I wanted to post something for the newbies, as I have gone through this and I am sure others have as well. I have heard a few comments here and there, and have received some PMs and I want to put this out there.

There is a brief period when you first start Penis Enlargement in which you might question your sexuality a little. Dedication to Penis Enlargement means that you are going to be reading a lot of information about penises and sex, looking at a lot of guy's pictures...pretty much get obsessed with penises.

To be honest, if you're going to stick with this and see it through and make real gains, you have to get a little obsessed with it. You're going to look at pictures for inspiration, check out other guys to see what they're packing, and you're going to read posts like "Hey, dude, you have a really great looking penis!"

After a few weeks or months, you're going to ask yourself, "What the shit am I doing? Am I turning gay or bi?"

Relax, it happens and it will pass. I dub this "MOS Confused Sexuality Syndrome". After you get into a routine and make Penis Enlargement a habit and get some actual gains you can be proud of, this will kind of go away.

I just wanted to post this so any of you newbies who are feeling a little uncomfortable with all this can relax. Don't worry about it to the point where it might interfere with your Penis Enlargement. We all have the same basic plumbing, we're all here to make em bigger, and taking part in our community isn't going to change your basic nature.
LOL YUP! I can remember going through this phase. Now I just stare away at guys cocks, and even in adult entertainment its like I'm studying the cocks more than the chicks! But back then i had to almost force myself to look at DLDs (etc) pics.

No-one needs to worry, Penis Enlargement'ing doesnt make you gay, you just start to look at cocks the way a bodybuilder looks at other guys physiques for comparison, or a car fanatic looks at cars etc etc :)
levista said:
No-one needs to worry, Penis Enlargement'ing doesnt make you gay, you just start to look at cocks the way a bodybuilder looks at other guys physiques for comparison, or a car fanatic looks at cars etc etc :)

This is a pretty healthy way to look at the subject
levista said:
No-one needs to worry, Penis Enlargement'ing doesnt make you gay, you just start to look at cocks the way a bodybuilder looks at other guys physiques for comparison, or a car fanatic looks at cars etc etc :)

Bingo, it's precisely the same priniciple. I myself have looked at members photos and use them as a reference to judge my own progress and recalibrate my own personal goals. I'm not the least bit homosexual or bisexual, however somehow through Penis Enlargement'ing I've become more tolerant of persons leading "alternate lifestyles."

Doing Penis Enlargement does not make you gay in any way, shape, or form. Anyone who thinks that is either extremely ignorant or is in denial of their own sexuality.
I get kinda queasy at the picture proof section, but Ican just imagine what someone would say if i told them about the site, and they went through the posts... everyone is so comfortbale here, no jackasses making fun of anyone or nothing, I just wish I can get over the thing i have about other guys pictures of their wang no offense but :barf: is ther ea cure for me?
oopapercutoo said:
Doing Penis Enlargement does not make you gay in any way, shape, or form.

Nothing can 'make you' gay or straight. I used to ask, why the hell would anyone choose to be a member of a group that is vilified, bashed, discriminated against, even murdered?

Being gay is not a lifestyle choice. It's a matter of sexuality and you're either predisposed or not.

As for looking at posts of members, Levista said it well:

>>>you just start to look at cocks the way a bodybuilder looks at other guys physiques for comparison, or a car fanatic looks at cars<<<
pimpinlilchris said:
is there a cure for me?

Only time and desensitization to what offends you! That is, the more you look the quicker the shock appeal will wear off and it will seem normal.
I'm sure what Davidwh says is true about being predisposed. I would think that being gay is in the genes, like "Downs Syndrome", etc. Genetically deficient. The human race would have trouble surviving if too many were predisposed to something other than heterosexual behavior.
As opposed to just continuing to reproduce itself into extinction? I mean, in some species, the male impregnates as many females as possible whenever he can. I would rather sterilize every last one of us than have that happen.

And homosexuality is neither a disease nor a syndrome. That's not what I meant. I'm not clear what it is, to tell the truth. But I don't think anyone needs to fear it.

