Hey guys! I've been reading about retention through the forum, hoping to find a solution to my problem, but I couldn't. I'm getting retention every workout when I jelq. I am even getting it when I masturbate for more than, like, 15 minutes. I read somewhere around the forum DLD saying it's not that bad having fluid retention, but I think I'm getting it way too easy. My jelqing retention is less than the edging one, but what I find very strange about my jelqing retention is that it is not in the shaft (it's a little), it's on my skin covering the glans (I am uncircumcised). Plus, I don't know if it is related to the retention, but my penis actually hurts a little ( the shaft) after masturbation session longer than 15 minutes (When I squeeze it lightly)- I don't know if it is because of the retention actually. And what's what makes me feel dumb about it is that is not an expansion- it is just below the skin- it's not even a fake gain. But I am not sure if the retention is what causes the pain actually. What bothers me even more is that if I get retention by such exercises, when I get a pump and start doing some advanced girth exercises I think it could be huge as the exercises are much more intense.
This is a little off topic, but another thing I am experiencing is this:
When erect- my shaft gets hard and my glans doesn't fill with blood...... is that normal?
I am sorry if this is a spamming thread, but I am a little bit concerned with what I wrote above. Every answer would be of huge help to me! Thanks!
This is a little off topic, but another thing I am experiencing is this:
When erect- my shaft gets hard and my glans doesn't fill with blood...... is that normal?
I am sorry if this is a spamming thread, but I am a little bit concerned with what I wrote above. Every answer would be of huge help to me! Thanks!