well let me ya mon that me brother lex is 4 inches bigger than me, and me farter is 2 inches bigger that I am, me cuson Juls is 1 inch bigger than me. For a family known to have big cocks mine is the smallest. me girl friend Myrtal Jean, says If I don't get a bigger dick soon she goin to look for me bro to satify her lust. That's why I ashamed me mon. I have attached me picture, what do ya think me lads.

Jamician Joe said:
well let me ya mon that me brother lex is 4 inches bigger than me, and me farter is 2 inches bigger that I am, me cuson Juls is 1 inch bigger than me. For a family known to have big cocks mine is the smallest. me girl friend Myrtal Jean, says If I don't get a bigger dick soon she goin to look for me bro to satify her lust. That's why I ashamed me mon. I have attached me picture, what do ya think me lads.


Awesome picture! Great body and a very good starting penis size. Stick with the basics for now and you are sure to satisfy your girl. Making gains is all about dedication. A great place to start is here: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1597
Yo Joe hows it going in lovely Jamiaca chum.
GREAT place, I must go again.
Your pix, JEEZ man dont be ashamed, I aint saying this to be nice ... but FUCK ME, ya NOT small....ya GREAT size there man.
Ya bros and papa are just LUCKY, your NOT unlucky, they were blessed with bigger dicks ... but you know about Penis Enlargement - THIS art we do here lol ... so ya'll be alrger in no time me mon.
As for ya girl, well she sounds like a size queen ... gunna dump ya cos a bigger cock is near, nah fuck her man .... get ya Penis Enlargement done thanks to us here and GROW and GROW.
In dee meantime, look in the beaches for BRITISH woman, no jokes ... they will LOVE YOU MAN , fuck them off while ya grow grow .. no shit man.

Goto http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5913 and DOWNLOAD my constrictor guide, has pix and EVERYTHING to get ya a MONSTER DICK, yo seem to like the string around the dick from lookin at the pix so itlll be GREAT for yaz man.

PM me ANYTIME for help bro, I'z gunna get ya into a STUD in no time ma Jamaican buddy .. than we can light up some fine West Indian pot and smoke ot all night fuckin long man.
Well tell me Mon REDZULU2003, which part of Jamaica did ya go to, I live with me dad and Brover in Kingston Bay right near the docks, Tell me mon did ya happen to try some our Jamaica smoke's if get me drift, It's great to here from some one has visited me country. Well Mon I was Wolverhampton for a few years ya know, I worked at Goodyear's tyre factory. Lot's of nice pussy there I'll tell ya. White and Black, When I was there these lovely birds used to whistle at me package as I wore tight paint's. Now tell me Me Mon ya say "but you know about Penis Enlargement - THIS art we do here" what this fuck is this Penis Enlargement all about?

Hey BeBobBox, me Mon I am in pretty good shape, except me old cock is still only 7, 3/4" slack and 8.5" erect, me girth is about 6", but ya wanta see me brover, Now he is at least 12.5" erect with a 8.5" girth. When he sticks into broad, she walks wiv a limp for a couple of day's, and she has glassy eye's for a week. I'll see if me girl Myrtle Jean will let me take a picture of her pussy. would ya guys like to see me girls pussy?
Sundown said:
Haha , not a hope , I don't think jamaicans spell "man" as "mon" , good effort though.

First the guy posts about making ballzingers that are better than supra's, then says "mon" all the time, and posts a picture that looks professionally done, along with outrageous size claims of his siblings. And supra has been quiet lately... Hydromaxm...
Hey philadelph, Ya got believe that I got this package, and me family are all bigger than me mon. So donut be Jealous.

