Saturday 10/21/06 Woke up this morning all ready to go to Jiu Jitsu and when I went to leave I could not find my keys for the life of me. Really pissed me off, as I eventually found them in one of the most obvious places ever but it was to late for me to leave as I would be way late for class. So I just did some random stuff throughout the day. I will say I am qiute sore from lifting yesterday. My chest and ass are both quite sore. I'm pumped that I am real sore though because that means growth. Can't wait to get back into the gym and lift. Ended up going out tonight went to a dope party. I took it easy on the drinking though and had like 6 beers over the course of 3 hours.
Sunday 10/22/06 Woke up at 10 this morning to go to the gym. Ate breakfest but I felt absolutely exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open while eating. Not really sure why I got about 7 hours of sleep which is certainly reasonable. Ended up going back to bed figuring I would sleep for another hour or so and just do a modified session at the gym. Didn't end up waking up until 1 and then I had to go straight to work. Really felt like shit all day at work also. Not really sure what the deal was. I didn't drink enough last night to give me these affects. I've decided no heavy drinking at all for the next 3 weeks until the competition. Seeing as I missed my lifting today, I am going to try and squeeze in a double tomorrow. 2 hours of lifting right to two hours of jiu jitsu back to back. Not sure if I am going to be able to do it, I might have to settle for just one class at jiu-jitsu. Anyway the last two weeks I have been really kind of off track with the lifting and not staying consistent with my overall training plan, I'm going to try and get back into everything as I had originally planned.
Monday 10/23/06 Woke up and went to work this morning. Didn't eat breakfest as I woke up late. Ate some crappy food today at work, and really felt all around shitty at work today. I felt sluggish and super tired. The food I ate made me feel really fat and just like all my training had dissappeared. I was hoping to get out early so I could try and get a lifting session in and also go to jiu-jitsu. I got out on time at 4 so I couldn't do both. I decided to lift as I don't want to get behind on it, and I still have 3 days of jiu jitsu this week. Although I felt shitty I ended up having a great lifting session. I cut out the hang power cleans again, and I think I am going to leave them out permanently. I think they are the cause of my shoulder pain, as I haven't done them the past week and almost all of the pain has gone away. My form my just be a little off or something, I'm really not sure, but I would like the pain to stay away so I am going to replace them with another chest excercise which I need more. This was the first time I lifted at ight in a long time at my gym, and the place was ****ing packed. I didn't do my back extensions or pillar bridges at the end because I didn't feel like dicking around waiting for space any longer. Overall a great session though, every thing was the same or higher as it was 3 weeks ago.

Routine #1 15 Reps
150x15 155x15 160x15 Stiff Leg Deadlifts
165x15 170x15 175x15 Dead Lifts
65x15 65x15 65x15 Barbell Curls
25x15 25x15 25x15 Low Pulley Rear Deltoid Raises
35x15 35x15 35x15 Low Pulley Curls
70x15 70x15 85x15 Seat Two Arm Lat Pull In
450x15 540x15 590x15 40 Degree Leg Press (Weight Not Counting Machine, Just Plates)
40x15 45x15 45x15 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
50x15 55x15 60x15 One Arm Dumbbell Rows
45x15 50x15 50x15 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Curl
40x15 45x15 45x15 Smith Machine Upright Rowing (Weight Not Counting Machine, Just Plates)
15 15 15 Incline Sit Ups Level 8
10 10 10 Hanging Leg Raises
Tuesday 10/24/06 Had a good day today, felt good after yesterday, but I will say that I am incredibly sore. I am really suprised as to how sore I am. Everything on my body, quads, hams, chest, but especially my shoulders. I think it is because it is the first time I had done the upright smith machine rows in a while and those really hammered my shoulders. Today was my Mom's birthday so I went out to dinner with her, but I was still able to get to my boxing class. Felt good and I worked hard, and sweated a ton. My punches were definitely a bit weaker then normal though, because of how sore my shoulders were. Well big day tomorrow, lifting, and hopefully two jiu jitsu classes.
Wednesday 10/25/06 I had very possibly the hardest training day of my lift today. As I sit here writing this I feel like I am about to die. I woke up this morning and went and lifted at the gym. I had a great session. Highlight of my lifting session was dead lifts. I do stiff leg and normal dead lifts back to back. So one set of each and then over again. When I did my last set of dead lifts I wasn't really paying attention when I racked the weight. I picked up the bar for my first rep and was surprised at how heavy it felt. I did a second one, and then took a look at the bar and realized I had put on 20 more pounds then I meant to. I said screw it and decided to get my full 10 reps with the higher weight. I did, I repped out 235 pounds 10 times, which I was pumped about. Afterward I came home and rested for a while and ate. I went to Jiu Jitsu tonight and stayed for both classes and rolled a bit at the end as well. Total work out time today was close to 5 hours. This is a good bit more then I have ever done before, and I am completely beat at this point. I hope I am able to recover tomorrow. I hope I didn't over do it. I just at a ton of food to help fuel my body back up, and I am going to take some protein before bed. Below are my stats for the day.

