Hey guys so im a little on edge right now, Yesterday I did something to my penis while clamping. My penis has an awkward curve to it to the left so when i been clamping lately i pusha little to the right when im jelquing. After yesterdays session, my penis has been totally weird. It doesnt seem to hang with the fullness that i once used to. Also, my base feels like its list some sensation. I keeep my cockring on for loing periods of time but this just happened to me yesterday and I have been useing my rings for years. FURTHERMORE, i cant even seem to locate my PC muscle anymore! I can flex it and control my piss, but it doesnt flex. Did i do something to my PC. My cock isnt cold, its just the PC and the base of my shaft feels weird. Should I go to the doctor, i wansnt planning for this. Please let me know.