Hey TimBo755, Ya do not know what ya missing me mon, a little bit of Jamaican pussy is probably the best pussy in the world. Ya should try eating it me mon, Lots of cum.
Yes, thats what im saying, seems like they expect more than I can offer.. Hopefully not the case in the near future.. :)

So how big is BIG to them? any ideas?
Joe ya MASSIVE , AT 8.5 inches LENGTH ERECT YA BIGGER or the SAME as me right now, and I done it for nearlt 3 years.
I liked Jamiaca, cant remmeber where we went .. was nice.
I think you are OVER reacting about ya so called small size.
Ya bro and dad are FREAKS and aint normal in size, you AINT fuckin small ... ya gunna de-moralise peeps here with this talk, like me ... I worked 3 years to get what YOU HAVE, be lucky ya have it now mate.
I WONNA HELP YOU, GET the constrictor guide and read it ... it has the keys to the doors.

Come back to the UK sometime and beat UK pussy mate lol Black dick is top of the food chain here in the UK , the hoes love licarice.

Am here to help ya, if ya DONT UNDERSTAND pe ASK questions or even PM dld he is GREAT.

And ignore those who call your typing, I KNOW that Jamaican's talk like this ... I have freinds from there.

Joe, heres where the constrictor guide is at ... I have gained GREAT cos of this and so too many others.

This is for you.

txt version http://www.triflux.com/mos/The_Guide_version3_wants9_edit_rev2.doc
PDF Version http://www.triflux.com/mos/The_Guide_version3_wants9_edit_rev2.pdf

Also the guy who hosts these guides goes by the name of Ancient China and I ADVISE you to also chat to him, he also has Jamaican roots .. would be nice for you to talk to someone I feel from ya home roots with this, make it easyer and they been through it also.

PM me.

JJoe i was being sarcastic about gettin in shape :D - i meant that your already wut people in here are trying to be at and you talk about it as if its REALLY SMALL. Anyways, good luck catchin up to your family...

Also why isnt supra on this thread... Hydromaxmmmm
Well me Mon TimBo755, Ya dona know what ya missing me Mon, As I said, Jamaican pussy is the best. Let me ask ya a question me Mon, Have ya ever dipped ya dick in a bucket of snot, and felt the comfort of elements rubbing along the shaft. If not mate then ya should try dipping ya dick into a nice piece of Black pussy. So if ya want try black without trying black mate, then get a bucket of snot and put ya dick in and out a few times. Yawl find it very comforting me old Mon.

TimBo755 said:
adding Jamaica to one of the places I will NOT be getting laid by locals.. ;)
Hey me Mon richdad, Do ya want ta see him having a blow job or having a jump, or just showing off his big tool?

richdad007 said:
I wanna see your brothers 12.5" x 8 , post a picture here to help back-up your claims.
Hey BeBobBox, I know ya trying to take the piss, but that's ok me mon. I think that taking the piss is what life is all about me old son. I hope ya get to be a big lad one day.

BeBobBox said:
JJoe i was being sarcastic about gettin in shape :D - i meant that your already wut people in here are trying to be at and you talk about it as if its REALLY SMALL. Anyways, good luck catchin up to your family...

Also why isnt supra on this thread... Hydromaxmmmm
Hey me Mon REDZULU2003, which part of the old country do ya cum from. Yeh so ya do like a bit of the Jamician stuff, Have ya ever had any Black pussy? Here is a picture of me Girl Myrtal Jean. What do ya think me Mon.

REDZULU2003 said:
Yo Joe hows it going in lovely Jamiaca chum.
GREAT place, I must go again.
Your pix, JEEZ man dont be ashamed, I aint saying this to be nice ... but FUCK ME, ya NOT small....ya GREAT size there man.
Ya bros and papa are just LUCKY, your NOT unlucky, they were blessed with bigger dicks ... but you know about Penis Enlargement - THIS art we do here lol ... so ya'll be alrger in no time me mon.
As for ya girl, well she sounds like a size queen ... gunna dump ya cos a bigger cock is near, nah fuck her man .... get ya Penis Enlargement done thanks to us here and GROW and GROW.
In dee meantime, look in the beaches for BRITISH woman, no jokes ... they will LOVE YOU MAN , fuck them off while ya grow grow .. no shit man.

