Alas they pop a pill

like any job you going to have pluses and minuses, its the equivalent of stress for them I guess.
Interestingly enough, most people think that taking viagra anybody with a big dick could be a pornstar. But that cant be any further from the truth.
All Viagra, or any of these ED drugs do, is promote blood flow to your dick. In a true medically diagnosed case of ED, the blood doesnt flow because those arteries are either damaged or severely inflamed/clogged. But the vast majority of ED cases are induced by the nervous system. Anxiety, nervousness, whatever you name it.
Therefore the chemical itself in the ED drug, is "fighting" agains the will of the body to shut down the blood flow. That shut down is determined by hormones and peptides secreted inside that body. Just to name a common one, adrenaline which is potent vasoconstrictor.
So lets say when you're with a girl for the first time, you have a certain degree of nervousness that you know will not allow you to have the same erection quality that you have in your privacy when you watch adult entertainment. Therefore you go ahead, take a viagra and problem solved.
in the case of adult entertainment, the level of nervousness and anxiety is so astronomically high, that one pill wont do anything. Neither 2 pills. You can kill the motherfucker from a heart attack by swallowing a bottle of viagra and that cock wont go up. Because there are so many hormones and peptides being secreted constricting those blood vessels that the drug us simply not powerful enough to fight that reaction from the body.
The first few times I did adult entertainment, the feeling you get, and this is something I spoke with other guys and they share the same feeling, is like when you were younger going to college, you grades were not that good, and you had one final exam that your whole career depend on it. You know if you fail your parents are gonna oil you, perhaps kick you out of their house, at the same time you dont have confidence of having studied enough, so that whole morning before the exam you have this upset stomach, nervous feeling, your head is all fucked up, you dont know what to think, what to do, you know you cant fail but you have no idea how you'll do in the exam. At some point you say to yourself "Im fucked, im not gonna pass" at other times you say to yourself "give it a try, maybe you'll pass"
Thats the feeling when you get there and you're about to enter the set.....after a few times you get used to and everything changes.