Davidwh, nobody said it was a disease or that it should be, or is feared, just that it was a gene that dosen't follow normal pattern for natural human reproduction. Let's face it, this whole Penis Enlargement thing is about enlarging the penis, for the major purpose, of satisfying women more. Not to exclude the pride, and bragging rights of the above average phallus. Personally, I'll be happy when I have reached a size where I can press against my partners cervix and shoot my load right into her uterus.
LevitraKid said:
I'll be happy when I have reached a size where I can press against my partners cervix and shoot my load right into her uterus.
You might want to reconsider that. It's generally painful for a woman when her cervix is brushed or impacted against.
Kid, I think you have issues. Most human beings are a little bit bisexual. In past cultures, homosexual behavior was normal and accepted. It is only in our culture, which is based upon Judeo-Christian values, that homosexuality is considered sinful and abnormal. It is not the result of a bad gene or genetically deficient.

What I was aiming for with this thread was to let newbie's know that Penis Enlargement and viewing this forum with its explicit pictures and discussions might make them feel a little confused and that they shouldn't let it interfere with their goals. There are a lot of guys, especially younger guys, who are insecure about their sexuality and might be put off by the material here. I know how much Penis Enlargement has helped me and my sex life, and would like to see all men benefit from it as well. I have even encouraged all my guy friends to Penis Enlargement. My woman loves my new improved penis, and I have reaped quite a few benefits from her enjoyment. We make love more often, are closer and she fusses over me more now. It's great!

I just wanted to encourage some of the younger and less secure men here not to worry about their mixed feelings and keep on tugging. Like Levista said, it's just comparing, not lusting after, and there is an adjustment period when you first start doing this, when you're looking at penises and maybe feeling ashamed of it and wondering if there is something wrong with you.
I have heard of a few women who say that they enjoy the cervix being hit by the penis, but the general consensus is that its painful.
Kong is right about past cultures having different views of what does and doesn't constitute homosexuality. For instance in the Roman empire and Greek empire men thought so lowly of women, that many times they would prefer to have sexual relations with their fellow man rather than indulge in intercourse with a women. In our culture that is homosexuality, no questions asked, but to them it was normal and they didn't look down on it in the least bit.
This is stupid... I can't believe that there are people with self esteem low enough to start worrying about being gay/bi just from looking at someone's dick. The most pathetic comment I know of (and it's being used quite often here) is:
"Well, not to sound gay or anything but you look really good!".
People who are comfortable and secure with theirselves and their sexuality would never feel the need to make such a comment. I'm gay and I stare at women's boobs quite often, so what? I've never ever felt the need to say "Hey Karen, you look really good today, I don't mean that in a sexual way or anything though".

I wish people would just stop trying to proove themselves, I notice this a lot when I hang out with straight guys and a women joins us, then everything turns into a competition on who has the biggest wang (metaphorically speaking of course). I've discussed this with my female friends a number of times and we've agreed that there's no bigger turn off. Maybe that's why women adore us gay guys, because we have no need to prove ourselves to them?
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You're quite right, swedeguy. It is kind of stupid. But the fact is, there are men who are insecure enough about themselves that just looking at a picture or commenting on one would make them feel the need to assert their heterosexual preference as a qualifier. "I'm not gay, pal, but you are looking ripped today!" We are so conditioned here in the US that the majority of straight men are downright hostile toward any man exhibiting perceived female traits.

It is this whole repressed sexual culture and grinding conformity that leads to violence, intolerance and (my own personal buggaboo) the wholesale mutilation of our genitals. So many men, even friends of mine, are content to be herded around like cows. Our penises are butchered, we slave away all our lives to pad the pockets of the rich and pay our taxes, we are marched off to war at the whim of crooked and greedy politicians, and if anyone dares to step out of line, all the other cows turn on them and trample them down.

Wow! Don't mean to rant on like that!
LevitraKid said:
Let's face it, this whole Penis Enlargement thing is about enlarging the penis, for the major purpose, of satisfying women more.

My reasons are my own, but primarily I work with Penis Enlargement to please myself.


As someone who has posted a fair share of pics, by the way, I don't care to what purpose the pics are used by men or women, gay or straight, but I hope they serve as inspiration or guides to newbies, and they work as a progress record for my own use.
I think this *gay* thing isnt a bad thing.
Its not a syndrome or illness, nor fucked up hormone or gene.
I've known male freinds to date females all there lives than later in life turn gay, thats not genes or anything like that, its SEXUALITY and thing in peoples lives can change there sexuality, infact who knows for sure why some people are gay.
Who cares, why are we straight?? why Am I straight??
Whats normal??
As-long you are happy, thats all matters IMHO.

