crafts, small things like these go a long way.

These things are great things to do, as long as they are not in place of masculinity and strength. If they are in compliment to those, you are doing great.
kyomoto;664782 said:
giving a little note to her. Notes, poems, little crafts, small things like these go a long way.

So important in a relationship. When I was very poor, back when I started MOS, I could not afford to pay the rent, never mind give expensive gifts so I gave her paintings, poems, massages, craft things from what was laying around the apartment. Eventually I stopped doing this and the relationship started to fail. The gift makes little difference to a good person, it is the thought behind it!
JakeM82;664787 said:
These things are great things to do, as long as they are not in place of masculinity and strength. If they are in compliment to those, you are doing great.

Not sure what you mean as in in place of masculinity and strength


Poems? So you can steal them? Jk.


Yeah I been there bro. I didn't do small gestures anymore and my girlfriend noticed and started getting depressed with me but I patched things up.
doublelongdaddy;664830 said:
So important in a relationship. When I was very poor, back when I started MOS, I could not afford to pay the rent, never mind give expensive gifts so I gave her paintings, poems, massages, craft things from what was laying around the apartment. Eventually I stopped doing this and the relationship started to fail. The gift makes little difference to a good person, it is the thought behind it!

Good advice..now i know what to give when money is not around:)
First weeks,hit her with poems and flowers and shit...after that hit her with a good fuck :)
I'm gonna write poetry in my thread, and then you get to do one to see whose is more fresher :p
ChilDsh;664917 said:
First weeks,hit her with poems and flowers and shit...after that hit her with a good fuck :)

I don't care what a woman want, it's all about me. 9x7 all the way.
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