Jan 20, 2006
Ive been drinking since I was 10, smoking pot/hash since I was 15, smoking since I was 16 then came the xanax, valium , Tramadol , roche 2 , coke(once) and Injectable ketamine

I quit everything now first was the pills cept xanax which I quit 6 months ago the ketamine after that then the alcohol 1-1.5 months ago my wake up call was me drinkin like crazy and smoking like crazy one nite I got into 5 fights or smth trashed some cars (Ive been told)and then passed out almost breakin my neck and I was chokin on my own vomit ?:(

I quit smoking 2-3 weeks ago now I deff feel better in a way have more money and dont feel as tired but I dunno I really miss the smoking, alcohol and the drugs ALL OF THEM!! But I know how bad it gets with me I never have ne control over my drinkin or druge use so I dont.

I feel like I wanna go and buy some cigs rite now after that all the other shit will follow for sure :s

Has anyone overcome something like this succesfully??? what did you do did you use nething to help you???

p.s I am using smth now but its not a drug it Yohimbine HCL I snort it and it really gives me a high for 30 mins or so thats all
You are going to need to hang out with people who don't do these things. That is the easiest way. If you start to hang out with your partying friends then you will be right back at it. Good luck.
This post is long. Dwt i'm not here to swap drug war stories, try to inspire you, or come across as some reformed cliche, even tho i might end up sounding like it, but i can relate to whats in your post cause i'm going through/been through the same deal right now. i'm ashamed of the life i led but i'll be straight here.

Some of the best experiences in my life were on drug, unbelievable experiences, but i still wish i never touched a single fuckin one. Might be that consequences have caught up with you too and you feel like its time to get everything straight for good and lead a decent life, i dont know but it sounds like it and i hope thats the case.

I loved drugs, drinking and fucking around (well, about 30 to 40 percent of the time, the rest was out of desperation cause i had fuck all else going for me) but you know that path just leads to disaster, physically, mentally and financially and the rest, for anyone who lives there lives in that way, paying no responsibility to anyone one, and showing little respect for their Self or everyone else. You dont need me to tell you that.

I started everything young too, doing every drug more my resources could stretch too. Even in high school the use of drink and drugs caught up with me and my ability to stay focused and intelligent decreased massively, also my ability to play sports and that kind of thing. i spent more time sniffing lighter fluid, smoking, drinking than i did studying in the last 2 or 3 years of school. I didnt even get to finish my exams at high school, which didnt seem that important then but it definately is now, and i left being thick as shit with no obvious options in life, no clearcut path to follow so for the next 7 years i just moved in any circle where heavy constant drug use was the most prevalant and getting arrested quite alot . All the people i hung around with were hooked on either one drug or another so i'd go to one mates house to smoke heroin, go to anothers for speed, pills, and trips, or go out with other crackheads thieving , mugging and robbing. Somehow doing things this way and not staying with one group for too long i never got chemically dependent on any drug so psychologically after seeing the damage i was doing to myself i gave them all up easily like you did and they aint an issue no more. Rebuilding a respectable life is important now.

I wasnt a complete waster for 7 years, i went on courses and learned alot of things with some of the most prominent and successful people in the world in their chosen field. I had a few successes in that time but i was still on shaky ground and the old temptations came back and i started doing drugs again which made thing worse then ever and dug a deeper hole of shit. If your able to make a clear break now then do it, you seem to doing good and you got my respect for what your doing to turn things around.

I try to find other people who have been through these situations and have come out on top aswell and I'd like to be able to say that now i'm a success story like you want to hear, someone like DLD who found something that has brought him success and gave him purpose, but i cant yet, although i know what i want and i'm focusing more on that instead of the past so soon i will be able to say that. But i've been successful in leaving that life behind completely. I still lack the strength or discipline needed to commit 100% to doing the things i want and need to turn my life around, even though the opportunity to do it is right in front of me everyday to do that. But i'm nearly there.

Try to stay of the cigerettes (did you go out and buy some??:( , your right when you say that they lead back into trouble, i found for me that whenever i went back on cigrettes in the past it would lead back to doing the other shit. Being dependent on anything you put into your body will make you feel weak and tired, especially when weight training, and leads to the dependency mind set and snowballs to the other stuff. I'm still progressing from that bad lifestyle bit by bit and there are still hurdles to overcome for me right now and getting back my fight and respectability is neccesary.

You got an 8 inch cock man, be proud that you havent been shortchanged like others on here . Do what it is that you want to do and get it done. Keep at something worth while the best you can for a while till you make circumstances better for yourself, something that resets your system to healthy and normal. i need to follow that advice as much as you do.:s
Hey DWT, first off; congratulations on taking the big first step; it's tough, but ain't the rest of your life worth it? The first few are the worst, but it gets better and easier as you go on.

"The first few what?", you may ask. Well you've probably been through a lot of 'em already, you know: The first few minutes after you wake up, the first few times you hang with old friends, first few times you're bored and the old cravings kick in...those kinda things.
For whatever they might be worth here's a few tactics I've used in the past, hope ya find at least one or two useful.

