So, I love how people argue so hard against Penis Enlargement, blatantly stating that it cannot be done. I, unfortunately, am a /b/tard, so I posted a thread about Penis Enlargement and asking what their thoughts were, and asking around for the opinions of people who had done or were doing Penis Enlargement, to see how it was going for them.
What I got was a shitstorm of "gtfo faggot" and "it's impossible, enjoy your small cock" and the usual bullshit.
What the hell is with people who are so against Penis Enlargement, that they dont even consider giving it a shot, or at least acknowledging it as a form of Penis Enlargement?
Simyan;394212 said:
Bluetard, they are bathing in their bath of ignorance. That's fine though, we still have the big dicks! :)
My thoughts exactly! However, here is some of the shit that I got from /adv/

"Dude, if this were possible, penis enlargement would be taught in medical schools and there would be classy places that did this
Like boob enlargement. There are real doctors who do this. lots of models and actresses have enlarged boobs
penis enlargement right now is the haven of shady websites."

Heres another where I posted the link to DLDs [words=]newbie routine[/words]! This one really pissed me off. Bitch didnt even look at the link.
"nice guerrilla marketing but no one will buy into and visit your fucking shit maleware ridden links ok? we are not stupid contrary to popular belief. if it works it will become public knowledge and not some weird secret technique taught in distant monasteries for the choosen only. stfu!"

Another dumbass
"cautiously break compartments... ooook.. you are an idiot nerves and veins actually get damaged easier than said compartments and the scar tissue is inflexible so jelqing can make your penis smaller and less hard. and don't come to me with do it the proper way, because nobody ever documented it properly.
it's a fucking scam and a dangerous one."

And then the only guy who was on my side on this, who had been over at Thunders and had gotten an inch over some course of time, how long I forget:
"Yeah and masturbating makes you go blind. Jelqing works similar to muscle building. It breaks the compartments where blood as stored so when they re-heal they become bigger and can hold more blood making your penis bigger. Jelqing obviously won't be good for you if you do it like a retard and squeeze way too hard and you may fuck up your dick. As long as you're relatively cautious and do a lot of research on warning signs, you'll be fine.

tldr; Don't be an idiot about it and you'll be fine"

What the fuck is wrong with some people? Why are some people SO GODDAMN CLOSE-MINDED?
Hey man heres how I feel about it. The fact is it DOES work and ONE day it WILL be mainstream society.... SO fukn what!?
The hardest part for me right now is not letting other peoples insecurities affect my self esteem.
I feel ya though haterz gotta do they muthafukin job ya know
To get these types to believe in Penis Enlargement you need to say shit like "gain 4" in 4 days"....most men would balk at having to train for 6 months or better, too much work and waiting for them...these are the type who never stop to smell the roses.
Personally I don't care what they think - I know that Penis Enlargement works - I have seen it for myself - let them disbelieve. Why get annoyed or wound up by their attitudes - it shouldn't impact what you do re Penis Enlargement when you already know that they are wrong.
Exactly what the others have been saying. Personally I am quite happy that I have this advantage over millions of other men. If they want to be so stubborn about it and disbelieve in Penis Enlargement, then so be it. THEY are the ones missing out, THEY are the ones who will never have the chance to physically improve their penis, just like they can their bodies.

If the Penis Enlargement secret never gets out mainstream, I would be very happy :P
I guess that is what to be expected. We are all lucky that somehow, we have all found, joined and fell in love with what [words=]MoS[/words] is today. To those people, I have photo graphic evidence showing my starting girth 2 months ago at 4.85" EG and to 5.25" EG which is where I am today. Still have a lot for work to do but every gain counts, which will eventually make you huge!

let the haters hate!
bluetard117;394225 said:
My thoughts exactly! However, here is some of the shit that I got from /adv/

"Dude, if this were possible, penis enlargement would be taught in medical schools and there would be classy places that did this
Like boob enlargement. There are real doctors who do this. lots of models and actresses have enlarged boobs
penis enlargement right now is the haven of shady websites."

Heres another where I posted the link to DLDs [words=]newbie routine[/words]! This one really pissed me off. Bitch didnt even look at the link.
"nice guerrilla marketing but no one will buy into and visit your fucking shit maleware ridden links ok? we are not stupid contrary to popular belief. if it works it will become public knowledge and not some weird secret technique taught in distant monasteries for the choosen only. stfu!"

Another dumbass
"cautiously break compartments... ooook.. you are an idiot nerves and veins actually get damaged easier than said compartments and the scar tissue is inflexible so jelqing can make your penis smaller and less hard. and don't come to me with do it the proper way, because nobody ever documented it properly.
it's a fucking scam and a dangerous one."

