Hey guys, haven't checked in in a while just been busy with life. Not much real PE lately cuz it's just been hectic for me this summer lol. Anyway, I wanted to check back
And see if anyone has discovered anything more about the prispism/megalophallus relationship and how we can simulate it. This is obviously the holy grail of PE. Undiscovered.
I do had a cool new piece of info for you guys who are interested in the science of it. I came across a medical case report called "An unusual case of priapism". I read it entirely and here's the gist:
1: dude has sickle cell disease. Has normal penis size to start with.
2: has 63 episodes of priapism over the course of 6 years.
3: extreme growth of penis takes place to the point of over 7in length and over 6.5in girth FLACCID.
4: dude is fully functional DOES NOT have ED after all priapism and growth
5: the doctors theory: his priapisms were caused by INCOMPLETE venous obstruction. Meaning his penis stayed enforced during priapism but blood flow was not entirely cut off (because he didn't get fibrosis or ED). They believe that he was exposed to periods of oxygen deprivation so much that smooth muscle was stimulated to grow BUT not so much that it caused cell death.
We know that hypoxia (low oxygen) stimulates smooth muscle hyperteophy. But the key is just enough hypoxia to stimulate but not enough to kill cells.
At this point, I am 100% convinced that megalophallus is NOT caused by extreme pressure. You can't get enough pressure to deform the penis that much. No way. It's actual smooth muscle growth. Smooth muscle makes up about 50% of the penis. If I can grow 50% of the tissue in your penis even a ring bit, it would make a very significant difference...50% is a lot of tissue with growth potential. Guys, we have to figure out how to do this.
I'm back to experimenting with hose clamping till my penis is purple. I think maybe if I do that for an hour or two per day every day, I can possibly stimulate the tissue to grow but not damage it. Any thoughts please share.