I know it's hard but you should really try not to compare yourself to this other guy. It's obvious that something was lacking in their relationship or about him or she would still be with him. If you will win her heart completely you will be the best even if you aren't the biggest. I don't know about you but if I had a choice I know which I would prefer to be. I am in a eight year relationship with a girl and I know I'm not the biggest she's ever been with. I've heard the monster story too. I even know the guy in the monster story. It was when she was young and she has told me that even though they tried she just couldn't make it fit. Does this bother me. Well I'm not crazy about it but I'm not obsessed about it either. What is important to me is that she was honest and upfront about it. Most girls think that they would love to experience a big one. When they find one some really like it but some find out that big isn't always better. It depends on the girl and they are all different. I Penis Enlargement for the same reason everybody else does. I want to be bigger, but I am who I am and if I don't ever grow a bit I am satisfied with what I have. I think most of our problem is not around our waist but it's between our ears. Like I said before, win her heart and the rest will be taken care of.
kausion_420 said:
There is always "the bigger guy" like damn I wanna know who this "guy" is. Just like Kong said no matter what there will always be a bigger dude.

Maybe women say this purposely to bust our confidence so that they feel we will have to work harder. They want us to work harder to leave a better impression than this "bigger guy" so that means in the bedroom and out of the bedroom since we have to make up for the fact that we are not this "bigger guy". Im no longer worried when women tell me this unless they can back it up with some action pictures or something.

Lol, some action pictures. Man if a girl ever came up to me with some "action pictures" to show me I'd show her ass the door. I see your point though. It's no big deal because she ain't with that guy anymore anyway if he exists.
AlloyCG said:
Just aked her how big. She said "How big is yours?" "5.2 or so." "Oh, probably twice that." I feel pretty fucking bad.

What? Now, she is just like most other women in that respect then. If she says something as ridiculous as oh twice that. I don't care if even she and you know she doesn't actually mean twice that it still doesn't sound like she knows what certain penis measurements look or feel like. Girth is a hard thing to gain we all know this and you have to consider that a .25 inch extra girth is worth about .5 inch in length. To some it's more. You know what I'm saying?
You know, I'm done freaking out about it. BeBobBox made an interesting point - if he didn't have any length, and had so much girth it hurt... well fuck I've got him beat in both directions. Not to mention I rock her world.

It's hard to admit, even to myself, that more goes into sex than penis size.
Look at all the time and money that would be saved if we men would just shut up and not ask women stupid questions that should not be asked. :p

Head docs would be broke if not for sex hang ups. :s
^*joke* :s *ie humor* If you dont get it get a life :p
Dont let it get to you, leave it be.
If she loves you than this wont matter [size and the past lover size ect] and you CAN get bigger with pe, so in my words....FUCK IT.
I of course asked my wife this way back when we were dating. She said she'd been w/ 9 guys and one was huge. She's never given figures, but it's the whole it was too big and it hurt crap. Now I believe that it hurt as the guy was a virgin and my wife isn't the queen of lubrication, but she of course can't give me an answer on how big. Now, it's more of a curiosity, but I still fight with that I-want-to-be-the-biggest feeling. I'm sure I'll pass him if I haven't already.

Anyway, it sounds like you're not letting this get to you. Good for you.
You know what guys. I just don't understand something about all of this:
Why ask to begin with? My wife and I have made it a rule that we never,
ever talk about previous lovers including specific body parts or anything that has
to do with sex. It's just to much of a mind fuck to think about it. Plus we have the
disadvantage in this department that I know her former lovers and she knows a few of mine as well. Hell, we even have been out on "double dates" when each was with the other person at the time. I just don't think anything good can come from asking specific questions about your girls's former lovers. Think about it, if you have had better in the sack or have gotten better oral from other women, you think she wants to know that?

Anyway, thats just my two cents on it and regardless you should always
remember that she's with you NOW. That is what is most important.

koooky said:
My wife and I have made it a rule that we never,
ever talk about previous lovers

If you and your wife have made that strict rule, it means you both have questions you'd like to ask!!! :s
"If you and your wife have made that strict rule, it means you both have questions you'd like to ask!"

No, not really. That is not the only conclusion. We just don't see any good that can come out of it is the point. We have a good enough relationship that if we want the other to do something or try something, we talk about it. But we talk about it on our terms. Also, it is really none of the others business what we may or may not have done sexually before we began dating/got married. Neither of us have any STD's that would affect the other and we both have that included into part of our yearly physicals.

I am not saying what she and I have is the best way. Nor am I putting down others who decide to talk about former lovers with their current one. I(she and I) just don't see the point or any good that can come from it. Unlike a lot of guys here, I never have to hear "the big(ger) guy story" and she never has to hear about anyone who may or may not have done things she won't do or doesd better or different. I think it all boils down to what you and your significant other is comfortable with.

Kooky, I don't know very much about you, but you sound too wise to be 18, the age at which I mind-fucked myself by asking "the question." the answer to "the question" has been a plague on my brain... to the point where I have actually thought about ending things (permanently) because I could not get those words out of my head. Things are better now, but as recently as a year ago I was nearly ready to eat a buckshot sandwich. Things are better now.
Thanks Tex. And you are right. I am way wiser than most 18 year olds.

I'll let you and others know a little more about me. I have been married before.
8 years worth before the current one. I am 34 and I consider myself a realist
more than anything. In my first marriage, She and I both made almost every stupid "married" mistake possible including even having a kid to "save" our marriage. Really dumb but I do get to spend a lot of time with my child and wouldn't trade her for a jillion dollars. Actually, my ex and her new husband get along great with me and my current wife. We are all adult enough to know that in the long run, no matter who is "right" the good of the child must always come first.

I appear to be "wise" only because I have made more than my fair share of mistakes and if anything I have tried to learn from them all. In any kind of relationship, you must have a certain communication value and there must be guidelines that dictate those values. There must be time to talk, time to listen, and sometimes time away from each other to sort out your feelings and what you want to verbalize. You must also have certain guidelines of what you are and what you absolutely are not willing to put up with.

Along with all those also comes a certain level of flexibility. You must be willing to listen to your partner and be willing to compromise. Along with this only you two can talk about the guidelines you will set your relationship to. How my wife and I determine the nature of our relationship is what makes us happy. That is the most important part. How other's decide theirs is up to them and in no way means my way is the better or lesser way. The most important thing is for two people to determine what is best and suits them. Not anyone else. I think nothing is more damaging to a relationship than using someone else's relationship guidelines as your own. "My parents did it this way" or "Bob and Sally do this" is no way to approach a personal relationship with your significant other.

Once again, these are just my opinions on the subject. They surely do not mean to be the "best way" but only what my wife and I have found to be the "best way" for us.

PS My apoligies to the original poster of this thread. I in no way meant to hijack this thread and turn it into the "Dr. Phil" show. I only inserted my opinion on the original topic and have replied when someone has directly responded to my comments. Maybe DLD can start a "Relationship" section as well and I can moderate it to give out all of "Dr. Kook's" advice.

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