I need to find myself a solid guy to pickup from. Since I got outta college it seems near impossible to find anyone who can sell me like a zip.. Here in my hometown its all little bags of dirt.

I know what your saying about wanting to smoke a cigar of good shit just for the flavor- pot is an amazing plant with a wide range of flavors and smells (and highs for that matter). It would seem like a waste though to roll a big fat weed cigar and not get high from it- thats why its a shame the shits illegal, or we could all be wiping our asses with weed leaves it'd be so cheap <:( .
More Meat said:
I need to find myself a solid guy to pickup from. Since I got outta college it seems near impossible to find anyone who can sell me like a zip.. Here in my hometown its all little bags of dirt.

I know what your saying about wanting to smoke a cigar of good shit just for the flavor- pot is an amazing plant with a wide range of flavors and smells (and highs for that matter). It would seem like a waste though to roll a big fat weed cigar and not get high from it- thats why its a shame the shits illegal, or we could all be wiping our asses with weed leaves it'd be so cheap <:( .

Try to grow your own.
Ya dude, things would be sooooooooo cheap if it was legal. I'd love to buy an 1/8th for $5 of some primo weed.

So much healthier than alcohol and tobacco, too. Whatever, if politics was run by logic then a lot more things than just prohibition would be fixed.
I moved back home recently, after graduating college, so im in North Jerz until i can get on my own again- so i cant grow here... really sucks. Hopefully ill be able to move out soon and get a little something going though :)
If you have any college buds I'm sure they can hook you up. Otherwise meet some people at college clubs and ask around. I'd hook a brother up if he needed some.
Neither hinder your gains as long as you get your girth in before orgasm you are all set.
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