1. Old friends who wanna help ya get back into old habits, ain't friends.
2. Old hangouts, old situations, old patterns, can kill ya...in this instance change is good, damn good. Think about something you'd never ever picture yourself doing and then go do it. Simply denying your body the chemicals it craves is gonna drive ya crazy, change in lifestyle is needed. Sometimes wholesale change
3. Boredom is just a disaster waiting to be filled. Get a second job, volunteer at a soup kitchen, jog, shadowbox, go out into the woods and rearrange sticks. Whatever it takes to not fall back into old habits.
4. Get in the best damn physical shape you can, I used to practice Kenpo & Shootfighting and I'll tell ya; a good gutbustin' four hour heavybag and sparring workout is not only a righteous fuckin high all it's own but it's also pretty damn addictive in it's own right. But I never heard of anyone crashin' his car or gettin' arested for kickin the shit out of an Everlast bag.
5. This one's kinda radical, but extremely effective in giving some perspective on just how wasteful some of our compulsions & addictions can be:

If you already aren't channeling your money that you've saved by not blowing it on booze, dope, smokes, (and perhaps the odd medical bill, y'know), into something constructive then whenever you get a craving that you don't think you can control, take that cash outta your pocket and go give it away. Yep, that's right. Let me repeat that for emphasis; Go give it away. Give it to your local church, PTA, museum, battered women's shelter, Boy Scout troop, homeless bum on the corner...whatever. Different place every time... whenever your cravings drive you almost to the caving in point.

Honest to God. This accomplishes many things at once:
A) You ain't destroyin' yourself,
B) At least someone is benefitting from the money,
C) You develop a greater sense of social responsibility each and every time you do this,
D) Your self-esteem/confidence should grow dramatically, quickly.
E) Gets ya thinkin', deeply we hope, and makin' plans for your better future, and, last but not least;
F) If you're like me (at least when it comes to money) you are gonna HATE HATE HATE pissin' money away in that fashion. Hate's a powerful emotion and can trigger some pretty powerful, and surprising, changes in a person. Channeled properly it can become your most useful tool.

And now, just don't forget that millions, hell billions, of people have gone through, successfully, the journey you are just now starting out on; support, guidance and inspiration are all over the place, waitin' for you!
Good luck on your best success and I hope I've at least given ya something to think about. Peace.
DWTS00 said:
Has anyone overcome something like this succesfully??? what did you do did you use nething to help you???

Man I glad you see you have issues with the drugs. That is the first thing that needs addressed. You got that done, now what are you going to do about it.

Get some hobbies, that you enjoy, that give you a natural high. For me I play Handball outdoor all summer long, I get such an intense rush from chasing and hitting a little blue ball around. Whatever you can find that will give you the high naturally, not with any chemicals.

Do not do what I did, what made me get off the things that were really bad for me like Acid, Mushrooms, Drinking from sun up to sun down, I ended up going to Prison 3 fuckin years of that shit. All due to my actions while I was fucked up.

Change your hangouts and friends, make realistic goals for yourself, and reward yourself after you get each one done. No matter how small they are you will feel good about it.

Find people who you can talk to about your situation, that have been there before. They know you better than you know yourself.

All in all you know what you want, you seem sick of the lifestyle that you are living. Now it is time to put the feelings and thoughts into action. Make a plan and stick to it. If you feel the need to drug, go and do some wind sprints. You will get high off of those and it will be a natural high.

Stay positive man it could be worse!
Develop a hobbie to take your mind off the drugs? How bout Penis Enlargement everytime you think about drugs? Congrats on quitting and best of luck in moving on!
Stay away from the cocaine. That is a drug that will really mess u up. It will make you moody, irritable, and plain out right an asshole. If u wanna smoke a ciq freaken do it, especially if its gonna give you relief from wanting other drugs. Pot is better than being a drunk my friend.. Pot in my opinion is a harmless drug other than what it does to your lungs, and motivation. If there is one drug I would vouch for it would be pot..
I quite smoking pot and cigerettes cold turkey.

These was after m a n y years of getting high also from sun up to sun down!
Many valuable years down the drain, but now use crying over spilt milk.

I fell better every day and with positive things like fitness and Penis Enlargement, I could never go back to those days. After many hardaches, one day I just had a moment of clarity??:)
Cut out all the shit completely. It's a hard thing to do but the smartest move.

Stay on cigs and pot? Sorry but thats a fuckin dumb thing to suggest if someone is serious about this type of thing and aint gonna be half arsed about getting clean.

Who needs something that kills motivation when thats what's needed most.
jaypes said:
Cut out all the shit completely. It's a hard thing to do but the smartest move.

Stay on cigs and pot? Sorry but thats a fuckin dumb thing to suggest if someone is serious about this type of thing and aint gonna be half arsed about getting clean.

Who needs something that kills motivation when thats what's needed most.
I didn't reccommend him staying on either. I was saying if there is one drug that doesn't cause addiction it would be pot, and other than the fact it messes up ones lungs when used sparigly is relatively harmless (Why do you think the medical world is seriously considering legalizing it) it has benefits if used right. I only made the comment to smoke a cig if it takes his mind of doing other drugs! I quite smoking pot, and cigs. It was very easy and he should have no problem doing that its the cocaine, and pills that he will have a hard time with.
jaypes said:
Put like that you make a good point.
LOL! Yeah i guess my first post sorta sounded like i was recommending pot. NOt my intentions at all. I quite cuz i got to the point where i was smoking just because I had it, wasn't even getting Hi. I knew than it was time to get my life togather and been clean since. Occassionaly i smoke a cig maybe one a week tops.
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