Goto http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5913 and DOWNLOAD my constrictor guide, has pix and EVERYTHING to get ya a MONSTER DICK, yo seem to like the string around the dick from lookin at the pix so itlll be GREAT for yaz man.

PM me ANYTIME for help bro, I'z gunna get ya into a STUD in no time ma Jamaican buddy .. than we can light up some fine West Indian pot and smoke ot all night fuckin long man.
philadelph, me Mon, have ya ever bin to me home land Jamicia? I dun think ya have, So how would know what we call Mon.

"posts about making ballzingers that are better than supra's,"

Now me Mon don't knock what ya ny idea of or have never tried. All I can say me Mon is that ya got sour grapes. Go and get a dick.

philadelph said:
First the guy posts about making ballzingers that are better than supra's, then says "mon" all the time, and posts a picture that looks professionally done, along with outrageous size claims of his siblings. And supra has been quiet lately... Hydromaxm...
Jamician Joe said:
philadelph, me Mon, have ya ever bin to me home land Jamicia? I dun think ya have, So how would know what we call Mon.

"posts about making ballzingers that are better than supra's,"

Now me Mon don't knock what ya ny idea of or have never tried. All I can say me Mon is that ya got sour grapes. Go and get a dick.

Whatever you say Joe. Go and get a dick? Now your just acting childish. Not trying to cause any fights here, but on the internet it is natural to be skeptical of people.
Jamician Joe said:
philadelph, me Mon, have ya ever bin to me home land Jamicia? I dun think ya have, So how would know what we call Mon.

"posts about making ballzingers that are better than supra's,"

Now me Mon don't knock what ya ny idea of or have never tried. All I can say me Mon is that ya got sour grapes. Go and get a dick.

The JAMICIAN Mark Twain! You have competition now RED:D
damn your brother 12in,and your pops is 2in bigger than you and your 8in damn thats krazy how tall are you people?7 feet
Greetings lion. Well this guy has some style. I wonder if he is for real. Joe your girl looks mighty hot lol. Go easy on a pot Joe lol.
Joe, ya GREAT mon ... yah bird is FINE, nice black pussy and tits.
Yes I have had sex with black woman, I like the THICK lips on my cock, nuthing BETTER than black lips on a cock.
Just that IMHO not being racist or trying to offend I dont find them very attractive when compared to what I LOVE which is Latin woman, no offense as I say ... I LOVE all races and have many black freinds .... infact I am probably the only non racist copper in the UK lol

I went to an area in Jamaica called Montigo Bay I think??? we stayed near there.
Was fuckin fine man, real HOT.....so chilled out, the peeps are so fun and cool...I wanted to live there .... just I get INTIMIDATED by those Gangstas with da dreadlocks, nah I wouldnt mess with them doggs

Have ya looked at the guide I mentioned??? take a peek.
It will work.

Yo DLD, nah he wont become the next Twain guy .... who is Mark Twain anyway??????? NEVER eard of him, I want to cos peeps say its me lol

Anyways Jamaica is part of the UK commonwealth me yanky freinds so hes one of us, treat him as family ... lol finest weed in the world man, used to be drugged up allday in Jamiaca and I was WAY underage lol also one of me best mates in the Police has Jamaican blood, fuckin rocking man.
REDZULU2003 said:
Yo DLD, nah he wont become the next Twain guy .... who is Mark Twain anyway??????? NEVER eard of him, I want to cos peeps say its me

Mark Twain was a genius, American writer. Here is some links about this mastermind!
Yeah Mark Twain was truly a genius. I remember reading Tom Sawyer and all the Twain's adventures. Those books are great. By the way what hapenned to Joe? Not the InjunJoe but JamicianJoe lol?
WTF, why is Joe banned? he owned me some rum and weed.
No shit why is he banned? answers on a postcard.
And thet twain guy is me lol I saw this before, very honoured in a strange way lol to be related to him as a reminder to somone.

