Here's my problem; well, not really problem, so much as situation: I want to learn Transcendental Meditation (TM for short), but to learn it I have to go to a special school and learn from a special instructor and pay a special price ($2,500, right at the moment.)
To answer the first question: Yes, it's absolutley worth the price tag. Living an extra seven years is pretty worthwile.
There are a whole host of benefits, however, too many to type out here. If you google Transcendental Meditation, you'll find out a lot about the benefits. Anyhow, back to my issue. No matter how worthwhile it is, I simply don't have the money to take said classes; and sadly the more inexpensive alternatives (Books, tapes and the like) simply espouse the virtues of TM without giving any insight into how to actually master the technique.
As I figured it, sitting in my apartment 'hoping' that there would be an alternative wasn't going to do me much good, so I'm going to put it out there:
I'm looking for someone who would be willing to teach me TM for a reasonable price (Say, in the hundreds, rather than the thousands.) If you are somebody, or know somebody, please try to get (them) in touch with me. Or if you simply have some insight into TM that you think would be helpful to me, I'd love to hear it.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?
Thanks and regards,
To answer the first question: Yes, it's absolutley worth the price tag. Living an extra seven years is pretty worthwile.

As I figured it, sitting in my apartment 'hoping' that there would be an alternative wasn't going to do me much good, so I'm going to put it out there:
I'm looking for someone who would be willing to teach me TM for a reasonable price (Say, in the hundreds, rather than the thousands.) If you are somebody, or know somebody, please try to get (them) in touch with me. Or if you simply have some insight into TM that you think would be helpful to me, I'd love to hear it.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?
Thanks and regards,