i just recently started jelqing. i have a couple of questions id like to ave cleared up before i continue.

1. which hand grip is most affective for girth? the overhand or under?

2.what is the best technique for girth gains?

3. how erect should my penis be for these exercises?

please correct/modify my routine:

hotwrap followed by stretching then 100 overhand wet jelqs, 30 reps of vjelqs (left,straight,right) then 100 underhand wet jelqs. in all i do this 3 times. then stretch/hot wrap.

thanks for the help
I'm not a pro, but will try to help you:
1. Effectivity of both under/over hand is the same, what matter is whats feels better for you. Just try them both and judge yourself what better.
2. Depends on how long you're Penis Enlargement-ing? Jelqing(good) and clamping(needs some penis conditioning)
3. Stretch is mostly done totally flaccid or on a very low errection level. For jelqing, I think 80% errection. I know that more experienced/conditioned people also jelq at 100%.

Your routine looks ok with me, only I would trow in some kegels.
Don't know if you've seen this: DLD's first routine
I also made good gains with this. You'll be amazed how far you can get with just this routine.