I wandered around Home Depot today for about 45 minutes until I finally found a length of pipe insulation and the right sized hose clamp. I figured I'd try crazyed's clamping method for a change of pace from my usual multiclamp ulies.

For under 3 bucks I had everything I needed. The people who work at Home Depot are friggin' mongoloids, man. No help. I even went through the self-checkout.

The metal hose clamp with insulation as padding works pretty good. I use a penny to tighten the screw. It works good... the penny pretty much "clicks" right into the screw's slot so it's as easy to tighten as a wingnut.

One problem is the pipe insulation. I got the same exact size that crazyed showed in his thread on it. The thing is, I can't really fit my flaccid cock through the ring of foam after I cut it to size. I end up having to cut the ring again so it opens up like a handcuff. This can cause some pinching, but nothing major. As far as it's worth as padding, it's a lot more cushy than the folded washcloth I've been using with my multiclamp.

I can get a good tight clamp with the hose clamp, but for some reason, my cock is a lot softer when I use it... even though it's still much thicker than my normal erection's girth. When I use my multiclamp, I can clamp off and my cock is rock hard. Maybe I just need more practice with this new metal hose clamp.

I still wouldn't try to wear either for "all day" use... especially at work. I still don't quite get that. If you're clamped off, isn't your cock fully engorged? How are you supposed to hide that? Or even fit it in your pants without bending it and possibly breaking your cock?

I feel that the penis must be rigid while in the clamp for any real stretching to be going on. Is that correct?

If your cock stays kinda soft, yet it's bigger than normal, will you still reap the benefits? I always thought your cock must be engorged to the max then held there... resulting in a rock hard, swollen shock cock.

Another thing about the hose clamp is when you got it fully tightened, there's a pretty long strip of the metal band hanging offa it. It could be sharp and it'll definitely dig into your crotch area if you tried to wear it under clothes. I would try to snip off the excess, but I might fuck it up so I won't trim it.

Eh, I don't know.... just another fun toy to use on my cock in the pursuit of girth.

I might give up on clamp work for a month or two in order to go back to a jelqing-only routine, but I always end up going back to clamping eventually.

I haven't been on the boards in almost a month. How's everyone's gains coming? Who's still getting gains from clamp work here?
Godsize said:
I wandered around Home Depot today for about 45 minutes until I finally found a length of pipe insulation and the right sized hose clamp. I figured I'd try crazyed's clamping method for a change of pace from my usual multiclamp ulies.

For under 3 bucks I had everything I needed. The people who work at Home Depot are friggin' mongoloids, man. No help. I even went through the self-checkout.

The metal hose clamp with insulation as padding works pretty good. I use a penny to tighten the screw. It works good... the penny pretty much "clicks" right into the screw's slot so it's as easy to tighten as a wingnut.

One problem is the pipe insulation. I got the same exact size that crazyed showed in his thread on it. The thing is, I can't really fit my flaccid cock through the ring of foam after I cut it to size. I end up having to cut the ring again so it opens up like a handcuff. This can cause some pinching, but nothing major. As far as it's worth as padding, it's a lot more cushy than the folded washcloth I've been using with my multiclamp.

I can get a good tight clamp with the hose clamp, but for some reason, my cock is a lot softer when I use it... even though it's still much thicker than my normal erection's girth. When I use my multiclamp, I can clamp off and my cock is rock hard. Maybe I just need more practice with this new metal hose clamp.

I still wouldn't try to wear either for "all day" use... especially at work. I still don't quite get that. If you're clamped off, isn't your cock fully engorged? How are you supposed to hide that? Or even fit it in your pants without bending it and possibly breaking your cock?

I feel that the penis must be rigid while in the clamp for any real stretching to be going on. Is that correct?

If your cock stays kinda soft, yet it's bigger than normal, will you still reap the benefits? I always thought your cock must be engorged to the max then held there... resulting in a rock hard, swollen shock cock.

Another thing about the hose clamp is when you got it fully tightened, there's a pretty long strip of the metal band hanging offa it. It could be sharp and it'll definitely dig into your crotch area if you tried to wear it under clothes. I would try to snip off the excess, but I might fuck it up so I won't trim it.

