
Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
i want to no if the expantion you get while jelqing ,( lets say 1/4'') will be the semented gain you make if you continue to jelq?
so lets say im 4.5 and i make it to 4 and 3/4'' of expasion . will this be my actual size if i keep the jelqing?
jekyllnhyde360;369591 said:
i want to no if the expantion you get while jelqing ,( lets say 1/4'') will be the semented gain you make if you continue to jelq?
so lets say im 4.5 and i make it to 4 and 3/4'' of expasion . will this be my actual size if i keep the jelqing?

Thats the idea. temporary expansion, over time, will become permanent gains.
This has been my experience 1/8" at a time. Expand cement , expand cement...once you see it a few times your on the right track. I would not stop and expect gains to stay if you are not at least six plus months into a routine.
thanks . but how should i no if i cemented the gains , like how long should i stop jelqing for?
jekyllnhyde360;369633 said:
thanks . but how should i no if i cemented the gains , like how long should i stop jelqing for?

I suggest going 4 weeks past the gain to cement. Also, I think that even when you make permanent gains you should still continue to train for good penis health.
Keep at it and forget about thinking with regards to the gains being temp or permanent at this stage, as this will just cause unnecessary worry on your part which could lead to a mental hailstorm with you later down the road not thinking its working, seeing lack of progress, low mood from that and than low EQ. Penis Enlargement is a massive mental-thing more than anything else and its important not to focus on the negatives, but the positives and stressing too much now about the temp stages I have found from my own experience, makes things worse. So just assume that your penis is growing and what you see [Temp at this stage] is real and its getting bigger and bigger each time.

Its growing and getting huger each session. In the months ahead what will happen is the growth will have occurred and become permanent new material inside your penis. Its like weight training ... do it for a few weeks and its temp strength and mass gains but keep at it and this turns to permanent, granted when you stop it can slowly go down hill but once you resume training the muscle it gets its mass and strength back very fast indeed ... we are blessed with the penis being a different type of 'fish' in that once its grown its permanent ... it doesn't go anywhere unless you age and deteriate in health, like many men sometimes do as they become much more older and circulation suffers .. plus guys as they hit 40 tend to pack on the pounds anyway and this can cause problems down below and this can be seen as guys loosing gains and Penis Enlargement not working ... it is working, just focus on the other health issues as well.

The penis is literally maintained by the circulatory system, you cant flex it like a biceps or move it like your arm unless its pumped with blood ... throw a spanner into that system and you get a shit load of problems.

Focus on the positives buddy .. your dick is getting bigger with session, see it and imagine it because it happens. Your mind will make you get to the top of the mountain. My dick right now is as thick as its ever been bro! its getting bigger and bigger each time I work it and you know what? its growing.
jekyllnhyde360;369633 said:
thanks . but how should i no if i cemented the gains , like how long should i stop jelqing for?

Once you see the gain your looking for you wont want to stop..believe me it never seems to be big enough!
this was a great thread. thanks eveyone, dldl, red,dd ! and ya double down , i no what your saying becaus i get about 1/2 an inch of expanntion when i jelq and its like the greatest thing ever ! the only thing that sux is that i only have time to have a good jelq session 3 time a week this is why i was so worried about if i would actually gain anything. and Redzulu thank for the knowledge man , that really put thing in perspective for me bro! good motivation!
Double Down;369682 said:
Once you see the gain your looking for you wont want to stop..believe me it never seems to be big enough!

This is so true...It is like the initial gain is for belief and once it is realized that Penis Enlargement is real the goal always becomes bigger.
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