Seeking transcendental meditation instruction.

Here's my problem; well, not really problem, so much as situation: I want to learn Transcendental Meditation (TM for short), but to learn it I have to go to a special school and learn from a special instructor and pay a special price ($2,500, right at the moment.)

To answer the first question: Yes, it's absolutley worth the price tag. Living an extra seven years is pretty worthwile. :) There are a whole host of benefits, however, too many to type out here. If you google Transcendental Meditation, you'll find out a lot about the benefits. Anyhow, back to my issue. No matter how worthwhile it is, I simply don't have the money to take said classes; and sadly the more inexpensive alternatives (Books, tapes and the like) simply espouse the virtues of TM without giving any insight into how to actually master the technique.

As I figured it, sitting in my apartment 'hoping' that there would be an alternative wasn't going to do me much good, so I'm going to put it out there:

I'm looking for someone who would be willing to teach me TM for a reasonable price (Say, in the hundreds, rather than the thousands.) If you are somebody, or know somebody, please try to get (them) in touch with me. Or if you simply have some insight into TM that you think would be helpful to me, I'd love to hear it.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?

Thanks and regards,
Oh, and as a note to Mods: I don't know if this is in the correct forum, it may be more appropriate in the 'Deep Thoughts' section, I dunno. In any case, if this thread being here is a problem, please feel free to move it.
I don't really know how to answer your questions effectively, but I'll do my best. According to the propaganda TM promotes deep relaxation, peacefulness, a feeling of one-ness with the universe, deeper empathy and a whole host of other mental and physical benefits. Traditional meditation doesn't offer those things, to the best of my knowledge. Or it claims to, but doesn't offer any scientific evidence.

[Has just finished reading the article.]

In regards to the article, I noticed that the vast majority of it was directed at the organization, rather than the technique. In any case, it's hard for me to read that, when I am, admitedly, more than a little bit gulable. :P But I suppose I should do a little more research into it before I commit anymore money to it.

As for why I'm interested: I've a lot of agression and depression and I'd love to be rid of them. I'm already on Prozac, but they change the feelings, not the thoughts that cause them. That's why I'm interested in TM: It's a seemingly safe, effective way to remedy that. Plus there's the fact that it has been show to increase vitality and life span and such.

In any case, after reading that article, I think I may go find out the other side of the coin. Thanks for posting that, Provider. :)

Well my friend, your TM instructions are here. -FREE.

I did a course in TM a while back, but i dont actually practice it much anymore. Only sometimes if im stressing out or cant sleep or something.
Does it help pe? Well not really, not from my experience. I did feel a slightly less strong drive to workout though cause i was too chilled out/at peace with the universe to give a crape about my size. That said there are VOLUMES of scientific medical data on TM and its huge range of benefits on your mind and body. One in particular called biofeedback i think, which basically means your body is less stressed and thus has more blood available to be directed and used in problem areas of the body. Like damaged penis cells and ligs and veins and all the rest.


You are given a meaning less word or two with no connection or relevance to any-thing. For example : "I - leng"

You can choose your own. Make some sound up that feels comfortable and keep it and always use that word. Then you obviously sit or get in a position you feel relaxed in. Now let your mind repeat that word over and over again. Let it say it in anyway it chooses. if you want to ring it out for example, "I-llllllllllllllllllleng.." or whatever thats fine. Let your mind just repeated the word. Other thoughts will come and take over. (this becomes less and less with practice and experience.) Thats fine, soon as you notice you've stopped thinking the word out loud over and over again, simply go back to the mantra. It is incredibly relaxing and im happy i went to the course for the full desciption and to get a full, real understanding. what ive given you is just the crash course super basics. - The fundamentals. You must practice for about as many minutes a day as yur boilogical age eg: 23 - then 23 minutes a day. Or 46 46 minutes a day etc... Your mind will become much calmer and more able to cope and live healthly if you maintain a dedication to it-just like pe ITS ALL ACCUMULATED.