Routine #2 10 Reps
175x10 180x10 185x10 Stiff Leg Deadlift
205x10 210x10 235x10 Dead Lift
10x10 15x10 15x10 Dumbbell Side Raises
105x10 110x10 115x10 Tricep Press Down With Rope
100x10 115x10 130x10 Close Grip Pull Down
35x10 35x10 35x10 Arnold Presses
30x10 30x10 30x10 Hammer Curls
115x10 125x10 130x10 135x10 Decline Bench Press On Smith Machine, Level 5 Decline, Weight Not Counting Bar
75x10 75x10 75x10 Barbell Curls
55x10 60x10 60x10 Straight Arm Dumbbell Pull Over
30x40x40x3 Pillar Bridges
15 15 15 Incline Sit Ups Level 8 Incline
10 10 10 Hanging Leg Raises
Thursday 10/26/06 Woke up this morning, and defnitely had the best sleep last night I have had in a while. Took the day very easy with a lot of rest and ate a good bit of food as my body was hungry and I definitely needed to fuel it. My muscles are definitely sore, especially my shoulder. I am focusing on my shoulders lately as I feel they are weak, and are so important in almost everything that I do. Definitely a hard day yesterday though, and my body definitely needed the recovery. Not sure what I am going to do tomorrow as I have to work 10-8. I'm going to try and make it to the gym though.
Friday 10/27/06 No lifting today. Had to work 10-8 so I really didn't have the the energy to go to the gym after I got out of work. Next week I only work 10-4 on Friday's so I"ll be able to go to the gym next friday. But for this week I am going to have to miss a day. I am going to try and make it up tomorrow, but I don't know if that is a great idea to lift full body on back to back days.
Saturday 10/28/06 Went to a Jiu Jitsu seminar today which was awesome. Learned a ton of stuff. It was 2.5 hours long. No real hard work stuff, mostly slow paced, but still a good while of constant movement, and kept a sweat up the entire time.
Sunday 9/29/06 So ended up not getting to the gym today. We had a bit party at my apartment last night, and although I wasn't really hung over this morning, we had major clean up to do, and I just didn't have the time to make it to the gym. I have the Jiu Jitsu competition in about 2 weeks so I need to start cutting weight. I'm going to do the rest of my lifting until then all at 5 reps and heavy. I believe lifting higher reps make you gain mass, where low reps is strength. So I really don't want to add any mass at all over the next couple of weeks as I am going to need to cut weight. Hopefully I'll get some good strength gains as well, so when I come back lifting afterward I will be stronger at my higher rep lifting as well. That's all for now. I've got to work tomorrow and then have Jiu Jitsu afterward.
Monday 10/30/06 Had a good day today. Got out of work early so that I could rest for a while. Went to Jiu Jitsu class, stayed for both classes, and rolled a good bit at the end. Ended staying for almost 3 hours. I was exhausted at the end. I hopped on the scale at there and I came in at 196. This really surpsied me. It was an older scale, but the one where you slide the little weight, and it has to balance. Not sure if it was just the end of the day. I have a really nice digital fat reading scale at my house, and when I weight myself Saturday morning it said 190. Is this just because it was the end of the day. I need to be down to 187 for the competition, so if I am really 196 and my scale at home is screwed up, then I need to lose 10 pounds about, in like 10 days. Does anyone know if there body weight flucuates that much between morning and night, roughly 10 pounds.
Tuesday 10/31/06 Didn't do anything today. My back is really hurt, not sure what the hell I did to it, but it kills. I don't think that I am going to be able to do anything tomorrow either, unless it magically heals overnight.
Wednesday 11/1/06 Same today as yesterday. Today is normally my hardest workout day, but my back was still killing me. It is feeling better then yesterday, but I would prefer to just let it heal then injure it again and making it worse.
