
Hey guys,

Firstly I'd just like to say I'm a long time lurker of this site but I've been into PE for 5 years.

In the past, I have tried stretching, jelqing, all day stretching and weight hanging, all to no avail.

A couple of years ago I became interested in chemical pe after reading a guy's personal log on a different forum. I have posted on that forum using the same username I have on here.

I have just completed a 4-week cycle with transdermal Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). I purchased raw stanolone/DHT powder from a company in China. As this was the first time I bought any kind of chemicals, I was slightly hesitant and skepitcal as to what the quality of their product would be or if it would even be genuine. Fortunately though, the powder turned out to be perfectly legit.

I mixed the finely grinded powder and mixed it to Phlo gel Ultra to produce an easy to use transdermal cream. I applied it to my penis twice a day for four weeks. I used a 10-12% strength cream; the thinking behind this was that female to male transexuals have used 10% strength DHT cream on their genitals and gained between 2-4cm in length.

The positive side-effects I experienced were an increased libido, more aggressivess/assertiveness, more frequent and harder erections and a plumper flaccid size.

Two weeks after ending my cycle, I feel that I might have gained slightly in erect length and girth, about 1/4 inch both ways. My stretched flaccid length is also measuring slightly longer than before and my flaccid hang definitely feels plumper and heavier.

I did not experience any negative side-effects using this hormone. I was worried about potential hair-loss, but my hairline is exactly the same as before I started.

This transdermal compared favourably to Andractim, a product I cycled for a month 2 years ago and only made temporary gains with.

Whereas Andractim is only 2.5% strength DHt, my cream was 10-12% and could definitely feel a significant and obvious difference between the two. Making my own cream was also much more cost effective.

I still have 80 grams of powder left but due to time constraints, I don't think I will manage to use it. If anyone is interested in getting some from me then send me a pm and I'll be happy to discuss it. I can absolutely vouch for the powder's efficacy and quality.
Never read about chemical PE. This sounds pretty interesting. I've seen pics of trannys (unintentionally :s) and I've always noticed they're pretty big down there.. Wonder if what you said has anything to do with it.
Luuidx, hey ...

Interesting post. And like any interesting post, it reminds me of so much stuff to say that it kinda gets into a jumble in my head, stay with me till the end here ..

In the past, I have tried stretching, jelqing, all day stretching and weight hanging, all to no avail.

Your intensity and/or combination of the right complimentary exercises is not high enough, and/or insufficient active-rest technique..

Warming, prefatiguing, stretching and expansion using sufficient force/intensity, and healing in a tractive (or at least anti-turtling) and/or semi-constrictive condition simply works everytime. I'd say more on this but putting it off for a minute to take things in a manner of order ..

Two weeks after ending my cycle, I feel that I might have gained slightly in erect length and girth, about 1/4 inch both ways. My stretched flaccid length is also measuring slightly longer than before and my flaccid hang definitely feels plumper and heavier.

Congrats on the gains! After five years that's a lot of patience to not get frustrated. Be sure to not stop or pause for celebration, gains are temporary at first .. so any resting on one's laurels can actually erase those gains. If something is working for you, then (using good sense to watch out for unwanted side effects) keep doing it.. you'll need to overshoot your goal by a little bit in order to settle down into it as a cemented gain. Keep at it.

Now that you're posting, .. the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MoS[/words] members can be extremely helpful, if you'd like, in solving the other areas, which you could change and add, in order to make gains even more quickly. Not to derail this thread, - probably make another post on your ideal goals .. and regarding the non-chemical routines you've used in the past that weren't working for you .. and we can examine where they should be altered.

Oh, that wasn't bad at all ... thought I'd be going 20 paragraphs and sound like an asshole ...

Here were my first thoughts on the home-compound gel...

I've looked into DHT very recently as a kindof recreational clitoromegaly agonist for a chick friend, .. help her make the tip of her iceberg a bit more tippy so it sticks up further and gets properly perturbed/exuberant like 'all the cool kids'. The info on the powdered hormone and the Phlojel Ultra is intriguing and timely. You having used Andractim before, you'll know that not only is it apparently over 200 bucks for a minimum order.. but also contains a nice dose of clit-searing alcohol for a female user to dread twice per day. The Phlojel Ultra shouldn't cause any similar issue. Nice!

While I'm mentioning it, here's the math on the subject in case it's useful to anyone else as well...

For Andractim gel 2.5% DHT (used on a Clitoral Glans) twice per day, there seems to be a steady average 0.074 inches per month of gains in size of the clitoral glans. That might seem tiny on a PE forum .. but it adds up fast and a straight(-ish) chick isn't looking for several inches of gains anyways. Here's how it piles up:

1 month = 0.074 inch -- 0.188 cm
2 month = 0.148 inch -- 0.376 cm
3 month = 0.222 inch -- 0.564 cm
4 month = 0.296 inch -- 0.752 cm
5 month = 0.371 inch -- 0.942 cm
6 month = 0.444 inch -- 1.128 cm
7 month = 0.518 inch -- 1.316 cm

One can see how it would be easy to go too far. The ideal gains for her particular case would seem to be about 11 to 13 weeks, bracketing 3 months, not quite a 1/4 inch.