Finally, someone said about males commenting on other men and saying ''Well not to sound gay'' this is just NORMAL male behaviour that I have seen and DONE myself, yet I know I aint gay.
Being gay doesnt interest me in the slightest, I LOVE the females plain and simple and no one will tel me otherwise.
I recon men say ''not too sound gay'' cos they dont want others to THINK they are gay or sound LESS of a man, sounds DAFT but thats the way we are, or should I say some of us.
You are who you are.
I heard somewhere that a naturally beigger cock could mean your gay. if u get a lot of testosterone in the womb, not only does it grow bigger, it wires your brain to what will arrouse u (testosterone when your 3 months or younger in the womb directly effects your sex, so even if you get the xy chromosome which would mean your a guy, if there's no testosterone you'll be born a girl that's why some people have the whole "man trapped in a woman's body" thing)

ok that last part got off topic but
testosterone in the womb = penis
too much testosterone = bigger penis and homosexuality

just something i heard, and of course it's not the case with everyone, but I can't help thinking that the reason some big adult entertainment stars have trouble maintaining erection ISN'T because it's too big, but they're actually gay :O
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pimpinlilchris said:
I heard somewhere that a naturally beigger cock could mean your gay. if u get a lot of testosterone in the womb, not only does it grow bigger, it wires your brain to what will arrouse u (testosterone when your 3 months or younger in the womb directly effects your sex, so even if you get the xy chromosome which would mean your a guy, if there's no testosterone you'll be born a girl that's why some people have the whole "man trapped in a woman's body" thing)

ok that last part got off topic but
testosterone in the womb = penis
too much testosterone = bigger penis and homosexuality

just something i heard, and of course it's not the case with everyone, but I can't help thinking that the reason some big adult entertainment stars have trouble maintaining erection ISN'T because it's too big, but they're actually gay :O

Hmm, that's an interesting theory. I guess the transgendered people will be the next highly debated minority. There aren't that mainly of them. Most of them are men who became women as oppossed to the other way around. Showtime aired a special with a guy named Renee who was a female to male and you wouldn't be able to tell he still had a vagina by looking at him. Real muscular and had a fairly masculine voice. At the end they should him getting his final surgery to become a man. The penis he got looked sort of like a real one but it functioned like a normal one minus the semen. One of the doctors said that in the future it might be possible for people like Renee to be have children. Gender will have reached a new meaning on that day.
Uh-Oh said:
Hmm, that's an interesting theory. I guess the transgendered people will be the next highly debated minority. There aren't that mainly of them. Most of them are men who became women as oppossed to the other way around. Showtime aired a special with a guy named Renee who was a female to male and you wouldn't be able to tell he still had a vagina by looking at him. Real muscular and had a fairly masculine voice. At the end they should him getting his final surgery to become a man. The penis he got looked sort of like a real one but it functioned like a normal one minus the semen. One of the doctors said that in the future it might be possible for people like Renee to be have children. Gender will have reached a new meaning on that day.

yea I heard it is much easier to go from female to male, the testosterone they give em pretty much makes everything more masculine

male to female could end up ok, but most of the transexuals that go male to female end up commiting suicide. there's a lot more procedures too to make a guy more feminine. a lot of work.
That's just my point, why feel the need to comment it? I once read a book about self confidence and it said that people with high self confidence never ever even try to "explain themselves" like that since they don't care what other people think.
I'm not saying that I myself have high confidence but since I know how extremely insecure it sounds I never try to proove myself.

