Let's say I have a routine that deals with Jelqs first then stretches. What if one day I decided to change it up to Half the Jelqs, then stretches, then finish of the jelqs. Would that even matter? I doubt the gains would be different, but then again I don't have a major in the lower abdominal area like most of you guys on this forum. Thanks in advance.
So much of P.E. is playing it by ear--trial and error. What you've described sounds like a great routine. Either way would work. Whichever one you choose, I would stick with that one for two to three months before adding something or changing the order. What's more important is the daily workout and gradually increasing intensity and the length of each session.
well i know for me i try to do stretches first cuz once after i do a girth routine..i don't feel as loose...and i can't get a maximum stretch..my shaft gets puffy..and it doesn't feel like a good stretch...but if it works for you try it...just see how it goes for a while if it doesn't seem to be working then switch it up
Well for me it's harder to get erections after jelqing.

My jelqing routine includes 400 Jelqs then supra slammers. After that I do a sit down stretch for 10 minutes. After that I cannot get another boner for maybe 20 minutes, so I use that chance to do stretches. Those supra slammers take a lot out of me!
Penis Enlargement, for me, is very dependent on my arousal level. In the mornings I am very un-sexual and I find this to be the perfect time to do length work as it does not depend on erection level. Towards the evening I become more easily aroused and this is when I do my girth work. I have also found that a separation of the two, length and girth, allows me to dedicate the proper mental energy to each producing better gains.
I agree 100% with DLD

only for me I wake up with wood most days and can't find a way to keep up a good stretch routine without erections being hindering. So morning time = jelq time and then before bed do the stretches.

Sadly I'm on a sorda break as I just don't have the privacy I need to devote to this idea...I may try to start back up though soon before I move out.