The stickiness thing applies to the platelets, not cholesterol. I said it wrong earlier.
When the platelets get stuck together they form clots that can lead to a heart attack. Resveratrol may help prevent the platelets from sticking together and forming clots, based on studies with mice and in vitro. Also, it is thought to prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol and numerous other benefits. I believe alcohol to have a similar effect.
I read some of this on WebMD just now and the rest from Men's Health and a few other places over the years I can't recall offhand.
Whether any of this is true or not, I'm still going to enjoy my red wine, cognac, and scotch all the same. Even the occasional champagne or beer. Or maybe Miller High Life- the champagne OF beers. Haha. Totally joking. I don't drink that shit. But good booze is so fucking delicious! The buzz ain't half bad either