I know that straight guys think that seeming gay is a weakness, however I know straight guys (fruit flies, if you will) who are comfortable enough with theirselves and their sexuality to hang out with gay guys, hug them, going to gay bars and so on without having the slightest sexual attraction to guys. I think that is really cool. :)

I also want to say that I have nothing against homophobes either, we are all human and we fear what we don't know, it's just as simple as that.
pimpinlilchris said:
I heard somewhere that a naturally beigger cock could mean your gay. if u get a lot of testosterone in the womb, not only does it grow bigger, it wires your brain to what will arrouse u (testosterone when your 3 months or younger in the womb directly effects your sex, so even if you get the xy chromosome which would mean your a guy, if there's no testosterone you'll be born a girl that's why some people have the whole "man trapped in a woman's body" thing)

ok that last part got off topic but
testosterone in the womb = penis
too much testosterone = bigger penis and homosexuality

just something i heard, and of course it's not the case with everyone, but I can't help thinking that the reason some big adult entertainment stars have trouble maintaining erection ISN'T because it's too big, but they're actually gay :O

lol I wish that this was the case for me too then... ;)
philadelph said:
Most of the time homosexuality stems from issues with your father.

[words=https://officialhydromaxpump.com/?uid=6&oid=2&affid=98 ]Hm[/words], I really should start up a new thread about homosexuality..

One could think that it has something to do with "issues" with one's father, but I know lots of gay guys who have a perfectly normal relationship with theirs.
philadelph said:
Most of the time homosexuality stems from issues with your father.

Sorry phily, but I think that's definately an over-generalized statement. I don't believe that homosexuality is a learned trait in most cases...I think there is a "gay gene" which predisposes persons to becoming homosexuals.
oopapercutoo said:
Sorry phily, but I think that's definately an over-generalized statement. I don't believe that homosexuality is a learned trait in most cases...I think there is a "gay gene" which predisposes persons to becoming homosexuals.
yea but if gay's don't reproduce wouldn't the gay gene of disappearred u think?
Very interesting, cant they make a study to show who get straight, gay or bi?
People who likes the same sex as themselves, do they have that special thing that...
If you be a man, and you get female hormones in a certain amount, does that make you gay then? And vise versa?
Because i have never known why people become what they become, i myself like women over anything else, but why is that? :P

And when looking at the pictures of mens penises, that makes me think im small... really small and i feel bad about myself. Im like dld on that.
GhosT_DoGG said:
Very interesting, cant they make a study to show who get straight, gay or bi?
People who likes the same sex as themselves, do they have that special thing that...
If you be a man, and you get female hormones in a certain amount, does that make you gay then? And vise versa?
Because i have never known why people become what they become, i myself like women over anything else, but why is that? :P
I don't know about the test thing, but hormones don't make u gay or straight, actually they do, it's wired into your brain at an early age what u get aroused by. not sure if this is the case all the time, but I'll try to explain what i know a little better:

there are chromosomes, sure u all know x and y. the girl always gives the x chromosome, and the male can either give the x or y chromosome, then they match up


when everyone is just starting to develop in the womb, everybody starts out a girl ( :O ) up til about 3 months.

then, if u got the y chromosome from dad, testosterone will be produced and given to u, this is what shuts down your female organs, and grows the penis and the testes.
now what if u get the xx chromosomes, but u still get testosterone in the womb? you'll be born with the penis and testes, and the testosterone, but you'll really be a girl on the inside (girl trapped in man's body)

it can happen the other way too, you get the xy chromosome but no testosterone, so the penis will never of developed, you'll be stuck with female stuff, but you'll really be a guy on the inside (guy trapped in woman's body)

and finally if you are given too much tesosterone in there, the penis will grow bigger than it should, and your brain will be wired differently and you'll be attracted to guys.

all of that was from some late late radio show when they had a doctor who studied transexuals and stuff, but I'm sure it's true, kinda confusing, but hey noone ever said the human body would be simple.
pimpinlilchris, I think of it kind of the same way we would eyecolor. Brown is THE dominant eye color gene, meaning it will overshadow the recessive gene for blue eyes. Yet even if both of your parents have brown eyes it is still possible that you could wind up having blue eyes. If both of your parents received both a dominant and recessive gene for their eye color from their respective parents, then there's a 1 in 4 chance that you could wind up having blue eyes.

What if sexuality operates on the same premisis? Heterosexuality is the dominant gene, and homosexuality the recessive...if you take the exact same scenario above and apply it to sexuality, even with both parents being heterosexual, there is still a 1 in 4 possibility of the child receiving the 2 recessive genes and thusly being a homosexual.