Thursday 11/2/06 I had class all day today so I did not work out at all, plus this is my normal day off. My back is still in a bit of pain but I think I will be ready to go to the gym again tomorrow and lift. I've really been bummed out the last few days from not going, and I can't wait to get back in there and start lifting hard and working out hard again. I have my comp in a bit over a week, so I need to check in on my weight here to make sure that I make weight. Also I ate excellent today. I liked all the food I ate and it was all real good and healthy. I feel great and am pumped to start lifitng again tomorrow.
Friday 11/3/06 Finally got back to the gym today and it felt fucking great. I was worried I would have lost a little strength, but everything was still up. I am really pumped with a bunch of my lifts today. My back is still hurting a bit but it didn't really bother me that much in the lifting, but I couldn't do any of my ab work as that killed my back. Anyway stats for the day are below.

Routine #3 5 Reps Heavy Weight
80x5 85x5 85x5 Curl Machine
150x5 160x5 160x5 Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
85x5 85x5 85x5 Barbell Curls, Really Clean Form
85x5 85x5 90x5 Lying Barbell Tricep Curl
55x5 55x5 55x5 Dumbbell Split Squats
180x5 280x5 290x5 300x5 Smith Machine Squats, Pumped with these my legs were hurting afterwards
45x5 50x5 50x5 Dumbbell Overhead Presses, Pumped with these as will, was on 35s at his range 6 weeks ago
115x5 155x5 165x5 170x5 Flat Barbell Bench Press. Had a little help on my last set last rep, but this is another 10 pound gain which I am pumped about.
75x5 80x5 85x5 One Armed Dumbbell Rows, Big last set for me
70x5 95x5 95x5 Weight Dips in Between Benches
150x5 160x5 160x5 Fly Machine
35x5/70x5 40x5/70x10 40x5/70x10 Bent over front deltiod raises, to dumbbell shrugs.
Saturday 11/4/06 Woke up this morning and went to Jiu Jitsu. It was a real hard class today and I was beat afterward. Class was about 1hr and 15min, and then I rolled for like 45 minutes. I will say I must have had an awesome workout yesterday because I am sore as shit. After just taking one week off to. I'm sore like I was when I first started lifting. I might not lift Sunday if I still feel this way as I think it would be better off for me to recover a bit. We will see. Weight myself this morning and I was 188 so thinning out a little bit, I have to lose 2 more pounds in the next five days for the Jiu Jitsu tournament, so I am going to go on a nice healthy diet for the next few days to get the last of the weight off. That's it for now.
Sunday 11/5/06 I was still really sore today so I decided not to lift. I figured my body needed the recovery if I am still this sore. My last day of shitty eating before I cut for the next 5 days for the Jiu Jitsu competition.
Monday 11/6/06 Had a good day today. Was pretty tired throughout the day and I have a big Macro Economics test tomorrow so I only stayed for one Jiu Jitsu class. Was a good class though, and I am looking forward to the competition. Weighed myself before and after class and I lost 2 pounds during class. Wasn't even a real hard cardio class, so I can't imagine what I lose at one of the hard classes. I ate really healthy today, and feel real good. Three whole food meals that are around 250-500 calories, and then 3 25g protein shakes. I am going to keep this same diet up until Saturday, which I think will help me cut weight just fine.
Tuesday 11/8/2006 Had a good day today. I ate real clean throughout the day and I feel really good. Had class for 6 hours and then I went to boxing and no gui jiu jitsu. I was there for 2.5 hours and was completely beat. Weight myself before and after class, and I was 4 pounds light at the end, plus I consumed about 3 pounds of water, so I sweated out around 7 pounds I believe. Went home had dinner and pretty much passed out as I was beat. I might skip lifting tomorrow as well just so I can get a solid 2.5 hours in at Jiu Jitsu, as I was to be ready for this tournament. I think the lifting will commence again full bore on Sunday.
Wednesday 11/8/06 Had another good day today. I ate real healthy and felt good throughout the day. I didn't lift today as I want to concentrate on the Jiu Jitsu, and I wanted to be fresh for class. Stayed for the beginner and advanced classes at Jiu Jitsu tonight. Was there for about 2.5 hours, rolled for a while at the end. Another good session and I worked really hard. I weight 190 before class started and was 186 at the end of class. I consumed about 45oz of water so I figured I sweated out 7-8 pounds so I was definitly working hard. Day of tomorrow and probably a day off on Friday as well as I have to work 9-8, but I might try and get some cardio in Friday night before the competition, but nothing real intense.
Thursday 11/9/06 Sorry for the late posts here but I have been busy and I am going to play catch up here on the posts. I didn't do anything today as it is my day off and I had class for the majoriy of the day. I'm feeling real healthy with the food I have been eating and I am looking forward to the weekend.
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