
Jun 4, 2003
I was sitting in my friends living room one day when his brother starts telling me about what he saw on TV the night before. 'Penis Enlargement Pills' advertised by Ron Jeremy.. Immediately thoughts of a huge penis ran through my head, also the thought of having so much confidence that I didn't know what to do with. I had always thought my penis was small after reading one of my friends AIM conversation where they started talking about their dicks. 6 or 7" is how big they said they were. I was a measly 5.9" not even past 6". I was not a happy camper. So I thought to myself "Hydromaxmmm, Penis enlargement pills?"

I immediately did a search on the internet for the pills he advertised, but when I saw the price I was discouraged. Then I remembered I was an eBay-aholic, so I looked on there. I found Maxa-Man pills for $11 a bottle, read all the directions and decided to order a 3 month supply.

The pills finally arrived. I had heard of exercises, but didn't have access to any so I started taking the pills. 2 and a half months later, the only thing I experienced was better bloodflow in my penis. No length, girth or anything. I even had a log of my progress, before and after. Nothing. I was discouraged.. Then I remembered the exercises! I did a search on Kazaa for them (Kazaa had just come out at this point). Found a few that told me about basic stretches and Jelqing. Also about kegels. I never did them.

A few months ago, I decided to search once again for things on penis enlargement, to see if it was fake or if it worked. I found that Penis Enlargement pills are scams and then I stumbled across some forums. 'Pride Penis' helped me get started.. This is also the first place i saw DLD's name, as he was a member. So, one night while I was at my friends I decided to do my exercises just like they said. The next day I measured and realized that I had actually gained.. I was hooked.

Immediately I started looking for Penis Enlargement forums, but failed to find any more. At Pride Penis, someone mentioned �other PE site� Place, so I did a search for it. Bingo! The gold mine of Penis Enlargement (at this point). I believe you all know the story from there!

I continued to gain, and am still continuing to gain. I've had my ups and downs with Penis Enlargement, but thus far it's still good to me. I look back at my 5.9" status and am thankful.

Thanks everyone, I wish I could tell each of you personally how much of a help you all have been!

Very inspirational story ItsElectric. Have you been with Heather before Penis Enlargement to now? What are your stats today?

Well, I have been with Heather since before I started Penis Enlargement, so she's gonna get to see a lot more changes. I'm currently at around 6.9-7.3" (off day, can't be too sure, tomorrow I'll measure and give a positive answer.) Not too bad for 4 months or so, eh? :D

Originally posted by ItsElectric
Well, I have been with Heather since before I started Penis Enlargement, so she's gonna get to see a lot more changes. I'm currently at around 6.9-7.3" (off day, can't be too sure, tomorrow I'll measure and give a positive answer.) Not too bad for 4 months or so, eh? :D


Beautiful:) You guys are going to have so much fun with pe!
That's awesome man! Looks like Heather shares your enthusiasm as well which is always a plus!
Congrats on the gains Electric. Best of luck to ya both with pe and with Heather!
Awwww......that was a great story!! haha...I never knew all that! Thanks you guys so much for all the wonderful comments. Yes, we will have a lot of fun with Penis Enlargement. Thanks again. I love you all soo much!!
i too hope to realize length gains like yourself...soon i'll be writing a story of my own for everyone to read...keep going electric im sure you'll be 9 in no time.....;)
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