Now whether or not said child will act on their homosexual feelings or repress them in order to lead a "normal" lifestyle is matter of nurture moreso than nature, but the fact remains that the child will still possess the homosexual genes...

I hope that makes since to all of you, I had a hard time trying to word it. If you don't get it let me know and I'll try to reword it better.
I know what your saying, but I didn't think gay guys could have sex with a girl and reproduce, well not that they can't reproduce but they would have no interest or couldn't get hard to have sex with a women.

but what u say makes sense, now if everyone had the straight and gay gene there would always be a 1/4 chance of a kid being gay. but i think i heard that only about 1/10 or less people are gay, so that number would just keep going down till gays are nonexistant or very rare?
It's possible that there could be more then one gene that comprises sexuality...if there were say 2 genes, then the chances would be like one in 16 that you could wind up gay...plus you have to rememeber that there are probably hundreds if not thousands of closet-homosexuals who will never come out out of fear for of what others will think of them. Many of them are probably deeply routed in their churches, and as we all know, more religions don't look to nicely upon homosexuality...
Who says there has to be a "gay gene". Genetic defects can and do occur, as the reason, for many things caused by genes.

Also I don't know of anyone that is a "homophobe". That implies that an individual is predisposed to FEAR of homosexuals. A person can just NOT LIKE the homo lifestyle, and that does not make them FEAR the lifestyle.
Deep psycological issues, the and the need for male bonding/attachment is my theory.

Now maybe some are more prone to it than others, because not every guy who has father issues is going to be gay obviously.

I do have several gay friends, and the definitely had no real relationship with their father. And the fact that one of them is a ballet dancer probobly has alot to do with that.

So here is the formula for gayness in my opinion:

So called "feminine" interests like ballet, arts... + possible effeminite voice patterns + absence of an understanding father figure/male rolemodel (or any combonation) = Homo
philadelph said:
So here is the formula for gayness in my opinion:

So called "feminine" interests like ballet, arts... + possible effeminite voice patterns + absence of an understanding father figure/male rolemodel (or any combonation) = Homo

Aha, so talking with a deep voice, playing football and having a good relationship with your father would make you a heterosexual then? If you really believe what you're saying I suggest that you start thinking about what discussing penises in a forum might do to you.

LevitraKid: If you have nothing better to do than judging people's lifestyles, I really do feel sorry for you. Chances are that a vast majority of the people whose lifestyles you don't like don't even know that you disapprove, this makes the whole thing an enormous waste of energy. And yes - fear is a very common reason why we don't like things, it's easier to put up a harsh attitude instead of admitting that something we are unfamiliar with makes us uncomfortable.

For me being gay is not a lifestile, it's just a part of who I am - that's it. Not every gay guy likes ballet, talks with a whiny feminine voice etc... I for example hate ballet and opera, I do martial arts and listen to death metal and grindcore. Oh, and as I said earlier I check out womens boobs all the time (hey, maybe there's some kind of heterosexual gene in me after all? lol).

Since some people here seem to think that our sexualities decide what we do in life, read this statement:

Men who like women with big boobs like to wear grey clothes and get bald quicker than other men.

That made absolutely no sense at all, now did it? Then why should gay men have the same interests, opinions etc?

Oh, and I would be glad if someone could help me find the genes that turn people into mime artists, politicians and farmers. :P
Some hard facts, as I see it. Let me know if I am wrong:

Gayness cannot be a gene because it would have slowly been bred out of the gene pool bit by bit over the ages.

There are also very few totally heterosexual and totally homosexual people. Most human beings reside in a kind of gray area, but lean more in one direction or another.

Homosexuals can be arroused by women and have intercourse with them.

Heterosexuals can be arroused by men and have intercourse with them.

Homosexuality is not a choice, because I have heard lots of homosexuals say that they wished they were straight. Who would actually want to be in a discriminated minority?

Since it is not a gene, and it is not a choice, then it must be developmental...perhaps in the womb, as someone suggested earlier. I have a gay cousin, and you can see he is gay even in his baby pictures.
swedeguy said:
Aha, so talking with a deep voice, playing football and having a good relationship with your father would make you a heterosexual then? If you really believe what you're saying I suggest that you start thinking about what discussing penises in a forum might do to you.

