I did only the basic exercises for ten weeks. I added more time and sets to my stretches every week until I reached about 15 min . I also added more time and pressure to my jelq sessions until I reached about 40 min. I still do this basic routine with other new exercises.
Started - Jelq 15min a day Now - 50min a day
Started - Stretches 10sec each direc. 2 sets Now - 20sec each direc. 6 sets
I took a two week break at the ten week mark. It was well needed..I just didn't have that same urge as usual. When the urge did come back I reconditioned for two weeks with the basic routine and then introduced new exercises.
The ULI and the horse squeeze ( please search forums for proper technique ) were the first two new exercises I tried. Take it slow with these for sure. I did them twice a week 3x 30sec reps for both. I introduce these new sets into my routine every 10 min of jelqing until my session was done. These exercises are very fatiguing on the penis. Don't be surprised if you have some down days after first trying. It took me over three weeks until I was up to speed. Now I do these every day and can say I've seen some big changes in girth.
I started doing alot of kegals. Starting with 100 and gradually up 700 a day. Now keep in mind most of these are during my jelq session. I kegal real hard and trap the blood before every other stroke. This increases the internal pressure real good and you get a good stretch at the head of you penis. I usually finish off with 10min of quick kegals ( one a sec. ) while I'm doing my warm down.
After four months my cock was like steel! I started to jelq with a 90% erection level, after a few hundred normal jelq strokes. This really increases the internal pressure along with the kegals. You have to be very careful with these. Slow and steady until you understand just how much pressure your creating. Only for the brave at heart. Don't be surprised if you knuckels hurt the next day.
Looking back I tried just about all the exercises I could find. Slowly adding bits a and pieces of other peoples findings and putting it to work for me. You'll find out what works for you and what doesn't. Stick to what feels good and shows gains. Read as much about other people's experiences as you can. I have found allot of comfort and knowledge within these inter forums. All in all, persistence was the biggest contributing factor to my success. That and a strong grip.
Fun fact: When measuring dick with ruler cut the ruler down to size. Invision the perfect size cock for you and your significant other and cut down the ruler to that size. Mine was 9"...the journey from BPenis EnlargementL 7" to BPenis EnlargementL 8.25" looked like a mile in comparison to the finish line. I also set small goals for my gains. I measure and record the numbers right after a session when my cock is big and plump! Then twice a month I take measurements under normal conditions, like a morning woody. When this weeks normal is last months big and plump I know I hit my goal. Good luck to all.