Now if you have good or great EQ from Penis Enlargement or just from having it please let me know how. Now let me start off by saying recently my EQ has been on a major decline in the last month or more. I have done NOTHING different. Penis Enlargement, LIFTING,etc. nothing has changed in my life except this new girl and my bad EQ.
Now I must be honest and humble to say this to others. But when I meet her I got "butterflys" I havent had that shit since like being 11 or 12. I was even scared to approach her and Im not scared to talk to people at all. After getting to know her some what she told me im the only guy that makes her blush(but some girls say stuff to make us feel good....even though I dont mind
Now to be honest I just have this 3rd sense of spotting out girls who have high sex drives. No matter how they act(good or bad). She puts on this good girl front but my senses tell me its not real. I know a freak when I see one
. To be 100% honest I judge chicks of personality mostly. Yes most of us are shallow and want admit it. And we all go off of looks most of the time but I have been with girls that look better. But there is something about here that "feels good" You know what I mean? It just seems to good to be true. I think she is perfect for me.
Now Im not one of this D-Bags who fuck girls just to say "man I hit that" to me thats a loser thing anyway. To be honest most of the time I dont even tell my close buddies who I have been with for the most part(nothing good comes from telling people who you have been with....TRUST ME DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE I MADE...thats a whole nother funny story)
Now its not even a "fucking" thing, This chick is a keeper. I want to make sweet love to her. knock her socks off. But my EQ sucks really bad and its weird cause my health is at a all time high.
If you know what my problem is please, PLEASE HELP ME OUT? Me and her pussy is begging you to. I have no clue what wrong with me.
Now I must be honest and humble to say this to others. But when I meet her I got "butterflys" I havent had that shit since like being 11 or 12. I was even scared to approach her and Im not scared to talk to people at all. After getting to know her some what she told me im the only guy that makes her blush(but some girls say stuff to make us feel good....even though I dont mind

Now to be honest I just have this 3rd sense of spotting out girls who have high sex drives. No matter how they act(good or bad). She puts on this good girl front but my senses tell me its not real. I know a freak when I see one

Now Im not one of this D-Bags who fuck girls just to say "man I hit that" to me thats a loser thing anyway. To be honest most of the time I dont even tell my close buddies who I have been with for the most part(nothing good comes from telling people who you have been with....TRUST ME DONT MAKE THE MISTAKE I MADE...thats a whole nother funny story)
Now its not even a "fucking" thing, This chick is a keeper. I want to make sweet love to her. knock her socks off. But my EQ sucks really bad and its weird cause my health is at a all time high.
If you know what my problem is please, PLEASE HELP ME OUT? Me and her pussy is begging you to. I have no clue what wrong with me.
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