I've only been stretching for about a month, with about a 4-5 day lapse a few days ago. I wonder exactly how I doing with the whole thing.

Sometimes I have to adjust a little to make sure I'm gripping the head itself, so I'm not just pulling loose skin. I use a pair of gloves, as I find this helps in the grip process. When I pull, I feel a stretch throughout the shaft, but primarily at the base of the penis beneath the fat pad (which is too damn big). I apply a decent amount of pressure, though I've always had a little concern about injury.

Out of curiosity, I recent tried the A-stretch. Holy smokes! What a difference. I came away considerably more sore, from doing a single stretch. A positive sign is when I first viewed DLD's video clip of the A-stretch, I tried it and could not reach. I now can, as my flaccid length has shown small improvement. The A-stretch feels much more extreme, as expected. This got me to wondering if I'm doing my regular stretches with enough force or it they're effective. I get the same feel, but just very watered down. I'm patient in this process and if I should wait until I get more time under my belt, I will.

I would love to hear your insight.
80% or so of my stretching is done with bundled A stretches. I feel like they are one of the best manual length exercises. The reason the feel more effective/intense is because they are! LOL, simple answer I know. But, really they use the principle of leverage over a fulcrum (your forearm or similar object). Simple physics. Someone who is more awake than I am will chime in on this principle soon I'm sure. As far as grips go, gripping behind the glans with the overhand grip has also got to be the best grip for manual stretching that I am aware of. This grip ...very similarly to the BIB hanger grips the internal structures of the penis...the tunicae etc. along with the outer skin. Whereas, gripping by the glans only, grips just the glans and when you stretch pulls more on the skin and less on the inner structures. It would be very similar to pulling on a balloon with a hotdog in it (why the hot dog is there I dont know) by just the very end of the balloon (pulling on just the balloon) vs. gripping down on the balloon and down on those internals (the hotdog) as well. Hope that makes sense. So, PF, you may want to give the overhand "OK" grip an honest try like I have. I find it gives me a much better grip and as a result a more efficient stretch.
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SWM, that was very helpful and I appreciate it. Hopefully some more vets will chime in as well.

I had no idea about the issue with gripping glands versus just behind the glands. I mean, I may have read it, but it got lost if I did. I will try to focus on that during tomorrow's workout.

Obviously, I recognize that the other stretches feel more intense because they are. I am wondering if I would be pushing myself too much to incorporate them so soon into my Penis Enlargement journey. It seems like I heard phase one should be done for 2-3 months, but I could be wrong.
I think you could work these stretches into your current routine without over doing it. Just listen to your body and work up slowly on the intensity.
I just did a basic stretching routine using the grip behind the glands. It felt much different. I felt like I had to crush it just to get a solid grip on it. I actually didn't think it felt as intense, except pulling downward at an angle and rotary cranks felt more intense. However, now I feel like a got a good workout. I feel a deep throbbing beneath the fat pad, which I never felt with the grip directly on the glands.
I don't really have anything beneficial to add, as SWM touched all of the bases...I will however say that bundled A-stretches compose a huge part of my stretching routine as well.
Originally posted by Gardenier90
How does a good stretch fell you ask? Well it feels good! You will be able to tell when you have a good stretch going on.

Yeah, but I think I'm not feeling quite as much now because I'm actually pulling on the entire organ, rather than mostly skin, referring to the explanation by SWM. In other words, it doesn't seem quite as intense, but the stretch is deeper.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
Yeah, but I think I'm not feeling quite as much now because I'm actually pulling on the entire organ, rather than mostly skin, referring to the explanation by SWM. In other words, it doesn't seem quite as intense, but the stretch is deeper.

You using the Bundled A stretches?
Don't know if this has made the difference or not but, about 2 months ago or so, I began targeting my lot with all the stretches I do. Somehow it seemed to be a more natural poition to do my stretches. Anyway, since then, I have made the quickest gains ever during my Penis Enlargement adventure. It may be working at my lot targets both the ligs and tunica at the optimal angle and is producing excellent results. I have added 5/8" in the past 2 months. Can't really say for sure that that is what triggered the new growth or if it was that I had dramatically increased the amount of time spent exercising, possibly a combination of both. I had a somewhat irregular routine because of work prior to that but, it seems to work for me anyway. I will continue this practice for the next couple of months to see if it contines to produce good results.