And then the only guy who was on my side on this, who had been over at Thunders and had gotten an inch over some course of time, how long I forget:
"Yeah and masturbating makes you go blind. Jelqing works similar to muscle building. It breaks the compartments where blood as stored so when they re-heal they become bigger and can hold more blood making your penis bigger. Jelqing obviously won't be good for you if you do it like a retard and squeeze way too hard and you may fuck up your dick. As long as you're relatively cautious and do a lot of research on warning signs, you'll be fine.

tldr; Don't be an idiot about it and you'll be fine"

What the fuck is wrong with some people? Why are some people SO GODDAMN CLOSE-MINDED?
there is a stigma against penis enlargement beacause there have been sooooo many false claims...pills, patches, we all know the bullshit.

i was thinking about posting somthing similar to this when i woke up today.

about why it takes so long for some people, it took me about 3 years just to get over the quick fix idea, instead of doing the work i was expecting massive gains and always thinking about the future and not really paying attention to my excersizes.

i think that if people KNEW it works and KNEW that all it takes is alot of time and alot of effort, they could stop being so stupid, people just want to be right even if its about somthing like proving penis enlargement false.
if you told someone that the least they could gain in 1 year of doing these excersizes on a CONSISTANT basis is about 1 inch (waaay less than most) they should still want to fucking do it.
instead these idiots will go 3 years and still have the same penis, while a dedicated Penis Enlargementer will be on his was to somthing incredible

the real question is why don't women feel the same about having a tight vagina that men do about having a thick penis, but thats waaay off topic
I have little hope for most of the so called current generation. They in fact do things like blindly vote for people like Obama based 100% on outward appearances. The internet is a ''anonymous'' venue (so people think) and they therefor feel they can say whatever they like to whoever. I don't care. I just carry on about my life and ignore most of the masses and their worthless opinions.
stillwantmore2;394332 said:
I have little hope for most of the so called current generation. They in fact do things like blindly vote for people like Obama based 100% on outward appearances. The internet is a ''anonymous'' venue (so people think) and they therefor feel they can say whatever they like to whoever. I don't care. I just carry on about my life and ignore most of the masses and their worthless opinions.

Agreed. I mean, granted, I was born in 1991, so I probably fit into that generation that you refer to, and yes, I would have voted for Obama had I been able to at the time, but after learning more, and just watching all forms of media available to me, I'm not sure if I'm really happy with any politician anymore.
However, when it comes to doing things differently, when I was in high school, everyone had the mindset "I want to go LSU and do what everyone else is doing!" I visualized where I wanted to go, and what I wanted to do when I got there, and here I am, at University of North Texas, doing music performance.
I don't ever recall seeing a truly honest politician :) Here in the UK, with the current system, it's impossible to be honest
Simyan;394320 said:
We are all lucky that somehow, we have all found, joined and fell in love with what [words=]MoS[/words] is today.

I asked my sociology professor what would happen if nobody voted a couple semesters ago. She just looked at me like I was nuts. LOL It's a sad statement when people will say ''well I voted for THEM, because there wasn't anyone else to vote for!'' How many times I've heard that sorry excuse, I don't know. If I don't like any candidates that ARE running, I DON'T VOTE. Simple enough. I don't get people.

Anyway, you guys also have to remember we live in a society now that is all about instant gratification for the most part. People who know what hard work is are a dying breed. If that were not the case, the average household income (two working adults) would not still be $60K BEFORE taxes. Around where I live, it's closer to $40K with two working adults in the household. My wife is college educated as am I becoming. When I graduate we will be bringing in nearly twice the average American household income.

Not to brag of course. That said.

If people can't get it quickly, it doesn't exist to them. Success is for the ''lucky'' and ''right place at the right time'' stuff for most people. Having to work for something of value is a foreign concept. Sure, we can (most people) have nice things..a new car, a house, nice clothes, etc...but we put it on credit so we can have it NOW and pay for it for years and years. Too many people also have the mentality of ''well if it's SO good, why isn't everyone doing it??'' It's such an idiotic, rhetorical question if you think about it. Because, things that are worth having again, take WORK. How many fewer big breasted women would there be in the world (America especially) if there was no such thing as breast enlargement surgery and getting bigger breasts required manual exercises like Penis Enlargement? :) There's a thought.
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Haha. You go to 4chan? I use to go there until some idiot in /b/ posted pedobear bull. That shit is grade,"A," disgusting.