So dld why do I remind you of him?
Hello there REDZULU2003, me Mon, I must say that you being as copper and smoking up the weed does not go hand in hand. I know that coppers that are in the drug enforcement, occasionally have a drag of the good stuff. Here in Kingston, most of the coppers smoke the best weed. Me Mon I don't that shit, I used smoke it but when I stopped smoking fags, I decided to make cookies, and Me mon let tell ya when ya have eaten two or three ya get a body high. Myrtle Jean also eats me cookies.

Then after about two hours when have a good body high, we fuck for a couple hours. Then I eat her until she cums again. Then she gets them big lips around the head of my cock, and licks until I blow a load down her throat. Then I get me prick between her big tits and that lasts for another hour.

so how long have ya been a copper REDZULU2003? I ma glad that ya have had some black pussy, it's just sticking ya prick into a bucket of maggots. keep in touch, I may be on me way to Birmingham in a couple of months.

Would like to meet some of Jamician mates, maybe we could have a couple of bevies.

REDZULU2003 said:
Joe, ya GREAT mon ... yah bird is FINE, nice black pussy and tits.
Cwhich is Latin woman, no offense as I say ... I LOVE all races and have many black freinds .... infact I am probably the only non racist copper in the UK lol

I went to an area in Jamaica called Montigo Bay I think??? we stayed near there.
Was fuckin fine man, real HOT.....so chilled out, the peeps are so fun and cool...I wanted to live there .... just I get INTIMIDATED by those Gangstas with da dreadlocks, nah I wouldnt mess with them doggs

Have ya looked at the guide I mentioned??? take a peek.
It will work.

Yo DLD, nah he wont become the next Twain guy .... who is Mark Twain anyway??????? NEVER eard of him, I want to cos peeps say its me lol

Anyways Jamaica is part of the UK commonwealth me yanky freinds so hes one of us, treat him as family ... lol finest weed in the world man, used to be drugged up allday in Jamiaca and I was WAY underage lol also one of me best mates in the Police has Jamaican blood, fuckin rocking man.
Yes, I smoked it years back when I was a bad ass lol I hung around with a drug dealing gang and got upto no good than.
I am a reformed charecter now, but still wild lol
Been a cop for 2 months now, just joined infact and doing my 2 year probation period, in the Merseyside service going around Liverpool, Runcorn, Ellsmere port all the scum areas full of crime.
I like it, I aint a bad cop .. one of the cool cops.
I dont do drugs anymo but I drink the STRONGESTdrink ya can get, hahaha tits from Bermuda , there rum - navy rum like 108% pure ... I drink it raw about 20 mouth fulls and collapse in a heap, makes ya fly around the fuckin sky man.

I been to Birmingham aswell, its also a rough area ... Coventry not far from there, very hard around that area.
So ya got family here? where ya live now?

Ya got any recipes for home made rum? if so get um on here lol I had one from someone here for homemade Japanese wine which is STRONG as hell, nearly blew ma fuckin head off

cyaz soon
No me Mon philadelph, I am not trying to start anything. Ya know Mon it was ya that made some nasty comments. So before ya make nasty comments make sure that ya really want say nasty things about people. I suggest me Mon that ya should grow up, and learn how Communicate with some dignity, if ya cannot swim don't get into the water.

philadelph said:
Whatever you say Joe. Go and get a dick? Now your just acting childish. Not trying to cause any fights here, but on the internet it is natural to be skeptical of people.
Hey Mon, we do have a lot in common, I used screw a bird from Widnes. I went with her for a couple of months, She was a great blower, all she wanted to do was have 69s. She would blow at the flicks, in her house, driving in the car. The problem was she could only take the head in her mouth, to get it all in she'd lie on her back tip her head back, then I would slide my dick into her trap. She loved me to blow a load into mouth and down her throat, then she used to chew it like bubble gum for a few minuets before shed swallow.

I packed her up though, she was puddled. She lived near the old transporter bridge used to be over the Mersey. She was a white bird, with big tits and a nice shitter.

Me cuzon lives in Manchester, he is married to a local bird. big tits and a nice arse.

"Ya got any recipes for home made rum" No me Man but got some recipes for space cake, and space drink. But ya can find all kinds of recipes on the web me Mon.