Eh, I don't know.... just another fun toy to use on my cock in the pursuit of girth.

I might give up on clamp work for a month or two in order to go back to a jelqing-only routine, but I always end up going back to clamping eventually.

I haven't been on the boards in almost a month. How's everyone's gains coming? Who's still getting gains from clamp work here?

Nice to see you back Godsize! Yep Home Depot really has some crappy ass help.

Your having problems with getting the insulation on while flaccid? Do they have a larger size than you bought? Are you circumsized? Me being uncircumsized I just fold as much skin as I can over my glans. Then I stick all the extra skin and as much of my glans as I can get to go through the small hole, then pull my skin back using the insulation. After that all you gotta do is wiggle the insulation down your shaft, I prefer to do a basic straight out stretch to help thin my cock out. This helps you wiggle the isulation down with your free hand. Once its at the base I put the clamp on, to where there are 2 teeth that are visible. Next I begin to become erect, as I my penis becomes erect I have to push the clamp and insulation at the same time as close to the base as I can. Then I usually tight up the clamp gradually until I’m fully erect and have about 4 teeth showing. I also use cable clamps with the pipe insulation, its pretty intense that way!

I never ADC at work, no way no how man. Yo fuck that, There are too many horney ass ghetto hoes at my place of work, I already get enough attention from them, imagine if I was bulging like I had a snake in my pants. I do when I get off of work. I usually am at a 100% girthwise when I ADC. Basically anything from the clamp to the head of the penis is pretty engorged, but not maxed out as far as clamp standards go, but as far as normal erection, my penis is just as fat in ADC as it is hard. But in length I’m short an inch from ADC to my full erction. Anything from the clamp to the base of the penis will be limp, that is why I get the clamp as close to my pubic bone as I can. When I ADC I wear sweatpants, I own like 7 pairs of them so I always have some handy! If you ADC regularly you will notice a difference in flaccid size almost as soon as you start, plus the next days erection can be extra fat as well!

The longest my excess clamp has been sticking out is about 1 inch max never more than that, besides if you feel uncomfortable about that just use some type of medical tape or duct tape to pad the edges of the part that sticks out!
Cool. I was hoping you'd reply to this thread, ed.

Yeah man... I already have a "system" for clamping, but I wanted to try out your method. It works pretty good. I got the same size insulation as you show in your pics. Getting the shit on isn't a problem anymore... I found a way to wriggle into it. That pipe insulation is pretty fucking comfy, man. I haven't used my multiclamp with it yet, but I will tonight.

The thing is with your method, I get the engorgement, but my dick ain't hard. I can't figure out why. When ever I use the multiclamp, my shit stays rock hard. With the hose clamp, my dick gets fat, but not really "tight". Makes me wonder if I'm still getting any benefit from it this way. Even if my shit is rock hard before I clamp down, my dick still ends up being a fat softie.

I gotta experiment more with it cuz after like 30 minutes, my cock starts getting cold. There must be a "magic" amount of tension to use where I can leave the clamp on for hours at a time.

All in all, it works pretty good.... just gotta keep fucking with it.

Thanks man.
Yeah man, If I were you I'd stick with the pipe insulation for padding, and use the clamp of your choice. I like to use both cable and hose clamps, cable for constrictors, and a hose clamp for ADC. With ADC you just gotta find your sweet spot, though you might have to spend a lot of time trying to find it. I have found myself wanting to clamp too tight in ADC here latley and have to adjust my clamp like every hour, or I just loosen it up all the way wait 5 mins then clamp ADC stlye pretty hard. I've been noticing more skin, and a bigger fatter flaccid hang from these.

What do you use for stimulation while clamping, in order to stay 100% erect? For me I get a big fat softie, but everything from the clamp to the glans is freking huge, and mostly. The only time I try to be 100% erect is when I'm doing constrictors.
Think about it, if you maintain a big fat softie for lets say 4 hours a day, maybe your regular softie will eventually get the size of your clamped softie, then your clamp softie will be getting bigger too. Thus the possibility of you being able to get your flaccid hang very clost to your erection size. Over time doing this you penis will have no choice but to grow larger. Just my opinion.

Godsize, good luck with your clamp work man!