There is a lot of talk of Thrombosed Veins going around. Whether a newbie is wondering what they exactly are, or whether a Penis Enlargement user thinks they have one. While there has been many threads and posts on this subject, the lack of pictures to go with advice is still leaving the majority in the cold. It's time we start a thread not only where we discussion on this is done, but where we put pictures of our Thrombosed Veins, in order to help others.

[words=]MOS[/words] is the best site out there, with the best forums and most advanced techniques. Lets stay ahead in all categories. If you have a Thrombosed Vein: Post a picture and describe it here!

DLD will hopefully make this thread a sticky so that all can have picture proof help in this area for the life of [words=]MOS[/words].
I dont think you really need to post a pic of one. I still have one, but i dont have a digital camera. All I have to say is, if you have one, you will know 110%. It will feel guitar-like and probably be red around that area. It will stick out like a sore thumb. If your not sure if its a regular vein thats popping out more do to jelqing or girthwork, or whether its a thrombosed vein, its probably a more exposed vein. IMO, you WILL know if you have one by the descriptions of it.
We should still all start adding our pics of them in here. This would be beneficial to everyone.
As for me I've had this thick, vein like thing on the right side of my cock. It doesn't extend through the the length of my cock, but rather around girth wise. Ive had it before I started to Penis Enlargement, but now it is more pronounced. It runs for about an inch in length. It seems to start exactly in the middle where that vein or nerve that runs directly up your cock from the base to the tip, on top, and goes along to the right girth wise for a little more than an inch. I'm not sure what this is. It is not in the moveable skin, but rather below attached to the cock. My skin can be pushed back and forth over it.

Anyways, there is a thread to discuss possible Thromobosed Veins, and correct healing procedures. This thread needs to become a picture archive so that it can visibly help others.

I cant wait to see the 1st pic. Whoever does it should get a parade thrown in their honer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree i think people should take more pics of or if they have a throboised vein, peing increases veins dramaticly and alout of people including myself arnt' sure if they have one because of all the new veins that appear.
I tend to get these almost routinely after about a month if I forget to jelq or something, and I always think that I should take a picture. If it happens again I'll take a nice, clear picture for you guys.

ItsElectric said:
I tend to get these almost routinely after about a month if I forget to jelq or something, and I always think that I should take a picture. If it happens again I'll take a nice, clear picture for you guys.

Cool do that shit man thanks.
yes, if anyone has a few pics of t. veins, it would be greatly appreciated. i have slowed down my p.e. recently because of suspicious swelling around ring of glans. however, i notice that many's seem to have very similar looking veins. would like to put my mind at ease. help.
i will take a pains for send a pic of my t-vein..but can you guys said what type of threatment healing you have used?or what you have used for heal it up???
I have a vein that runs lengthwise on top of my penis and curves towards the left when it reaches the head, disappearing beneath. It is not red but it becomes quite noticeable especially when I jelq and then returns to normal some time afterward. How do I know if it's a thrombose vein or just a big vein?


P.S. I'll try to take a picture and post it.
Krispin;346968 said:
I have a vein that runs lengthwise on top of my penis and curves towards the left when it reaches the head, disappearing beneath. It is not red but it becomes quite noticeable especially when I jelq and then returns to normal some time afterward. How do I know if it's a thrombose vein or just a big vein?


P.S. I'll try to take a picture and post it.

I have the same thing - it's more visible after jelqing or when it's warm.

I think it's the dorsal vein.
I tried clamping but stoped becaue of a massive vein at the bottem of my penis that literatly was like a worm I could move it around purple in colour and scared me allot. A picture would be great so i could know what it is. if anyone could.
These seem to be normal based on what I'm hearing. TheLoser and iron_maiden_360, your descriptions are similar to my own. With my vein, sometimes it disappears beneath the surface, usually when my erections reach maximum hardness. When I jelq, I just try to watch out for and not squeeze too hard in areas over it.
I've been so damn excited about my [words= ]Bathmate[/words] that I probably got a little too happy. After about a week, I noticed this hard (but painless) "know" just under my glans. Based on what I've read, it sounds love it could be a thrombosed vein, but without pictures or anything (and without going to the doctor), it's hard to be 100% certain. I decided to take a couple of pictures to see if there's any wisdom out there about it. I don't know if it's more difficult to get a read on the situation because of my skin color, but I'm concerned about the slightly swollen area that is more pronounced in the 1st picture, but I am pointing to the area in the 2nd picture.

Am I dealing with a thrombosed vein? If so, should a give it a few days and see if it goes down on it's own? Should I try to taking Advil or something like that to help speed the healing process along? I've already taken a day off from all Penis Enlargement exercises, and I sense this is going to cost me a few days (or weeks) more so as to not re-injure the area. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Bump. Anybody have any thoughts on whether the pics I posted above are of a thrombosis vein? If so, any suggestions on home remedies? Thanks!
I've gotten some similar looking veins that are hard and almost feels like they have knots in the veins. So I took baby aspirin 81mg one pill daily And in about 2 to 3 Weeks is gone.
I'm not doctor mo, but something like that happened to me last year in that same area. I think it is a lymph vessel.
First time it was from wrapping [words=]UJS[/words] too tight, the second was from using the [words=]Penomet[/words] my first time. I've also heard that this can happen if you have really rough sex for an extended period of time.
Just don't do Penis Enlargement, masturbation, or sex and it should go away in 1 or 2 days, maybe longer but I've only had this twice.
If it is painful, then it could be a t-vein.
Thanks for responding guys. It's been a couple of weeks now and it's still there. I probably should have taken a picture erect and you'd be able to see it better. I've been trying to leave it alone, and I think it's gone down a bit. I'm going to take a break from everything and try the baby aspirin and a warm compress regularly and see if it clears up by the end of the month. Thanks again, guys!
20-30 days and you will be as good as new. Do not fear training flaccid for length, this can be done through a thrombosis injury. The protocol for healing Thrombosis is HERE as written by TennisNut.