If a DHT gel could make any manner of similar gains for the male, especially for reduced prices vs medical gels, it'd be worth looking into .. again. I know people have used it before around here but iirc it seemed their results were hit and miss.

You mentioned your gel strength was 10 to 12% potency, this is nearly five times stronger than the Andractim, and could be made even more powerful (not necessarily 'efficient' though) by levigating with additional absorption enhancers.

More isn't always better .. often there is a sweet spot, and on each side of it you get diminishing gains, and above it you get increasing (potentially confounding) side effects.

I'd like to see someone with a better memory, or more time, either link or re-comment on other member's (pun not intended) past adventures with using DHT creams so they can be compared to Luuidx' findings..
Luuidx;632055 said:
Hey guys,

Firstly I'd just like to say I'm a long time lurker of this site but I've been into PE for 5 years.

In the past, I have tried stretching, jelqing, all day stretching and weight hanging, all to no avail.

A couple of years ago I became interested in chemical pe after reading a guy's personal log on a different forum. I have posted on that forum using the same username I have on here.

I have just completed a 4-week cycle with transdermal Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). I purchased raw stanolone/DHT powder from a company in China. As this was the first time I bought any kind of chemicals, I was slightly hesitant and skepitcal as to what the quality of their product would be or if it would even be genuine. Fortunately though, the powder turned out to be perfectly legit.

I mixed the finely grinded powder and mixed it to Phlo gel Ultra to produce an easy to use transdermal cream. I applied it to my penis twice a day for four weeks. I used a 10-12% strength cream; the thinking behind this was that female to male transexuals have used 10% strength DHT cream on their genitals and gained between 2-4cm in length.

The positive side-effects I experienced were an increased libido, more aggressivess/assertiveness, more frequent and harder erections and a plumper flaccid size.

Two weeks after ending my cycle, I feel that I might have gained slightly in erect length and girth, about 1/4 inch both ways. My stretched flaccid length is also measuring slightly longer than before and my flaccid hang definitely feels plumper and heavier.

I did not experience any negative side-effects using this hormone. I was worried about potential hair-loss, but my hairline is exactly the same as before I started.

This transdermal compared favourably to Andractim, a product I cycled for a month 2 years ago and only made temporary gains with.

Whereas Andractim is only 2.5% strength DHt, my cream was 10-12% and could definitely feel a significant and obvious difference between the two. Making my own cream was also much more cost effective.

I still have 80 grams of powder left but due to time constraints, I don't think I will manage to use it. If anyone is interested in getting some from me then send me a pm and I'll be happy to discuss it. I can absolutely vouch for the powder's efficacy and quality.
Luuidx;632055 said:
the thinking behind this was that female to male transexuals have used 10% strength DHT cream on their genitals and gained between 2-4cm in length.

As soon as I read that I thought-Well perhaps your EQ wasn't good enough to begin with and that raised your EQ from 8/10 to 10/10 giving you those significant gains. I could be wrong but it was just something I thought about before anything. An increase in libido will increase your size because your EQ was not at its maximum to begin with. The rest of the more plumpy-ness and bigger flaccid come from the creams effects though.

Either way regardless of what was the truth, it's still an interesting test you've done. Glad to hear it worked for you.

You should, if you want, still invest in manual exercises or devices to help you gain. As asanon said, many of our people who have not gained is usually because they are not consistent, don't do enough intensity, and or have a negative mindset. If you can help us with your previous routines for PE then we can help you create a more intense work out or help you with anything else you're struggling with.
I've used Andractim before for 6 months with no side effects. Also, I had no gains associated to it. I find it interesting that you say you "feel that you might have gained a 1/4 inch". I always feel like I've gained some. Did you take before and after measurements to verify these gains where indeed occuring?
kyomoto;674193 said:
As soon as I read that I thought-Well perhaps your EQ wasn't good enough to begin with and that raised your EQ from 8/10 to 10/10 giving you those significant gains. I could be wrong but it was just something I thought about before anything. An increase in libido will increase your size because your EQ was not at its maximum to begin with. The rest of the more plumpy-ness and bigger flaccid come from the creams effects though.

Either way regardless of what was the truth, it's still an interesting test you've done. Glad to hear it worked for you.

You should, if you want, still invest in manual exercises or devices to help you gain. As asanon said, many of our people who have not gained is usually because they are not consistent, don't do enough intensity, and or have a negative mindset. If you can help us with your previous routines for PE then we can help you create a more intense work out or help you with anything else you're struggling with.

This is actually a valid point and it is the position that makes PE Pills look like they bring gains on their own. PE Pills like [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]TITAN[/words] are meant to aid in training girth, no to cause growth on their own. The thing is [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Titan[/words]'s will give you a 100% erection and if prior to this you had poor eq, the pills make it look as though you made a gain. Supplements are all about supplementation, something that enhances the exercise process. The same could apply to any erectile dysfunction drug or supplement.
I don't know anything about this thread, neither am I interested in it. But I'm bumping it just in case it is worth the read.
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    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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