Guys Im freaked out, I got circumcised about 1 year ago so it would be better to Penis Enlargement, after using the bib hanger I noticed that I may have stretched to much skin:O Im scarred straight up. Im circumcised and now I have this loose skin below the glans, I can pull the skin on my shaft completely over the head of my dick if I want to, is this normal? I cant even jerk off as good anymore cuz I lost sensitivity to my dick becuz of all the loose skin. when I jerk my cock up and down my grip moves the skin up and down my shaft. Do I need to have surgery to get that skin off what do guys think, Im freaked out I hope I didnt fuck myself up man,shit. Has this happen to any1 else?? please help!!!!!!
Ill post pics when I get a chance
Ill post pics when I get a chance