In the body building forum of [words=]MOS[/words], kingsnake posted about "L-Citrulline for better erections". I eventually read through all of the pages on that thread, and there were numerous guys confirming that this supplement gave them stronger erections. The pre-workout supplement I take, Neurocore, has this supplement. I'll quote myself here:
No I've had this and it fucked me up. It has 1-3 dimeth and caffeine in it. Both bad for circulation.
In theory, this pre-workout should actually help your EQ, so I don't foresee it hurting your flaccid size. I get a reduced flaccid size when I lift
weights, as all of the blood goes into the muscles I am using while lifting, and not my dick. To try and counter this, I simply wear an [words=http://www.]ADS[/words] like [words=]UJW[/words] while I'm in the gym, and I never do girth work after my workout. I treat my workout similar to masturbation; I don't do it within at least 6 hours of when I am going to be doing girth work. As far as after, I do that a lot because of time. I simply wear a tight
cockring to keep the blood in and check on it within 1 hour of putting it on (kind of annoying when you're in the gym, but it's worth it). There may be other pre-workouts with this same supplement. But whichever one you choose, I would certainly look for the L-Citrulline.