No I really don't think you get my point. If you are a "effeminate" male by our societies standards, and you don't have support from your father/family, then you would be more likely to turn to homosexuality, in my opinion, to seek acceptance from a male figure. Maybe I wasn't clear, and this is just my theory.

I am very comfortable with my sexuality and never thought anything of complimenting the guy's dicks here.

I don't play football or watch sports by the way. No interest whatsoever.
kong1971 said:
Some hard facts, as I see it. Let me know if I am wrong:

Gayness cannot be a gene because it would have slowly been bred out of the gene pool bit by bit over the ages.

There are also very few totally heterosexual and totally homosexual people. Most human beings reside in a kind of gray area, but lean more in one direction or another.

Homosexuals can be arroused by women and have intercourse with them.

Heterosexuals can be arroused by men and have intercourse with them.

Homosexuality is not a choice, because I have heard lots of homosexuals say that they wished they were straight. Who would actually want to be in a discriminated minority?

Since it is not a gene, and it is not a choice, then it must be developmental...perhaps in the womb, as someone suggested earlier. I have a gay cousin, and you can see he is gay even in his baby pictures.

LOL, who doesn't have a gay cousin? Mine says he knew he was gay when he was very little. He knew he liked boys early in grade school. In a way, and I'm definitely not saying anyone here is trying to do this, sometimes we just have a fixed way of thinking, it's funny how us "outsiders" (who even if we understand and don't really care one way or the other and just offer love and care like we would to any friend or family member regardless of anything) try to understand something like homosexuality as if it is a problem. As if we're trying to solve a puzzle in the way we'd solve a problem where a solution is required to put our mind's at ease. I don't get it. I don't really think sexuality is that big of a deal. The prejudices are always going to be there and that is why it is probably more of a problem to deal with being homosexual than it is to be heterosexual. If everyone else worried more about their self then sexuality would become more of what it really is in that of a personal thing. "You do what you do and I'll do what I do and I'll love you no matter what." That's how it should be. BTW, I'm a little tipsy. So my thoughts probably weren't put together as well as I'd liked. :) Night all
levista said:
No-one needs to worry, Penis Enlargement'ing doesnt make you gay, you just start to look at cocks the way a bodybuilder looks at other guys physiques for comparison, or a car fanatic looks at cars etc etc :)

yea exactly
I too started lookin and paying more attention to penises when I started Penis Enlargement.... just make sure you dont tell anyone of your friends about it once you think of it as a normal new behavior because theyll think ur gay
philadelph said:
No I really don't think you get my point. If you are a "effeminate" male by our societies standards, and you don't have support from your father/family, then you would be more likely to turn to homosexuality, in my opinion, to seek acceptance from a male figure. Maybe I wasn't clear, and this is just my theory.

I am very comfortable with my sexuality and never thought anything of complimenting the guy's dicks here.

I don't play football or watch sports by the way. No interest whatsoever.

I see your point but then what about people like me who aren't like that?
And trust me, the way society is noone would actually seek to be gay.
Maybe we can all look at it like this
If you fancy males than your gay and if you fancy females your stright, fancy both and your Bi.
Does it matter whos who?? or why?? As long you are happy with what YOU ARE I wouldnt give a fuck.
I dont think theres a single reason as to why people end up with there own sex, Its one of those things like everything in life, it happens.
I'd like to clarify a point:

I asked the rhetorical question: who would want to be a member of a hated minority?

This question should not be misconstrued to mean that I wish I were straight. I don't.
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BeBobBox said:
I too started lookin and paying more attention to penises when I started Penis Enlargement.... just make sure you dont tell anyone of your friends about it once you think of it as a normal new behavior because theyll think ur gay

OOooopps! I told all my buddies about Penis Enlargement! I got laughed at a couple times, but then I showed them my before and after pictures here and they wanted to know how to do Penis Enlargement.
kong1971 said:
Since it is not a gene, and it is not a choice, then it must be developmental...perhaps in the womb, as someone suggested earlier. I have a gay cousin, and you can see he is gay even in his baby pictures.

O_o you could tell he's gay by a baby picture? explain

I don't think Homosexuality is a gene either, noone has it in there genes what they're arroused by, that gets wired into your brain some of it could be from experience, some of it from what u got in the womb, some of it just happened that way for no real reason.