Anyways hope this has provided a little light on the issue. I do recommed going to the proper thing though. My explanation is a bit like me giving a quick description of Alpha Blade on some site like thunders or something.

All the best,
Hey Harmonic, here's a link to pretty good site (hope it works, my first time doin' it here) that should getcha started. I use TM along w/self-hypnosis for pain management and my damn blood pressure. It takes awhile longer, but it's infinitely less destructive and more beneficial than self-medication. Ever think about taking up a martial art? Strangely; the more your able to fight effectively, the less you actually feel the need to. And wailin' the shit out of an 80 lb. heavybag for an hour or two is really relaxing, believe me! Anyway, here's the link, good luck.
Hey Harmonic, here's a link to pretty good site (hope it works, my first time doin' it here) that should getcha started. I use TM along w/self-hypnosis for pain management and my damn blood pressure. It takes awhile longer, but it's infinitely less destructive and more beneficial than self-medication. Ever think about taking up a martial art? Strangely; the more you're able to fight effectively, the less you actually feel the need to. And wailin' the shit out of an 80 lb. heavybag for an hour or two is really relaxing, believe me! Anyway, here's the link, good luck.
Hey Harmonic. You might wanna checkout Cut's threw all the eastern bullshit around meditation that alot of people get caught up in these days. Could save alot of wasted time and aggro if you checked it out. Good luck and like Maxameyes said taking up a martial arts and fitness is a good thing too. Shaolin Kung fu has alot to do with Zen and Meditation if thats what your looking for
Meditation, a very important part of my life, plays a critical role in my ability to accomplish things otherwise thought impossible. My particular meditation is a variation on Tibetan Buddhism, but I enjoy elements from many areas of history. The total disregard science has on meditation and it's awesome abilities has always baffled me. I enjoy pieces of many cultures, religions, and independents because they strayed from the norm and searched for a deeper meaning to age old questions. This type of creation can only be inspired at the level of a human with the deepest introspection.

The potentials you can see at a meditational level are the realities that await you.
I feel the most important part of a meditation practice is finding the appropriate method for you that brings you to the desired state of mind. For me, the state of mind that I like to reach is a state I call 'clarity'. I call the state clarity, because my thoughts flow with unbounded clarity. It's like working on a problem for a long time and then waking up with the solution.

I do not believe you need to pay anybody a high fee to reach this state of mind. You might want to look into the meditation practices of Robert Bruce:

His meditation practices are geared towards those seeking an Out Of Body Experience, though the deep relaxation and visualization practices are fundamental basics in meditation.
Edgar Cayce was fond of saying: "When you pray, you talk to God...when you meditate, God talks to you."
I try to remember this as much as I can.
harmonic169 said:
Here's my problem; well, not really problem, so much as situation: I want to learn Transcendental Meditation (TM for short), but to learn it I have to go to a special school and learn from a special instructor and pay a special price ($2,500, right at the moment.)

To answer the first question: Yes, it's absolutley worth the price tag. Living an extra seven years is pretty worthwile. :) There are a whole host of benefits, however, too many to type out here. If you google Transcendental Meditation, you'll find out a lot about the benefits. Anyhow, back to my issue. No matter how worthwhile it is, I simply don't have the money to take said classes; and sadly the more inexpensive alternatives (Books, tapes and the like) simply espouse the virtues of TM without giving any insight into how to actually master the technique.

As I figured it, sitting in my apartment 'hoping' that there would be an alternative wasn't going to do me much good, so I'm going to put it out there:

I'm looking for someone who would be willing to teach me TM for a reasonable price (Say, in the hundreds, rather than the thousands.) If you are somebody, or know somebody, please try to get (them) in touch with me. Or if you simply have some insight into TM that you think would be helpful to me, I'd love to hear it.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?

Thanks and regards,

Satanic Meditation [Dead link deleted.]

Welcome to the home of the 21st Century Wingmakers

Both sites contain a wealth of meditation information
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Just use follow the breath meditation, basic following your own breath as you are seated.
In time, it becomes more advanced, and with it you will develop all that you list for free.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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