I am not sure where to put this thread, but I figure this may be the best spot
. It's kind of long so bare with me. If I haven't introduced myself before than I am going to do it now. I am a 22 year old male in college. I have a 7.5 nbp, 7.75 bp, and 5.25-5.375 girth for size. I have gained pretty decently when I first started Pe, but now I haven't had much luck. I have came to realize some things, and I want everyone to make sure they watch what they think too. Ever since I started to be sexually active I have always thought of my member as just alright if not then small. Before I had any sexual encounters I probably had about a 5.5 incher and I thought very highly of it. Everyone is different so not everyone is going to like what they have nor will the person next to you have the same size as you more than likely. Since everyone is different we have to accept who we are and what we got, because no one else will. Maybe your parents will be the exceptoin lol. I have came to realize this and to accept myself for who I am and what I got. I know everyone wants to have a big unit as I can't blame them. I want to get there as well and I am going to keep trying as hard as I can, but if I don't get there thats alright because I am happy with what I got. It's just like what we read sometimes on here with sexual encounters of others. The girls more than likely didn't come back because he had a big unit, but it was more that he thought highly of himself and was confident in everything he was doing. Thus presenting himself as the man and being the man. Just because you aren't huge doesn't mean you can't be happy with your life. I am more than sure that there are plenty of things to be thankful for for everyone out there. You just need to find them and be happy with who you are. It's like trying the different exercises people come up with. Sometimes they may work for you and sometimes they wont, so dont get discouraged and depressed if they dont work for you. Just keep working at it and find things that work for you. Just like I said before everyone is different. In the end this can be addicting, but remember who you are and the good things about yourself and you should be happy in life. That's what I learned as I was always depressed about my size and always insecure about it leading to other insecurities. I just want everyone to be thankful for life as much as they can and to appreciate the things in life that make you YOU.