REDZULU2003 said:
Yes, I smoked it years back when I was a bad ass lol I hung around with a drug dealing gang and got upto no good than.
I am a reformed charecter now, but still wild lol
Been a cop for 2 months now, just joined infact and doing my 2 year probation period, in the Merseyside service going around Liverpool, Runcorn, Ellsmere port all the scum areas full of crime.
I like it, I aint a bad cop .. one of the cool cops.
I dont do drugs anymo but I drink the STRONGESTdrink ya can get, hahaha tits from Bermuda , there rum - navy rum like 108% pure ... I drink it raw about 20 mouth fulls and collapse in a heap, makes ya fly around the fuckin sky man.

I been to Birmingham aswell, its also a rough area ... Coventry not far from there, very hard around that area.
So ya got family here? where ya live now?

Ya got any recipes for home made rum? if so get um on here lol I had one from someone here for homemade Japanese wine which is STRONG as hell, nearly blew ma fuckin head off

cyaz soon
Hey me Mon, richdad007, I will ask him to show off his power of persuasion as soon as cums back from a trip up Island to find some good smoke.

richdad007 said:
I wanna see your brothers 12.5" x 8 , post a picture here to help back-up your claims.
Sounds like ya had a great time here mate.
So tell me, what do the white hoes think about ya black mamba? tell us some dirty stories man.
Hey Mon, REDZULU2003, Let me tell ya I had a great time in the UK, especially in Blackpool, I used to ride a 650 Triumph. Also had a 500 Norton, great bikes. Used to get lots of white and black birds, on the the bikes. The white birds love the Black mamba, I attached a few funny Jockes for ya me Mon. I hope ya like a bloody good laugh.

tell us some dirty stories man.[/QUOTE]
Hey ElCapitan, me Mon, Myrtal Jean, is one hot bird. Nice thick pussy lips to grab ya dick as ya slide it in and out. Just a great fuck.

ElCapitan]Greetings lion. Well this guy has some style. I wonder if he is for real. Joe your girl looks mighty hot lol. Go easy on a pot Joe lol.[/QUOTE]
Yo the jokes were GREAT lol me LMFAO hahahahah
I bet them white sluts loved the black mamba, they worshipped it right lol bowed down and eate it up like hoes, yeehaaaa.
Nuthing better than dirty UK sluts me man, no country NOT even the yanky doodle doos have hornyer or more sexed up woman than the UK, or men for that matter....the Dutch woman LOVE the UK men, when I went to Amsterdam for a LONG shag weekend they said they loved us the best as we had the best cocks, sex and money lol
Hey yaz been to Blackpool as well, fuckin mad as hell....get ya ass to Essex and Bournemouth will have a mad one down there man.
The Essex birds are the BEST dirty sluts ever.
Are you people really believing this guy?
I would bet jamaican joe is playing a big joke. That pic is a proffesional photo. I bet he is a white guy. 8.5 inches is small to your girlfriend? What doe she have an elephants vagina? lol
Also his brother's name is Lex? (lexington steele)lol.....his other brother is juls? (Jules Jordan) two well known pornstar. And much of the dialogue type sounds very phony, like a stereotype of jamaican culture made up by somebody who has never been there. ( people with a boston accent say park and dark differently, dark sometimes sounds like dock) but they still spell them properly.
As a prankster, I know one when I see one....decent joke though. JamaicaJoe should try chatrooms, they're better for pranks you get instant feedback.
Last edited:
turkzilla said:
I would bet jamaican joe is playing a big joke. That pic is a proffesional photo.
Also his brother's name is Lex? (lexington steele)lol.....his other brother is juls? (Jules Jordan) two well known pornstar. And much of the dialogue type sounds very phony, like a stereotype of jamaican culture made up by somebody who has never been there. ( people with a boston accent say park and dark differently, dark sometimes sounds like dock) but they still spell them properly.
As a prankster, I know one when I see one....Still good joke though. JamaicaJoe should try chatrooms, they're better for pranks you get instant feedback.

