Hey all I just wanted to hear so comments on my rountine. Please tell me if there is anything that I can do to help me reach my goals faster.

Lets see here, the last couple of days I had sex twice and jerked off twice. I have been not doing exercises for the last 4 days but I am starting again today. Double time baby. This is my routine

warm up in shower
25 min jelq (I dont begin to kegel until about 5 min into my jelqing session and then I jelg either once of twice between each stroke. I also alternate between sitting down, standing, and lying down, along with which direction to jelq either up, SO, or SD.)
5 min Between the Balls Jelq

I do each of these 3 times in one stretching session and for 30 sec a piece. I always alternate from one stretch to its opposite, for instance I start with btc to the left and after 30 secs i switch to btc right and then back and fourth until I have done each one three times. After going side to side then I do just normal btc. Anyway here is what I do for my first stretch session

warm wrap 5 min

btc left
btc right
btc (don't like actually separating my balls so i put them on one side then the other until I have done 2 of each..... a total of four 30 sec stretches just btc)

OTS left
OTS right

SD left
SD right

SO left
SO right

finish with hot wrap
Done with the entire A.M. session. I also want to add that I switch around what the stretches in different orders every day.

2nd, 3rd, 4th P.E. Session

warm up

consists of stretching SD, OTS, and SO 3 sets of each set, each are 30 seconds long. Sometimes I tend to overemphasize one particular stretch for instance just SO

I try to have about the same time in between stretching sets. Normally I start P.E. between 11am-12pm. 2nd session is around 2pm.....3rd @ 4pm......4th @ 6pm

finish with hot wrap

Last session of the day

warm wrap 5 min
jelq 25 min
Between the Balls jelq 5 min
finish with warm wrap for 5 min

I try to do this routine everyday it consists of stretching for a little of 60 min a day and jelqing 60 min a day. Lets see here I never to kegels unless i'm jelqing. I also try to get a great hang by drinking a gallon of water (at least) a day and by wearing actual gym shorts as underwear under jeans.
So tell what you think so I also don't plan on measuring until Christmas time to see how much I've gained.
That seems like a lot of work. Personally, I think that's over training right there. If you were to do that kind of routine all in one day, each day, then you should take at least 5 days off once in a while. But what do I know, I only have a 8in+ penis...rofl
anyone want to tell me how to improve my "crap routine"? And Alphie did have an 8 inch penis before you started Penis Enlargement or did make gains?
I say trust in your instincts. If you worked hard to conjure up this routine, then stick to your guns. Try it out for a day or two or three. If it seems like too much, then maybe cut it in half and see how that goes. If it doesn't seem like enough, add what you might think it's lacking and/or take out what you think isn't gonna work. Don't second-guess yourself. Go with what you have. It isn't crap, it's hard work. But if you're willing to put in the time, it looks solid to me.

Use the heat-seaking missile method with everything in life, Penis Enlargement included. Set your target, FIRE, and adjust course when you get off track. It's as simple as that.
Pyro8849 said:
anyone want to tell me how to improve my "crap routine"? And Alphie did have an 8 inch penis before you started Penis Enlargement or did make gains?

Before Penis Enlargement, I had close to 8. Then as you can see from my thread, I only did Penis Enlargement once a week and got some gains. Now I'm 8in +.