reply ASAP what does it mean if a vein is blue

Im scared!!!!

one of my veins has turned blue, I've had a thrombosed vein for a week now, and Im scared that I've really messed up my penis.

The vein is pretty near the thrombosed vein, I dont remember having blue veins before.
Also my penis is starting to peel, skin is coming off, coz of the heat I've been putting on it.

This is the worst shape my penis has ever been in, in its entire life.
Also the head is like the size of an acorn!!!

I think I should go to a doctor pretty soon, but I really have to know if this is serious, I really need to put my mind at rest.

Have you been using a clamp??It is possible to partially close of a vein due to clamping.And if the head is very small, this would also say that it is not getting enough blood flow. I would lay off all intense exercises, and do some very light jelqing, to restore circulation. If it doen't get any better after taking some time off, then I would go to the doc! But tell use what you are doing first, clamp work, etc.???
Thanks for replying, I havent been using the clamp.

The story is, I got a thrombosed vein through a combination of stretching too much, jelqing too hard and testing out the clamp routine.
So I have this thrombosed vein which is hurting when my penis is engorged with blood, I have stopped all jelqing and stretching since this happened and I have dont nothing for a week or so.

This blue vein comes up when I stretch the foreskin back.
Can someone verify that this is just a normal vein, should veins be blue?

If you look at the back of the head, and go down about 1 cm and stretch the skin, there is a vein that runs down and its blue. I have the vein on both sides of the penis, but one side is larger and bluer than the other.

And I cant even get hard anymore.

I cant wait for the day till I can look back on this.

Oh yeah and the most I've been doing is kegels here and there.

really appreciate the help here.
Thanks guys.
from jelqing, my dick is a lot more veiny, and most of my veins are blue. I start to wonder about it myself, and yes I have a slight thrombosed vein but i dont let it bother me. Think about it, if you're cut your going to have veiny muscles. The veins always look bluish. I'm sure its just the result from jeqling and has nothing to do w/ the thrombosed vein. How does teh vein look compared to others ?
I am not a doctor, but it would seem possible to me that by jelquing you could increase the appearance of blue veins as the veins expand to allow more blood to flow to the penis. The reason for the veins appearing blue could be as simple as you having relatively thin skin on your penis, and the veins are visible through the skin...I don't know if you realize this or not, but blood is not red until it comes in contact with the air outside of your body. The blood that is flowing through you is blue in color, and that could be the cause of your blue vein...

However if you aren't able to increase circulation to your glans through light jelquing, and if your thrombosis doesn't improve in due time, then I would recommmend that you see a physician just to be on the safe side. You say that your thrombosed vein hurts when you get an erection? You must have severe thrombosis, as when I had my thrombosed vein it was nothing more then a nuissance--it didn't hurt me in any fashion.

Just do some jelquing to try and improve your circulation, and if that doesn't help any then it would be wise to seek professional help.
Yeah blood is blue therefore any vein close to the skin will appear blue. I have quite a few blue veins on my dick also and they stick out quite far. Turn your hand over and bend your wrist to the floor look at the veins in your wrist and they should appear blue at least mine do. I have read so many things on the thromboised vein and i still don't really know what one looks like, i kinda think i have one but iam not to sure. It only really appears when i do girth exercises is hard maybe one lump or so in it but i layed off exercising for quite a while and it still appears. Mine doesnt hurt either like yours does so i would take it easy if i was u, and when u light jelg only jelg to the head. I used to jelg all the way over it and it seemed to give me a weak lifeless penis head.
Try hot and cold treatment.
Get two jugs of water.
One filled with Ice and the other boiling hot water.
Now put your penis into the freezing jug and leave for 5 secs than put it into the hot one for the same time.
Keep rotateing this over and over for 10-15 mins straight 4 times aday, morning noon evening and night makeing sure the vein is in the jugs.
This will rid the thrombosis, always did with myn.
Dont do any Penis Enlargement till it goes away.
This problem you have sounds worse than it is IMHO, you cant get erect cos the anxiety is preventing you from doing so.
Also blue veins are normal thats there colour, arteries and capilieries other colours.
Another thing, rub lavender oil onto the vein, just buy lavender oil from the shop.
This helps remove swelling and inflimation.
Really try my cold+hot treatment, it sounds insane but it works at treating these veinal injurues by getting the blood flow back to normal in there, and removing swelling and any other damage in there.
try it and than come back in 3 days.
thanks for the help, I actually read your hot and cold procedure a while back zulu, but its only the last 4 days that I've been doing it religiously through the day.
And I have to say that this treatment is the best treatment I've had, the vein is less hard, and I think some of it has gone down. Its still there but it just feels like its improved.

I have one cup of hot water, and one cup of cold water, dip it in alternating 5 mins or so.
Then after put on some hirudoid gel/cream on it.

So far this seems to be helping.

I thought all veins carring blood back to the heart are blue, maybe I'm wrong.
Truth is, nobody here can give you an accurate "diagnosis" of this situation for you. If you are at all in doubt (this goes for EVERYONE!) EVER, about the health of your most valuable body part (cant replace it!!) go to a damn doctor ASAP.
wotsreallygood said:
thanks for the help, I actually read your hot and cold procedure a while back zulu, but its only the last 4 days that I've been doing it religiously through the day.
And I have to say that this treatment is the best treatment I've had, the vein is less hard, and I think some of it has gone down. Its still there but it just feels like its improved.

I have one cup of hot water, and one cup of cold water, dip it in alternating 5 mins or so.
Then after put on some hirudoid gel/cream on it.

So far this seems to be helping.


Keep doing it reguler for say 10-15 mins a session, X4 times aday and in 7-14 days you'll be fine.
Blood is red. Are veins look blue due the light of sun. I cant explain it detailed (lack of english). I studied it in physics class.