Good thing someone else notices this.
lol hey mateys we dont know for a FACT, now lets not start any shit in here ... dont need anymo drama lol
jeez I should get paid for this, hahaha DLD start PAYING ME.
The only thing ya can do is either talk or IGNORE the man.
Makeing such comments that hes fake will only annoy him, may cause drama lol who knows what might happen [DLD *ahem*].
Hey turkzilla, As I said before me brover is a proffessional photogarpher. Do ya think that I would take the piss out ya all?

As far a me dick is concerned it's just over 8" when its soft, since I bin Jelqing. Ya mates are a real good crowd. I like talking to ya from here in Jamaica.

Turkzilla Ya said "Lex? (lexington steele)" never seen him or the other lad "Juls? (Jules Jordan)" are they as big as me brover and me cuzon. "What doe she have an elephants vagina? lol" Myrtal Jean could probalby take a small bull of a small elephant. She got a BIG BIG Pussy. mate.

turkzilla said:
Are you people really believing this guy?
I would bet jamaican joe is playing a big joke. That pic is a proffesional photo. I bet he is a white guy. 8.5 inches is small to your girlfriend? What doe she have an elephants vagina? lol
Also his brother's name is Lex? (lexington steele)lol.....his other brother is juls? (Jules Jordan) two well known pornstar. And much of the dialogue type sounds very phony, like a stereotype of jamaican culture made up by somebody who has never been there. ( people with a boston accent say park and dark differently, dark sometimes sounds like dock) but they still spell them properly.
As a prankster, I know one when I see one....decent joke though. JamaicaJoe should try chatrooms, they're better for pranks you get instant feedback.
Hey me Mate REDZULU2003, I thought yo where getting at least 10 quid a day for dealing with this shit. By the way did like the Jokes?

REDZULU2003 said:
lol hey mateys we dont know for a FACT, now lets not start any shit in here ... dont need anymo drama lol
jeez I should get paid for this, hahaha DLD start PAYING ME.
The only thing ya can do is either talk or IGNORE the man.
Makeing such comments that hes fake will only annoy him, may cause drama lol who knows what might happen [DLD *ahem*].
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Hey GhosT_DoGG, Thanks for the comments, I expect me brover to be back by the end of May, He gone for a walk about trying to find some good smoke up. Myrtal Jean is a very hot bird mate. Nice sloppy pussy lot of meat on those thick pussy lips. Very wet and warm, great for tonguing.

GhosT_DoGG said:
Jamaican Joe, yor brother come back from the Island yet?

Btw jamaica seems very cool, your girl look to be hot!
Hey there me Mon REDZULU2003, glade ya enjoyed the jokes. Ya betya the birds in Britain is really good fucks me Mon. They like to be eaten as well as screwed. Great birds for BJs. They love the Black Mamba, bet they would also like me brovers python.

Amsterdam, been there to. Great place, especially round Central station, and the canals at the back. Great smoke shops, and lots of space cake. I got some good seeds from the Marijuana Museum, paid 100 guilders for ten. good plants all female lots buds.

One place I haven't been to is Bournemouth, Ya say lots of hoy birds down there? When I cum to visit me couson in Manchester I'll have to make a side trip Essex and Bournemouth.

REDZULU2003 said:
Yo the jokes were GREAT lol me LMFAO hahahahah
I bet them white sluts loved the black mamba, they worshipped it right lol bowed down and eate it up like hoes, yeehaaaa.
Nuthing better than dirty UK sluts me man, no country NOT even the yanky doodle doos have hornyer or more sexed up woman than the UK, or men for that matter....the Dutch woman LOVE the UK men, when I went to Amsterdam for a LONG shag weekend they said they loved us the best as we had the best cocks, sex and money lol
Hey yaz been to Blackpool as well, fuckin mad as hell....get ya ass to Essex and Bournemouth will have a mad one down there man.
The Essex birds are the BEST dirty sluts ever.
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