Hi all,

I turned 18 about 3 weeks ago and have plenty of girls wanting to get down my pants but the only thing is I have a pretty small penis for my age.
I found your site by accedent and am willing to give some of the things a try to improve my penis.

My current penis is 5.6" in errect and 4" around (girth).

I will post some pictures tomorrow when no one is home...
So it is now obvious that I still live at home with my family and do to this private stuff would be hard...i mean i cant be in the shower for 15 minutes with out looking suspicious.

My current routine is:

Left Down - Center Down - Right Down - 40 seconds each
Left Straight - Center Straight - Right Straight - 40 seconds each
Left Up - Center Up - Down Up - 40 seconds each

Dry Jelqing
Kegal then dry jelq 10, then swap arms
then Kegal again and squeeze base of penis and just before the glands and make a rotational movement with the middle for 10 swings.
Repeat this twice.

Wet Jelq
I set my watch for 5 minutes and jelq as much as possible...i get about 50-60 done.

Then swing penis around to let blood flow though again.

I have just started this routine about 3 days ago...Is what I am doing right? or Wrong?
Considering the circumstances of living at home too...if some people post here then i will post some pictures tomorrow.

Welcome awwdarn. Your routine looks pretty good.

It is quite similar to the DLD [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. This routine is very effective and includes some kegals to help get your PC muscle in shape. In my opinion that is very important.

My advice is to include some kegals or simply follow the entire DLD [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] as it has worked wonders for many people. It works as a good foundation on which to build. After following a routine like this for a while an example of a simple way to introduce a new exersize would be to include some Slow Squash Jelqs.: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12539&highlight=Slow+Squash+Jelq

This kind of exersize can be introduced after getting used to Penis Enlargement using a routine such as the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words]. Don't be fooled by the name though, the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] can be very intense and effective. It's found here.: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1597

Good Luck. Oh, by the way, don't you have your own room in your house? If you do why don't you do your routine in there?
You should not hesitate to use your penis because of size. I personally used a penis just about the size of the one you currently possess and it served me well and never received any complaints. Of course, I was very creative in using the particular penis and, while it did not receive great revel on it's own metits, it did service many vaginas and was an important part of the collective process that was successful every time.

The new model that I have developed does have the advantage of every expanding volume and I have noticed does regularly receive admiring salutations from ot's partner's owner. He frequently single-handedly brings the partner to climactic completion and it is worthy to note that this did not occur as often with the previous model.

While I feel very strongly about my new penis and am very proud of his expoits, I would not trade for the experiences that my previous penis and I experienced together. In fact, most of my new penis' success is owed to my previous penis' experience.

So my son, be not afraid to use your original model as if you do not, you will never know how it felt before and you will notbe able to fully appreciation for your eventual new model.
Dashdeming said:
You should not hesitate to use your penis because of size. I personally used a penis just about the size of the one you currently possess and it served me well and never received any complaints. Of course, I was very creative in using the particular penis and, while it did not receive great revel on it's own metits, it did service many vaginas and was an important part of the collective process that was successful every time.

The new model that I have developed does have the advantage of every expanding volume and I have noticed does regularly receive admiring salutations from ot's partner's owner. He frequently single-handedly brings the partner to climactic completion and it is worthy to note that this did not occur as often with the previous model.

While I feel very strongly about my new penis and am very proud of his expoits, I would not trade for the experiences that my previous penis and I experienced together. In fact, most of my new penis' success is owed to my previous penis' experience

So my son, be not afraid to use your original model as if you do not, you will never know how it felt before and you will notbe able to fully appreciation for your eventual new model.

I totaly agree. rofl
i feel your pain, i was about your size when i started out, and about your age too. it sounds like you have a solid routine. however i didn't see anything about you warming up or down. the warming up/down is the two most important parts of Penis Enlargement, it losens up the tissue in the penis and allows more blood to flow into it. also what i used to do was after a work out just jerk it to the point where i'm about to cum then just sqweeze it off, that way it'll be filled to the max with blood just before i warm down.

hope that my two cents helped out a bit. good luck bro and welcome aboard
Good luck on gaining....you have a very good starting size....your not that small though so don't feel too bad! If you want my routine pm me and I might be able to help you with getting your goals...
Thanks to everyone!!
I have my own room but my parents always come in. They knock a few times then come straight in. How would I do a warm up without looking suspicious? Maybe in the toilet? What would I use as I dont have very much utensiles around here. i.e heating pad,etc.
Maybe you could warm up with some very light jelqing and massaging for five minutes or so. Why don't you tell your parents not to bother you and to give you a bit of privacy. Or you could always lock your door. When I lived at home at your age, my parents would never come in my room, probably for fear of what they might find in there. They were right not to.
lol...yea but i dont want them to be suspicious about me. I dont want to announce at the dinner table that i dont want them to come into my room. Plus my younger brothers are smart arses and would come in just to piss me off and hang shit on me.lol
LOL. Little bastards. In my opinion it doesn't matter if people are susicious about you, fuck it. Let them be. Why don't you lock your door or stuff something under it so that people can't get in?
hahaha yea but putting something behind my door would make them very suspicious and may take a differnt perspective on me lol
Do you think my stats could make a girl
hahaha yea but putting something behind my door would make them very suspicious and may take a differnt perspective on me lol
Do you think my stats could make a girl have an orgasim during sex?...how long do you think i would have to be screwing her
Your stats could definitely make a girl cum. Sex isn't all about size it's also about what you do and say. It's a learning curve same as Penis Enlargement, they help each other out, make each other better.

How long you would have to screw her is all down to the individual girl. Who knows? It depends on how horny she is ,etc. I heard somewhere that the largest selling dildo was 5.5" long and 4.5" around. Almost your exact measurements.

It's also important to know that some women prefer smaller penis'. Bigger ones can be painful. There is no doubt that you could make a girl cum. Be creative, use your tongue, fingers ,etc. You could easily make a girl cum using only your little finger and voice box.

Just get out there and practice.
Dude believe it or not, your penis is very adequate despite what you may think. I've had sex with four different girls with a 5.25 inch. But I've been doing Penis Enlargement and I'm 5.75 now in just 3 weeks.

Don't let your penis size dictate your life. You can surely have sex with that penis so don't doubt yourself. You're doing the right thing by trying to do something instead of sittting back and complaining that your penis is tiny, but don't throw sex away because you are scared. Cherish your first time having sex (in her mind she won't be thinking about amazing sex if its her first time either....she'll be in pain at first actually to be thinking about getting a good fucking).

Peace and live to see happier days.
awwdarn said:
hahaha yea but putting something behind my door would make them very suspicious and may take a differnt perspective on me lol
Do you think my stats could make a girl have an orgasim during sex?...how long do you think i would have to be screwing her

You must remember, some women can't orgasm from penetration alone. So here is what will help you feel better... Insert your dick for YOUR pleasure, and rub her clit at the same time for HER pleasure. Don't worry about your dick size, a 6 inch girth dildo don't even get my girl off unless I rub or lick her clit at the same time.

Just learn to be happy with yourself and do Penis Enlargement for your benefit, and nobody elses!
As for the privacy... f**k it. I am in the same situation and I couldn't care less what my parents think when I spend an hour in the bathroom.

You must learn to live YOUR life and stop being shy about what others may think. You don't need to explain yourself to them, just buy some relaxation oils and say you like to lay and relax in the bath.